11 myths and truths about menstruation: is the delay normal?

Menstruation is a natural process that involves countless questions. Clarify the main myths and truths on the topic:


1. Menstrual delay is normal

Truth!  In addition to being normal, the delay is also natural. There are common factors that contribute to delays, such as stress and emotional disturbances that can interfere with the menstrual cycle.

However, if it lasts a long time, this delay can be a sign of a possible pregnancy or more serious problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis , thyroid problems, anorexia , obesity , among others.

2. Menstruation pauses when in the water

Myth!  In general, menstrual bleeding does not have a large volume, being a continuous and small flow.

For this reason, when the woman enters the water, the trickle of blood that flows tends to be diluted in the water and not be noticed. But he is not interrupted.

However, if the water is cold, there may be an effect on the blood vessels, causing them to constrict, making it harder and slowing the blood out.

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3. It is impossible to get pregnant in the menstrual period

Myth ! Although the chance of pregnancy during menstruation is quite small, it is still possible for the egg to be fertilized.

For a pregnancy to happen during menstruation, it is necessary that the menstrual cycle is very short, so that the date of ovulation occurs close to that of the initial bleeding. Another possibility is that bleeding lasts a long time, causing ovulation to occur at the same time.

That is, although rare, it can happen. For this reason, condom use should always be prioritized.

4. The morning after pill disrupts the menstrual cycle

Truth! The morning after pill has a large hormonal dosage and this ends up interfering with the menstrual cycle, which can make it unregulated during the month it was used.

Therefore, it should not be used as a constant method of contraception, but in cases of emergency.

Women who maintain an active sex life and who do not intend to become pregnant should seek contraception with the guidance of a gynecologist.

5. Menstrual delay can be psychological

Truth! Even the desire to become pregnant can lead to a psychological pregnancy.

The anxiety , nervousness and excessive emotions generate a hormonal imbalance, and because of that, the results are pregnancy symptoms, including lack of menstruation.

6. Contraceptives do not change menstrual flow

Myth ! The woman’s menstrual cycle may suffer changes due to hormonal contraceptive treatments.

The use of the pill, vaginal ring and implants makes the body believe that it no longer needs to produce progesterone , which makes menstrual flow lighter.

In addition, other factors may be involved in changing the cycle, such as disease. Cancer , heart disorders and thyroid problems, for example, can cause changes in the regularity of bleeding.

However, it is worth mentioning that it is not because your menstrual period is unregulated or abnormal that you have signs of a disease or dysfunction. Before assuming anything, talk to your gynecologist.

7. Sex during menstruation is more pleasurable

Myth! There is an idea that women feel more pleasure when they are menstruating, but this is not always true.

During menstruation, testosterone levels are higher, which can cause sexual desire to be increased, but by itself it does not make sex more or less pleasurable.

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8. Pregnant women do not menstruate

Really ! Pregnant women do not menstruate, however, they may bleed during pregnancy.

There is no menstruation because the woman’s body releases human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy, which prevents the flaking of the endometrium, a determining factor for menstruation.

Bleeding can happen with sex, transvaginal ultrasound or touch exam, fibroids and polyps, coagulant medications, onset of labor, uterine rupture, spontaneous abortion, among others.

Read more: Brown discharge (light, dark): in pregnancy, what can it be?

9. Exercising during your menstrual period is bad

Myth!  Quite the opposite! In fact, there is a benefit of physical activity in releasing hormones. There are no contraindications for physical exercise during the menstrual period of a healthy woman.

Exercises can even help relieve colic thanks to the endorphin (well-being hormone) produced after physical activity.

10. Excessive menstrual bleeding is dangerous

Really ! Menstruating in large quantities causes loss of iron, a mineral linked to hemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells.

As a consequence, the woman may develop anemia  and show signs of weakness and tiredness . In more severe cases, the patient requires hospitalization and blood transfusion.

11. Menstrual delay can be cyst

Truth! The delay can be a sign of an ovarian cyst .

Cysts can form on the inside, outside or even on the ovary, and cancerous cyst cases are rare. The development of a cyst is closely linked to sex hormones.

They can prevent ovulation and the fertile period and therefore end up delaying menstruation.
