With the arrival of the cold, many concerns regarding our health take over our head, after all, there are many existing diseases that are even worse with low temperature, such as bronchitis and asthma .
In addition to our health, our body also suffers a lot from the drop in temperature, and may even freeze or lose more heat than it can produce, as is the case with hypothermia. Most people know the disease very superficially, not knowing what the causes are and how to treat it.
And that is why, today, the article is about that.
What is Hypothermia?
Human beings are homeothermic in nature, that is, their body temperature is always constant, around 37ºC, with slight variations in this number (from 0.2ºC to 0.4ºC). So, when there is a very drastic drop in body temperature, you need to be aware of the symptoms, as it can be hypothermia.
And what is hypothermia? , you must be asking yourself.
Hypothermia is when the body’s core temperature drops below 35ºC. Central temperature is the temperature of the heart, lung, brain and splanchnic organs. When hypothermia is not treated quickly, there can be some complications, including death.
The phases of Hypothermia
The disease can be classified into three stages:
First step
The first stage occurs when the body temperature drops between 1 and 2 degrees. The person has chills, his breathing becomes faster and his hands numb, preventing him from doing everyday tasks.