Dukan diet: how to do? See the stages, menu and recipes

The Dukan diet, in spite of not being a new diet, only since the 2000s has it gained more space and number of followers. With the launch of the book by its creator, Pierre Dukan, it won over celebrities such as Princess Kate Middleton and Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen.

Basically, the Dukan diet is divided into 4 phases and has protein foods as a priority. This method, however, divides the opinions of health experts.

Although it can help people to dry those extra pounds more quickly, it may not be so advantageous for all people in terms of nutrition, as it restricts most food groups in the early stages.

Continue reading to learn a little more about this form of food and understand the benefits and disadvantages of being a Dukanian.


What is the Dukan diet?

The Dukan diet, created by the French doctor Pierre Dukan, consists of a weight loss method divided into four phases: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization.

This model is considered the classic form of the diet, in which the first two phases focus on weight loss and the other two aim at weight stabilization.

Dukan’s idea was that people could lose weight quickly, while avoiding the accordion effect.

The origin of the diet, however, happened quite by chance, as the doctor did not come from an experience in the area of ​​endocrinology or nutrition. At the time, he worked as a general practitioner and specialized as a neurologist.

At the hospital he worked for, an obese patient pleaded with him for help. Believing in his work, he promised that he would follow whatever diet Dukan proposed, as long as he did not remove the meat from the menu.

In response to the request, Dukan told the patient to return the next day and recommended that he eat only meats for 5 days, with the exception of very fatty ones.

That was the beginning of building a diet. As soon as he noticed that the patient had eliminated almost 5 kg after the 5 days of this conversation and that the exams did not show any compromise to health, he decided to go deeper into the topic.

The success of this method, however, happened when the author launched his book entitled “Não Consigo Emagrecer”, in 2002. In it, he tells his story with these discoveries around the nutritional world and the search for the ideal weight.

When some celebrities began to adhere to the method, such as Princess Kate Middleton, for example, the Dukan diet became even more popular. Currently, the diet is not only a food model, but also represents a line of products.

With the success, criticism also came. And there were many. For example, in 2010, the British Dietetic Association, a British union that studies the benefit of diets and publishes nutrition information, classified the Dukan diet as one of the 5 worst famous diets in the world.

In addition, in 2014, the Order of Doctors of France revoked Pierre Dukan’s medical license, as they declared that he had broken the code of ethics with the high promotion of his products, which have no scientific proof.


The Dukan diet is divided into three types. Know what they are:

Classic Dukan Diet

The classic Dukan diet is recommended for people who want to lose more than 15 kg, who need to lose weight quickly and who understand the rigidity of the diet throughout its phases.

For people who do not want to give up certain foods, such as sweets and carbohydrates , this does not seem to be the best option.

Dukan diet a la carte

The a la carte version of the classic Dukan diet, basically, is the freedom to be able to start from the cruise or consolidation phases.

Thus, people who have great difficulty adapting to the more rigid dietary process can try a different way, without first thinking about giving up.

Nutritional ladder diet

Known as the new Dukan diet, on the nutritional ladder, represented by a ladder, each step refers to a day of the week and a food group.

The division is as follows:

  • Monday : proteins;
  • Tuesday : vegetables;
  • Wednesday : fruit;
  • Thursday : bread;
  • Friday : cheese;
  • Saturday : starchy;
  • Sunday : gala dinner.

This model is recommended for people who want to lose little weight and who are not in a hurry, as weight loss is slower.

How does it work?

The diet works on the premise that proteins are the most effective way to lose weight and carbohydrates are the main villains of food.

Based on these ideas defended by the doctor Dukan, the food model is structured in 4 phases, each of which is a sequence of the previous one.

Other diets follow a similar method to this one, such as the low carb and the Atkins diet. Each of them has its specifications, but they have in common the valorization of proteins.

Pierre Dukan, based on that, established two main reasons for having a protein-rich diet in order to lose weight. Are they:

Burns more calories

Proteins have tightly bound amino acids, which form long chains of building blocks. To be disrupted, our body needs a lot more effort when compared to carbohydrates and fats.

While our digestive system works to break down these amino acids, proteins stay in our stomach longer. This process helps to provide a greater feeling of satiety and, consequently, people feel less hungry.

In this way, our body burns more calories to break down proteins, since they are difficult to break down.

For example, by consuming 100 calories of protein, our body uses 30 calories to break them down, which means only 70 calories actually consumed.

For our bodies to process 100 calories of fat or carbohydrates, it uses 12 and 7 calories, respectively.

Reduces appetite

Because they stay in the stomach for a longer time, until the amino acids are broken down, the proteins end up causing a greater feeling of satiety. For those on a diet, this is an excellent benefit.

Dukan diet stages: step by step

The phases of the Dukan diet are divided into stages, in which the first two focus on accelerated weight loss and the others seek stabilization:


The attack phase is the first part of the Dukan diet, in which the follower must remove all sweets and carbohydrates from the diet. But not only that, it should restrict the menu to proteins, especially animals.

As you describe in your book, with the exception of egg white, there is no exclusively protein food. To build this phase, the diet selected a specific number of foods whose composition is closest to a pure protein.

Thus, within this group of proteins, the Dukan diet lists 68 permitted foods, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, seafood and dairy products with zero percent fat.

Unlike other diets, it is not intended to count calories or stipulate quantity . In it, each person decides the quantities of food and the number of meals a day.

The only restriction is that people avoid fatty meats. Ideally, food should be prepared boiled, grilled or roasted, thus avoiding fried foods.

This first part lasts between 5 to 7 days, with promises to eliminate 3Kg to 5Kg during the phase.

To calculate how long you should stay in the attack phase, according to how much weight you want to eliminate, the diet recommends the following steps:

  • 1 day in the attack phase : people who want to lose up to 5 kg with the Dukan diet;
  • 3 days in the attack phase : people who want to lose 6Kg to 10Kg with the Dukan diet;
  • 7 days in the attack phase : people who want to lose 12Kg to 20Kg with the Dukan diet.

In the attack phase, it is also necessary to consume 1 ½ tablespoon of oat bran, every day and ingest 1.5 liters of water.

Oat bran, at this stage and at others, will be essential to help the intestine to function perfectly and to provide greater satiety, as it will be the main source of fiber.

According to Pierre Dukan, the attack phase is the period when people will experience the greatest weight loss. Compared to other diets, this one is placed as the most potent.


This is the second phase of the Dukan diet, in which people should include vegetables in their diet. The foods from the first phase remain, but must be coated.

Therefore, one day the diet of the attack phase should be followed, with proteins, on the other, the vegetables should be consumed.

These alternation days can be called PP days (Pure Protein) and PL days (Protein + Vegetables) .

There is no control over the quantities of these foods. If they are on the allowed list, they can be consumed at will.

As in the attack phase, the cruise phase also aims to lose weight.

The explanation that Pierre Dukan raises for the accelerated weight loss that this diet provides is in the fact that a diet restricted to proteins generates what he calls a water-repellent effect.

In addition to causing people to lose reserve fat, this diet also eliminates large amounts of water in our bodies.

Therefore, eliminating this stock of fat and water in a short time, the follower of the diet can perceive within a few weeks the results of the method.

However, when adding some vegetables to the menu to the protein diet, this eliminated water comes back and provides weight stagnation. However, fat burning continues to happen, but the results, previously more visible, are camouflaged by fluid retention.

In his book, Dukan explains that it is not necessary to be frightened by possible changes in weight when vegetables are present, as it is a common process.

Normally, after the days of PL (Proteins + Vegetables), the weight tends to rise or stagnate slightly. Precisely due to the liquid retention process that vegetables cause. After the PP (Pure Protein) days, the real weight returns.

The best thing is to do one day of PP and one day of PL, but there are also the options of doing 5 days of PP and 5 days of PL.

Like proteins, vegetables can be eaten at will, raw or cooked. For seasoning it is possible to use ingredients such as lemon, vinegar, yogurt and mustard, for example.


The consolidation phase begins when the person has already reached the desired weight. The duration is calculated as follows: each kilo lost in the previous phases is equivalent to 10 days, that is, if the individual lost 15 kg in the attack and cruise phase, he must remain in the consolidation for 150 days.

The diet allows proteins and vegetables, without alternating days, and can be consumed without restrictions of quantity.

Gradually, followers of the diet can add fruits, breads, pastas and cheeses. For 1 to 2 times a week, you are allowed to leave the diet to eat whatever you want.

Within the consolidation phase there are two underlying phases, each corresponding to half the days of the complete phase, that is, if a person’s consolidation phase will last 100 days, 50 days will be from that first phase and the rest from the second phase.

At this stage, the idea is to try to prevent a possible concertina effect from happening, which can be common in people who have lost a lot of weight in a short time.


This is the quietest phase of the Dukan diet, as it does not impose major restrictions in relation to food.

Here, the menu can be set up in a way that each individual understands is best, as long as they follow the three basic rules of the stage.

First, in the stabilization phase, it is necessary to define that, at least on one day of the week, the food will be equivalent to that of the attack phase, that is, rich in proteins.

The oat bran should also remain, only now, in an amount equivalent to 3 tablespoons per day.

Finally, followers of the diet should practice at least 20 minutes of physical exercise per day.

Concertina effect

One of the risks of the Dukan diet is the concertina effect. In it, the individual loses and gains weight quickly, without being able to achieve an effective stabilization.

The explanation that Pierre Dukan puts in his book for this possible side effect is the fact that our body, when losing a large amount of weight, reacts to compete with this method. The result ends up being this back-and-forth effect on the scale.

Our body stores energy in the form of fat and this has always been a natural process, in ours and in other species.

However, for us, food is always accessible and this biological process of storing energy is not necessary for our survival.

In a diet based on a calorie deficit diet, such as Dukan, our body tends to spend this storage more quickly.

For this reason, our body understands that there may be something wrong happening and reacts. Some of the signs that result from this process are more pronounced hunger, reduced energy expenditure and greater caloric reuse.

These signs that can contribute to the accordion effect, usually, happen to people who have already managed to eliminate a good amount of weight with the diet. In the Dukan diet, it can become more evident during the consolidation and stabilization phases.

At that moment, the individual who wants to avoid this accordion effect must know his body very well and not be fooled by the results achieved so far. Returning to old eating habits is one of the factors that lead to weight gain again.

Care with food, after a successful diet, should be even more careful to avoid this effect, as recommended by Pierre Dukan in his book.

Allowed foods

In the table below, it is possible to observe how the phases are divided in relation to food, time, physical activities and reduced weight:


  • Allowed foods : 66 types of protein, quantity at will;
  • Expected weight loss : 1.5 kg to 5 kg;
  • Duration : 2 to 7 days;
  • Amount of oat bran : 1 ½ tablespoon per day;
  • Physical activity : 20 min of walking per day.


  • Allowed foods : 66 proteins + 34 vegetables at will;
  • Expected weight loss : On average, 1 kg per week;
  • Duration : 7 days for each 1Kg to lose;
  • Amount of oat bran : 2 tablespoons per day;
  • Physical activity : 30 min of walking per day.


  • Allowed foods : 66 proteins + 34 vegetables + fruit, bread, cheese – every day + starchy, gala meal up to 2 times a week;
  • Expected weight loss : Not defined;
  • Duration : 10 days per Kg to lose;
  • Amount of oat bran : 2 ½ tablespoons per day;
  • Physical activity : 25 min of walking per day.


  • Allowed foods : One day of the week with the attack phase diet, rest of the days free;
  • Expected weight loss : Not defined;
  • Duration : Without defined time
  • Amount of oat bran : 3 tablespoons per day;

Physical activity : 20 min of walking per day.

Find out what foods are allowed within each phase of the Dukan diet:

Attack phase

  • Oat bran (1 ½ tablespoon per day);
  • Water (2 liters of water per day);
  • Birds without skin, with the exception of duck and goose;
  • Lean meats: beef tenderloin, filet mignon, pork shank, venison, buffalo, pork ribs, roast beef, pork tenderloin, pork tenderloin, low-fat roast meats, veal, kosher sausages, pork shank, low-fat bacon or bacon bacon Soy;
  • Fish (sardines, horse mackerel, tuna, salmon, cod);
  • Seafood (all types);
  • Ham (low in fat);
  • Vegetable proteins, such as tofu, seitan and Konjac;
  • Skimmed natural yogurt, which may have a contact flavor that does not have pulp and fruit syrup;
  • Cheeses with 0% fat (cottage cheese, cream cheese, skimmed curd, ricotta cheese, curd);
  • Skimmed milk (powder or liquid);
  • Soy protein and soy fiber;
  • Teas;
  • Light powdered juice;
  • Café;
  • Seasonings (vinegar, herbs, onion, garlic, lemon, salt and mustard).

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Some foods, although with greater restriction, can also be consumed in the attack phase. Are they:

  • Chicken, quail or duck eggs (maximum 2 units per day);
  • Sweetener (moderate use);
  • Zero gelatine (maximum half a pack per day);
  • Wheat bran or fiber (1 tablespoon per day, recommended for people with constipation);
  • Gluten flour (100g limit per day, maximum three times a week);
  • Goji Berry (1 tablespoon per day);
  • Viscera such as liver and kidney (at most once a week);
  • Diet, light or zero soft drink (maximum 3 cans per day).

Cruise Phase

The cruise phase is also very restrictive in relation to food, as the priority is still weight loss. In addition to the foods allowed in the previous phase, a list of 32 vegetables is added to the menu.

  • Oat bran (2 tablespoons per day)
  • Beetroot;
  • Celery;
  • Cucumber;
  • Carrot;
  • Arugula;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Okra;
  • Onion;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Leek;
  • Artichoke;
  • Asparagus;
  • Bean sprouts;
  • Green bean;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Cabbage;
  • Lettuce;
  • Neighbor;
  • Tomato;
  • Cress;
  • Spinach;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Broccoli;
  • Scallion;
  • Palm heart;
  • Chili.
  • Radish;
  • Zucchini;
  • Cabbage;
  • Chicory;
  • Rhubarb.

Dairy products can also be consumed at this stage, not being mandatory to choose those that have 0% fat, but those that are up to 7% fat.

To calculate this amount of fat, it is necessary to observe on the product label the amount of total fats (in grams) and multiply by 100.

Then, divide this value by the quantity of product indicated on the packaging (in grams). The result should be equivalent to the percentage of fat that the portion of the product has.

For example, a fresh cheese that has 3.6g total fat and a 50g portion would look like this:

3,6 x 100 /50 = 7,2

In this case, it would be above the limit of the percentage of fat allowed for dairy products. Some suggestions among the tolerated items are:

  • Light ricotta cream;
  • Greek yogurt;
  • Skimmed natural yogurt;
  • Light liquid yogurt;
  • Fermented milk with light fruit pulp;
  • Light ultrafiltered fresh cheese;
  • Fresh ricotta;
  • Cottage cheese.

Consolidation Phase

In the consolidation phase, food from the attack and cruise phase is allowed, with no need to alternate them. In addition to proteins and vegetables, other foods that can be adhered to are the following:

  • Oat bran (2 ½ tablespoons per day);
  • Carbohydrates: maximum of 220 grams for wholegrains and 125 grams for common ones;
  • Wholemeal bread (2 slices per day);
  • Fruits, with the exception of bananas, grapes and cherries;
  • Cheese, not being mandatory 0% fat (40 grams per day);
  • Gala meal: free breakfast, lunch and dinner.

They are divided as follows, according to the consolidation phases:

First phase

  • Gala meal: only once a week;
  • Carbohydrates: one serving a week;
  • Fruits: one per day, in medium size.

Second level

  • Gala meal: twice a week, but not on consecutive days. It is necessary to have a protein day between them;
  • Carbohydrates: two servings per week;
  • Fruits: two a day.

Stabilization Phase

In the stabilization phase, the patient is allowed to consume any type of food, those that are released in other phases and those that are not. However, you must follow only three rules of the diet:

  • Continue consuming oat bran, now being 3 tablespoons a day;
  • Walk 20 minutes a day;
  • Set aside 1 day a week to eat protein, as in the attack phase.

Prohibited foods

Some foods are prohibited at certain stages.

Attack phase

In the attack phase, with the exception of items listed as allowed, all others are not recommended. Within the items that appear to be released, such as animal proteins, there are some exceptions. They should be avoided, as they have a greater amount of fat.

Fatty meats such as pork, lamb, very fatty steaks, duck, and goose should be avoided, even though they appear as an option on most allowed lists.

Beans and lentils should also be avoided in the attack phase, as well as non-skimmed milk. When consuming cheeses and yogurts, always choose the options with 0% fat.

Cruise phase

The foods that remain banned in the cruise phase are all carbohydrates and fruits such as potatoes, corn, peas, beans, lentils, avocado etc.

Consolidation and stabilization phase

In the consolidation phase and in the stabilization phase, there is no list of prohibited foods. These phases are less rigid, but must be followed according to the orientation of the permitted foods.

Dukan diet lose weight?

Yes , the Dukan diet provides rapid weight loss as it is a diet that stimulates the state of ketosis.

Our body’s common process is to use glucose as an energy base. In this diet, which radically reduces the consumption of carbohydrates, the body needs to look for energy in its stock (fat) for the day to day.

Basically, ketosis is our body’s alternative in looking for a source of energy in the face of a lack of glucose. Thus, the Dukan diet is able to make the people who follow it eliminate weight, especially in the attack phase, the most radical.

The logic used is to provide a calorie deficit, in which the individual ingests less calories than he / she spends, therefore eliminating weight.

In addition to fat, in the first phase, the diet also causes people to eliminate a lot of fluids, which further helps to reduce the measures.

During those first days, the body uses stored glycogen as an energy source, which represents about 1.5 kg of reserved energy distributed between the muscles and the liver.

As glycogen is added to H2O, between these days of the attack phase it is possible to lose between 4Kg to 4.5Kg.

However, this can vary from person to person. It also does not mean eliminated fat, which is a false sense of healthy weight loss.

Thus, we can say that the diet, for these factors, works. However, its long-term benefit is criticized by nutrition experts.

Advantages of the Dukan diet

The Dukan diet, despite being a highly criticized method, can present some positive points for followers. Know some advantages of starting it:

Quick results

Considering the fact that the diet eliminates weight quickly, it can be a good way to stay motivated to lose weight. One of the points that can lead people to give up on a diet is the delay in the results.

With Dukan, this can be considered an advantage for those who are unmotivated.

It is prescriptive and with clear rules

For some people, the fact that the Dukan diet is methodical can be seen as a bad thing, but we must admit that it is clear to its followers and explains why it is divided into several stages.

No need to count calories

Despite restricting the consumption of various foods, the Dukan diet does not limit quantities and does not require people to count every calorie ingested. If people know how to deal with limited food and take advantage of this monotony, quantities will not be a problem.

Encourages the search for less processed foods

The Dukan diet is not exactly a form of dietary reeducation , but it does encourage its followers to cut out processed, fatty and refined foods. It also recommends avoiding alcoholic beverages. These restrictions are beneficial to health.

Recommends reducing salt and sugar

The Dukan diet is also advantageous because it induces moderate consumption of salt and sugar, which can be harmful to health, when in excess.


The Dukan diet can present some disadvantages for its followers.

Does not stimulate food reeducation

One of the disadvantages of this diet is that it focuses on quick goals, but does not provide a change in behavior.

Thus, anyone who desperately wants to lose weight in a week or two can faithfully follow the 4 phases of Dukan, but after reaching his results, return to an unregulated and exaggerated diet. What happens in these cases is an unhealthy rebound effect.

High dropout

It is not so simple to follow the Dukan diet, especially in the attack phase. Because it is strict and restricts food so much, it is more difficult to move on. People who are not used to such a restricted menu may be discouraged by this model.

In that case, it does not become advantageous. The best would be to seek a real nutritional reeducation.

Ignores individual aspects

The diet is said to be a good option for people who are overweight, but does not consider the particularities of each organism.

According to studies carried out to investigate the functionality of this diet, it is not able to benefit everyone.

Thus, not everyone should start this diet, as it does not consider the Basal Metabolism Rate, which refers to the amount of daily energy required for each individual.

Excludes carbohydrates

Something that has become common among diets is to place carbohydrates as indisputable villains. Certainly, most are not good for your health and are associated with serious illnesses. But, there are alternatives that are good for our body and these are excluded from the menu.

As in objective tests, in which it is good to be suspicious of the alternatives that take the words “always” and “never”, in diets it is also the same premise.

Whole foods, sweet potatoes , chickpeas and grains like quinoa , for example, are carbohydrates that can help in the weight loss process. In the Dukan diet, during the first phases, there is no suggestion for any of these items.

In addition, even fruits are excluded during the attack and cruise phase, according to the sugar restriction. We know that by removing these foods, many benefits are overlooked.

These aspects within the Dukan diet should be evaluated, being ideal to be accompanied by a nutritionist.

Side Effects of the Dukan Diet

The restricted diet proposed by the diet may indeed help you lose weight, but this does not always become something positive. Losing weight does not always mean that your health is okay.

Regarding the Dukan diet, you need to take some precautions, as there are some possible side effects to happen. Some of them include:

  • Gout development;
  • Increased uric acid;
  • Bad breath;
  • Sickness.
  • Discomfort;
  • Headache;
  • Weakness;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Increased cholesterol;
  • Osteoporosis.

Other complications that the diet can trigger are:


Actually, in the attack phase, people lose a lot of weight, but that weight is not just fat.

In this diet, the body enters a state of ketosis, in which the stored fats are burned to supply the lack of energy that is not being replenished in the diet, just as it is in the low-carb diet.

However, this process forces the kidneys to work harder, to prevent the blood from becoming too acidic (acidosis). This acid that does not go into the bloodstream is eliminated in the urine. But, along with acid, sodium and water are also eliminated.

In order not to suffer from possible dehydration, the diet recommends consuming at least 1.5 liters of water per day. However, it is necessary to be careful with this imbalance that food is causing in your body, overloading the kidneys.


By not recommending good amounts of fiber, this diet can make your intestines lazier. Even with the intake of oat bran, there is a risk that restricted eating will make the act of going to the bathroom more difficult.

Concertina effect

Diets that do not stimulate a dietary reeducation run the risk of provoking the terrible accordion effect, in which the person is able to lose weight, reaches the initial goal but soon gains the lost weight again.

This process, in addition to not being healthy, also reverberates in emotional aspects, such as shaking self – esteem , demotivation to start a new diet, to eat better or unwillingness to exercise.

For these reasons, the ideal is to first seek a change from the inside, understanding that losing weight is a difficult process and does not happen in a miraculous way. Seeking diets that promise to lose weight quickly can be the biggest mistake at this point.

Understanding that the body has its own time and that after losing weight it is necessary to lead a balanced and healthy life should be the priority.

Renal Disorders

Consuming in excess or exclusively of proteins increases the chances of kidney diseases, such as kidney stones or acute kidney damage.

Kidney injuries are a concern because some patients, even before starting the diet, already have some serious injury, but without knowing it, they follow a diet that makes it even more harmful.

Nutritional deficiency

It is possible that people who follow the Dukan diet, in the long run, may develop some nutritional deficiency. For example, people who need to lose a lot of weight will have to spend more time on a very restricted diet.

Depriving yourself of whole grains, fruits and vegetables can lead to a lack of essential health nutrients, such as antioxidants. The absence of these food groups is associated with several diseases, such as heart disease, cancer , premature aging and cataracts.

Although the creator of the diet recommends taking multivitamins, to prevent these possible health problems, these supplements are not a substitute for a nutrient-rich diet.

Considering these factors, this method can become a detriment to health in the long run, because despite helping to reduce weight, with its dietary restrictions it can cause a nutritional imbalance.

Altered or humor

Carbohydrates have an amino acid called tryptophan . It is essential for the synthesis of serotonin , a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, sleep, appetite and other functions of our body.

As seen, the Dukan diet does not allow carbohydrates and, therefore, the follower of the model ends up having a tryptophan deficiency, mainly in the two initial phases.

As a consequence, people may experience mood swings as a side effect of eating. If following a strict diet is no longer so simple, with a bad mood it becomes more complicated.


The Dukan diet can cause hypoglycemia in those who follow it, as it reduces blood sugar levels. This is also a side effect due to a lack of carbohydrates in food.

People with hypoglycemia may suffer from fainting, dizziness , tremors, excessive hunger and sweating.


After knowing the steps and restrictions of the Dukan diet, some doubts about setting up an adequate menu may arise. It is important to always seek guidance from specialized professionals , such as nutritionists, to have a more individual treatment.

However, some recipes can serve as inspiration to assemble Dukan’s menus, on a daily basis.

Attack phase menus

Here are some suggestions for what to eat during the more rigorous phase of the Dukan diet:


  • Option 1 : 1 jar of 0% fat yogurt + 1 green tea with ginger and cinnamon;
  • Option 2 : 2 slices of white cheese + omelet with 2 egg whites and 1 yolk +1 cup of coffee with milk;
  • Option 3 : 3 slices of lean ham + 1 bowl of diet gelatin + 1 cup of skimmed milk with 1 ½ tablespoon of oat bran.

Morning or afternoon snack:

  • Option 1 : 3 slices of light turkey breast;
  • Option 2 : 2 slices of white cheese;
  • Option 3 : 2 rolls made with 2 slices of lean ham and 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese.

In the meal options that recommend cheeses, yogurts and milks, always remember to consume the options with 0% fat, skimmed or diet versions.


  • Option 1 : Chicken souffle + 3 slices of white cheese;
  • Option 2 : 1 grilled beef fillet (150g) + 2 egg whites and 1 egg yolk;
  • Option 3 : 2 pieces of roasted fish with herbs + 2 tablespoons of squid cooked and seasoned with vinegar and salt.


  • Option 1 : 2 boiled quail eggs;
  • Option 2 : 1 light melted cheese;
  • Option 3 : 1 glass of skimmed milk with 1 ½ tablespoon of oat bran.

Cruise menu


  • Option 1 : Scrambled egg (2 egg whites and 1 yolk) with ricotta cheese, lean ham and tomato + 1 glass of beaten carrot juice with celery, water and 2 tablespoons of oat bran;
  • Option 2 : 1 jar of fermented milk + 2 slices of light turkey breast + 1 slice of white cheese + 1 cup of skimmed milk with 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder;
  • Option 3 : 1 jar of light fruit yogurt + 1 boiled egg + 1 cup of unsweetened black coffee or lemon balm and mint tea.

Morning or afternoon snack:

  • Option 1 : 2 slices of roast beef;
  • Option 2 : 5 mini carrots;
  • Option 3 : 1 jar of natural yogurt +1 melted cheese + 3 celery sticks;
  • Option 4: 3 medium slices of grilled tofu or ricotta with parsley + 4 kama kanis;
  • Option 5 : 2 slices of white cheese + 4 cherry tomatoes.


  • Option 1 : 1 plate of arugula and tomato salad + 3 tablespoons of ground beef cooked with diced carrots and green beans;
  • Option 2 : 1 plate of watercress salad with grated zucchini + 3 grilled chicken, onion and pepper skewers + 3 tablespoons of steamed cauliflower and string beans;
  • Option 3 : 1 plate of lettuce and mushroom salad + 2 fresh sardines roasted with rosemary + 3 tablespoons of spinach sautéed with garlic.


  • Option 1 : 1 plate of cooked chayote and heart of palm salad +1 roasted hake fillet with rosemary;
  • Option 2 : 1 plate of endive salad, cucumber and fennel stalks + 1 plate of Japanese noodles (konhaku shirataki) with bolognese sauce;
  • Option 3 : 1 bean sprout dish with vinaigrette + 2 slices of turkey breast roasted with mint + 3 tablespoons of sautéed eggplant with onion;

Menus in the consolidation phase


  • Option 1 : 1 glass of porridge (skimmed milk with 2 ½ tablespoons of oat bran) + 3 rolls (3 slices of turkey breast with 2 tablespoons of light ricotta seasoned with oregano);
  • Option 2 : 1 glass of skimmed milk with coffee +1 slice of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of creamy curd + 1 apple;
  • Option 3 : 1 cup of skimmed milk with 1 teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder + 1 jar of plain yogurt + 3 slices of ham;

Morning or afternoon snack:

  • Option 1 : 3 quail eggs;
  • Option 2 : 1 tablespoon of goji berries;
  • Option 3 : 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • Option 4: 4 kani sticks;
  • Option 5: 1 cup of mate tea with lemon.


  • Option 1 : 1 plate of endive and beet salad + 2 medium slices of pork loin roasted with lemon + 3 tablespoons of braised cabbage with garlic;
  • Option 2 : 1 plate of shrimp salad with kani + 2 tomatoes stuffed with tuna and covered with light parmesan + 3 tablespoons of sautéed zucchini;
  • Option 3 : 1 dish of chard salad with tomato + 3 medium pieces of chicken breast with light coconut milk and tofu + 2 tablespoons of steamed cauliflower;


  • Option 1 : 3 slices of chicken ham + 1 glass of porridge (skim milk with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch) + 2 quail eggs;
  • Option 2 : 1 jar of fruit yogurt + 2 medium slices of fresh cheese + 1 unit of fermented milk;
  • Option 3 : 1 cup of pineapple juice with mint + 1 cup of ginger tea with cinnamon + 1 unit of light melted cheese;


With a restricted diet like the Dukan Diet, it can be difficult to think of new recipes to vary the menu. Here are some tips:

Oat bran pancake

A simple recipe to be made during the attack phase, and the others as well, is an oat bran pancake. It is a good option for breakfast, since the diet recommends the consumption of oat bran during this period.


  • 1 tablespoon of aspartame, for the preparation of the sweet pancake;
  • Salt to taste, for the preparation of the salted pancake;
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of oat bran;
  • ½ tablespoon of creamy curd or 0% fat yogurt;
  • 1 whole egg – for people who have cholesterol problems only 1 egg white is recommended.

Preparation mode

In a bowl, place the oat bran, cream cheese (or yogurt, if you prefer), the egg (or just the white) and stir well.

If you choose a sweet pancake, add a tablespoon of aspartame, if it is the salty version, add the salt to taste.

In a non-stick frying pan, drop a few drops of oil and spread with a paper towel. Pour the pancake batter and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. When you are letting go of the frying pan, it is a sign that you are ready to turn or remove it from the fire.

Souffle Of Chicken

Chicken souffle is one of the recommended recipes for the attack phase, but it can also be made in other phases of the diet. It is a simple recipe that can be prepared for lunch.


  • 1 this;
  • ⅓ of a 150ml glass of skimmed milk;
  • 1 chicken breast cooked and shredded;
  • Shall;
  • Scallion;
  • Salsa;
  • Chili.

Preparation mode

To prepare it, beat the egg in a bowl and then add skim milk, shredded chicken breast and seasonings. Bake in a deep pyrex and remove from oven when golden.

Ricotta Pie

Ricotta pie is a recipe that can be consumed during the cruise phase, even on PP days.


  • 500 grams of lean ricotta cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 ml of skimmed milk;
  • 1 dessert spoon of baking powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder;
  • 5 tablespoons of sweetener;
  • 5 drops of vanilla;
  • 50 grams of raisin (only if it is in the consolidation phase);
  • 2 tablespoons of oat bran.

Preparation mode

To prepare, first whip the egg whites and set aside. In a blender, blend all ingredients, except for raisins and yeast.

When all the ingredients are well incorporated, turn off the blender and pour the egg whites gently.

Finally, add the baking powder and also stir gently. In a greased pan, pour the dough and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ºC for 40 minutes.

Homemade creamed yogurt

Skimmed yogurt is one of the most practical options for consumption during breakfast on the Dukan diet menus. For those who prefer to do it, there is the homemade option.


  • 1 liter of skimmed milk;
  • 1 jar of 200 grams of nonfat plain yogurt.

Preparation mode

First step in preparation is to put the whole liter of milk in a pan over medium heat. When the milk reaches a temperature of 43 ºC, turn off the heat and add the yogurt to the milk.

Stir until very homogeneous and in sequence place the contents of the pot in a pot or bowl with a lid, close and wrap the container with a dish towel. Then, it is necessary to let it rest for 10 hours in the oven off.

After 10 hours of yogurt at rest, take the container to the refrigerator and let it freeze until it’s time to consume.

Common questions

Check out some of the most frequent doubts regarding the Dukan diet:

Why is oat bran so important? Can it be replaced by bran from another grain?

Oat bran is the only carbohydrate allowed and recommended within the attack phase. It is the cape that surrounds the oat grain, it has very small amounts of fast sugars, being rich in proteins and soluble fibers.

The two main associated benefits are to provide greater satiety and contribute to the proper functioning of the intestine.

Due to its great absorptive power, its volume in the stomach multiplies. Thus, the person has the feeling that he is more satiated and, consequently, feels less hungry and gains less weight.

What is the best time to consume oat bran?

According to the Dukan diet, the best time to consume oat bran is in the morning, at breakfast or until lunchtime.

How long should I follow the diet?

The Dukan Diet does not determine how long you should follow it, the duration of the method depends on how many pounds each person wants to lose.

I escaped the diet. Should I return to the attack phase?

It is not necessary to return to the attack phase in these cases. What the diet recommends is that the person eat, for a period of maximum 3 days, only with proteins.

Dukan also recommends eliminating tolerated foods in this short period and increasing exercise time. After that time to recover the calories acquired in your slide during the diet, just continue from the phase you are in.

Can vegetarians follow the Dukan diet?

According to Pierre Dukan, vegetarians can also follow the diet.

In the attack phase, for example, when the diet suggests eating proteins from different sources, vegetarians are able to preserve eggs and dairy products.

The diet also suggests, to enrich the diet, to include tofu, seitan, and tempeh, types of soy protein in the menu.

However, it can be risky to maintain a diet as restrictive as this. All people should seek guidance from a professional before starting a method like this, in the case of vegetarians, especially.

If it is your case, seek an evaluation with a nutritionist or endocrine, as such a radical change in diet can cause side effects.

If your energy expenditure is much higher than your caloric intake, some symptoms such as dizziness, weakness and fatigue may appear.

What can I drink on the Dukan diet?

In the Dukan diet, in any of the phases, it is recommended to consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Teas, coffee or green tea are allowed, but the ideal is to prioritize the consumption of water, whether mineral or filtered. Diet drinks are also released.

What is not allowed is the consumption of alcoholic beverages, fruit juices and carbonated non-diet drinks, such as non-diet soft drinks.

Why is it so important to stay hydrated?

It is necessary to consume much more liquid than usual, because in this diet the degradation of proteins can generate waste products such as uric acid, which are harmful to the health of the kidneys.

When we are well hydrated, our body can eliminate this waste without causing damage to our body.

What to do when the weight is stagnant?

Throughout the diet, it may happen that your weight stabilizes before you reach your initial goal. To continue losing weight, Dukan recommends taking 2-3 days of cruising PP (pure protein) and extending the time dedicated to physical activities.

Is there an ideal weight?

When starting a diet , many people set a goal for weight to be lost. Upon reaching it, it is possible that there are still doubts as to whether they have really managed to reach the ideal weight for their specific body.

To try to approach what would be an ideal weight, it is necessary to evaluate factors such as age, sex, amount of physical activities performed and heredity.

In cases of overweight people, it is also necessary to consider the history of these individuals, as understanding the beginning of this weight gain, for example in childhood, pregnancy, adolescence, with the use of contraceptives or other medications or with the onset of some disorder mental, such as depression , anxiety, etc.

With all these aspects to be assessed, establishing an ideal weight for all people is impossible. What always needs to be done is to assume that health must be a priority .

Calculations like BMI help a lot to get a sense of how overweight or underweight. Talk to your doctor about these doubts, he will be able to advise you accordingly.

The Dukan diet, the method that bears the name of its creator, raises great discussions regarding its efficiency and its health benefits.

For those who want to eliminate many pounds, this diet is available as an option. Those who do not want to give up a varied diet with few restrictions, this method is not recommended.

Make your health and well-being a priority. Before starting any diet, seek medical advice and check your real needs.

Feel free to leave your questions and comments in the space below. Thanks for reading!
