It is common for children, throughout their development, to suffer from some type of food allergy , be it egg, milk or peanuts.
This condition limits the child from consuming these foods and can be a little uncomfortable when preparing meals.
But we are going to talk especially about one of these cases, that of peanuts. According to research published in Pediatrics , the recommendation is to add the product early in the lives of children. This is what the new guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says.
According to the health entity, contact with peanuts from 4 to 6 months can help to reduce the future allergic incidence.
However, this goes against the guidance of doctors that it would be necessary to give this type of food (allergens) only after childhood, exactly as a way to avoid allergies in the future.
The discovery was based on the monitoring of the introduction of peanuts in babies at the proposed age (from 4 to 6 months) and the data obtained from allergic indices.
Balance when adding food
According to the AAP’s recommendation, the intake of these foods should happen in an appropriate and balanced way, following the medical order.
The higher the child’s allergy level, the sooner the food should be added to his or her diet.
For example, for high-risk babies to have this allergy, peanuts should be made from 4 to 6 months, as shown above.
But, if the risk is mild or moderate, consumption should be done after 6 months of age.
However, it is important that when dosing the amount of food to be introduced into the diet, it should be done together with the pediatrician so that this procedure is appropriate.
Read more: Children with milk allergy will receive food formulas by SUS
Food allergy is an overreaction of the body to the proteins in food and can manifest itself at any stage of life. So it is important to always be aware of any symptoms in your child.