Freezing food: does it lose nutrients?

Either to facilitate the routine and leave the lunch half-ready during the week, or for those who want to make the food last longer, freezing food is a common practice and, at the same time, full of doubts.

After all, is putting vegetables, meats or pots in the freezer in a freezer is bad and causes loss of nutrients? Or can this be a really effective measure to have a more homemade diet?


Does freezing food cause them to lose nutrients?

By the freezing process, no. This, because this method is the one that most preserves food in relation to its natural state, with few changes. Color and texture, however much they may be affected, still show few changes compared to other storage modes.

Storing food below 18ºC already prevents microorganisms from being able to develop. That is, the result is that the food does not spoil.

But many people have doubts about nutritional preservation, as soon as they believe that freezing vegetables, for example, can affect the amount of vitamins and minerals. The truth is that there may be a loss of some nutrients, but it is very small, around 10% – which is much less when the food is in a natural state.

It is worth remembering that this will also depend on the type of food, whether it is a vegetable or a meat, for example. But, in general, cooking itself during preparation results from a decrease in nutrients.

This occurs through the action of oxygen, which generates enzymatic reactions, resulting in changes in the color, appearance and even taste of the food. So, opting for freezing reduces or stops the oxidation process. Thus, the sooner the food is frozen, the more preserved it becomes.

Ah, it is important to remember that freezing has its specificities. That is, when taking everything to the freezer or freezer, some precautions need to be taken, such as packaging, temperature and storage time.

Which fruits can be frozen?

The banana , pear and mango , for example, are fruits that undergo changes in color and texture to be frozen. However, if the goal is to make some cream or juice, this will not have much effect on the result.

To freeze the fruit and consume it later, just sanitize it properly, cut it into pieces and remove the peel, lumps or seeds. Then, just store in vacuum bags suitable for this and place in the freezer. They last for about 3 to 6 months without losing their properties.

It can also be used to make sweets and juices. In this case, just beat the fruit with a little water, put it in a suitable and well sealed container, and take it to the freezer or freezer.

How to freeze greens and vegetables?

Vegetables and vegetables must undergo a thermal shock before being taken to the freezer. Also known as whitening, it results in the inactivation of enzymes that cause food to deteriorate – that is, it is what causes food to change color, taste and spoil.

Bleaching also reduces the amount of microorganisms that may be present in the food, which makes it safer for food.

The process is simple, just boil the water, in an amount that is enough to soak the food. Then, immerse the vegetable or vegetable in it for a time between 3 and 5 minutes in a boil.

You must then remove the food and immediately place it in a bowl of ice water so that the cooking process is interrupted. Then just pack and take it to the freezer.

Broccoli, carrots, chayote, cauliflower, cauliflower, peas, spinach, okra, radish, cabbage are some examples that must go through this process.

On average, vegetables last 6 to 12 months frozen.

How to freeze raw meat?

In order to freeze raw meats, it is essential that they are neither washed nor seasoned, preferably removing the fats. If they are large pieces, it is important to cut them, as they can form ice crystals that prevent uniform thawing.

Ah, it is worth remembering that it is not possible to refreeze a food that has been defrosted. That is, prefer to divide into small portions to avoid waste.

Beef, chicken or fish meats last, on average, between 2 and 5 months properly frozen.

To defrost it is necessary to remove it from the freezer or freezer and move it to the refrigerator. That is, nothing to leave the meat at room temperature or in a water bath, as soon as this can cause the proliferation of microorganisms harmful to health.

How to freeze rice and beans?

Both can be frozen, as long as they are cooked. For beans , the ideal is to cook without seasoning and not let the beans become too soft. Then, just put it in individual portions and take it to the freezer.

To prepare it, just put the jars directly in the pan, with a seasoning made on the spot – which guarantees the fresh flavor.

These foods last for about 2 months at low temperatures without significantly losing their nutrients or undergoing a change in flavor.

It is difficult to have a fair every week to have fresh fruits and vegetables on the menu. But taking care of food can be simpler with some changes in the routine. How about exchanging delivery for a homemade meal? This may be possible by freezing food.

Want to know more tips to keep your dish healthy and varied? Count on the Healthy Minute!
