Because it is a cycle, it is possible to predict the date of the next menstruation. Even so, menstruation can be delayed for no apparent reason.
The menstrual cycle lasts, on average, 28 days. However, for several women, this time varies from 23 to 35 days.
This is when they have a regular cycle, since there are women whose fertile period does not seem to obey a certain cycle and menstruation, thus, lives “delaying” or arriving “early”.
If menstruation is likely to be delayed by 1 or 2 months, it is recommended that you seek a doctor to help and clarify any doubts.
The menstrual cycle
Menstruation follows a cycle that is divided into three periods, in addition to the menstrual phase, which are:
Preovulatory phase
At this time, there are several hormones working to mature an egg, making it able to leave the ovary and go to the fallopian tubes, where fertilization occurs.
Ovulation is a unique moment throughout the menstrual cycle. It happens when the egg is released and goes to the fallopian tubes, where it stays for about 24 hours waiting for a sperm to fertilize it.
It usually happens in the second half of the menstrual cycle, between the 13th and 15th days.
Post-ovulatory phase
In the event of pregnancy, the fertilized egg travels to the uterus and attaches itself to the endometrium. Otherwise, the egg disintegrates and the endometrium begins to flake off, preparing to be released.
Taking into account that the journey of the fertilized egg takes about 7 days to reach the uterus, this whole process can take a long time until the menstruation is, in fact, released to descend.
Delayed menstruation: what can it be?
There are several factors that can delay menstruation, as well as this can occur for no specific reason. In fact, it is worth remembering that menstrual delay, when not caused by a pregnancy, is closely linked to a delay in ovulation!
Some factors that can delay ovulation and, consequently, menstruation, are:
Discontinuation after prolonged use of the contraceptive pill
Prolonged use of the contraceptive pill can directly interfere with the menstrual cycle’s “clock”. When the use of this medication is stopped after years, the woman’s body needs to readjust to its hormonal production process and this can take up to 6 months.
Breastfeeding stage
In breastfeeding, menstruation can also be delayed.
During this phase, the body releases hormones that can block the ovulation process and also, later, the menstrual cycle.
Prolactin, the hormone that produces breast milk, suppresses ovulation, and there are cases of women who do not menstruate for up to a year.
Remembering that when menstruation does not happen, it does not mean that the woman can no longer get pregnant. After the baby is weaned, the cycle returns to normal.
Chronic anovulation
Chronic anovulation is a condition in which a woman does not ovulate for a long time. In this condition, the eggs simply do not mature and are not released into the fallopian tubes.
One of its main causes is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), but it can also be caused by genetic changes, hyperthyroidism , stress , obesity , increased insulin and failure of the pituitary or hypothalamus.
Deregulation of the menstrual cycle
Sometimes, a dysregulated cycle can be mistaken for menstrual delay. This is because women can predict the date based on the past few months, but every woman is at risk of having her cycle unregulated for no apparent reason – even those who have always had a very regular cycle.
Drastic weight changes
Fat cells contribute to the production of the female hormone (estrogen). Therefore, when there is a change in weight, estrogen levels can interfere with the ovulatory process.
Therefore, whenever there is a sudden and intense weight gain or loss, a hormonal change can occur. Hormones need to adapt to this change for the cycle to return to normal.
Chronic stress releases cortisol, a substance that influences female sex hormones, causing changes in the menstrual cycle.
Excessive physical exercise
Fertility can be affected by excessive physical exercise.
This practice results in a neuroendocrine imbalance, causing a failure in the pituitary gland (gland responsible for regulating hormonal functions) and not releasing hormones that instigate the production of progesterone and estrogen.
Because of these factors, as a result, there are hormonal dysfunctions that delay ovulation.
The menopause is a stage where the woman’s body ends the production of progesterone and estrogen hormones, ending their fertile years.
In this phase, the body gradually decreases the amount and duration of menstruation.
Menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. After that age, menopause is classified as late.
Thyroid problems
The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones to help control metabolism and female fertility.
Problems in this organ cause physical tiredness , muscle pain, depression , fatigue , irritability, fever , cold and swelling in the neck.
Pill of the next day
The morning after pill is a contraceptive used only as a last resort, in an emergency situation, such as when a condom breaks or in cases of rape, among others.
The delay occurs because this pill slows the release of the egg in the fallopian tubes, making the fertile period take longer to happen and, therefore, menstruation can occur later.
The menstrual cycle is not the same for all women. It varies depending on each organism.
In short, the average duration is 28 days, but this should not be seen as a rule for the cycle of all women, as each has a different system and cycle.
Because there is no specific time for the menstrual cycle, the forecast calculation for the next menstruation can be done wrong, thus, the woman may have a false impression that her menstruation has been delayed.
Amenorrhea is a condition in which the menstrual cycle simply does not exist.
It can be primary, when the girl’s first period is slow to arrive, or secondary, when the woman is already menstruating and suddenly goes 3 months without menstruating.
It is a symptom of other disorders and the cause should always be investigated.
Some medications can deregulate the menstrual cycle, as is the case with corticosteroids, antidepressants and chemotherapy drugs.
Chemotherapy is even one of the main causes of early menopause, that is, when menopause begins before age 45.
Imperforated hymen
Especially for girls who have never menstruated, one of the causes of delayed first menstruation is the perforated hymen.
In this case, the vaginal canal is closed and the blood simply cannot get out, causing the absence of menstruation.
Some symptoms related to this condition are cramps and difficulties in eliminating urine and feces.
The treatment for an imperforate hymen is surgical. During the procedure, there is complete removal of the hymen, a simple process with low risk of complications.
Menstruation starts at what age?
Menarche (first menstruation) appears in girls from 8 to 13 years of age, in the body development phase in which the growth of the breasts occurs, the appearance of hair in the armpits and intimate region, weight gain, appearance of pimples and alterations in the mood.
In some cases, menarche may take longer to arrive. There are reports that the first menstruation occurred only at the age of 15.
However, delays up to the age of 16 are normal and do not require medical treatment.
When to look for a gynecologist?
If your period is late by a few days, there is no reason to worry. Delays of up to 5 days are normal and do not necessarily indicate a condition.
However, if your delay is more than 15 days, it is essential to take a pregnancy test to check if there is, in fact, a pregnancy.
If the result is positive, it is necessary to contact your gynecologist to be able to take the necessary measures and ensure the health of the mother and baby.
If the result is negative, a gynecologist should be consulted to verify that there is no pathological condition that is causing this delay.
It is worth remembering that, for girls in adolescence, it is recommended to go to the gynecologist right after the first menstruation to learn more about the process that happens in the body and to discuss the possibility of using contraceptive methods.
Women who are embarrassed by the male presence can opt for a female gynecologist and thus feel more comfortable.
Delayed menstruation and negative pregnancy test
When menstruation is delayed, most women, out of fear or insecurity, take the pharmacy pregnancy test, an exam done with urine.
This test can detect pregnancy around 14 days after ovulation and is classified into two types: qualitative or quantitative.
The qualitative test reveals whether the woman is pregnant or not, whereas the quantitative test shows the concentration of hCG in the blood.
If menstruation is delayed and the woman has had at least 2 tests that have tested negative in the last month, it is unlikely that she is pregnant.
Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from a gynecologist, who will investigate the cause of the lack of menstruation.
What is hCG?
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced by the female body only when there is a pregnancy. This hormone is a signal that the embryo sends to the woman’s body to know that she is pregnant and that she will be a mother.
Menses delayed for more than 2 months
It can happen that menstruation is delayed for more than 2 months, due to external and hormonal factors, without the woman being pregnant.
If this happens, it can be a symptom of several pathologies of the female reproductive system, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
In addition to menstrual delay, hormonal uncontrolling and late ovulation can also occur due to stress, anxiety , among others.
I took the pill the next day and my period doesn’t go down any more. What to do?
It is important to remember that, among the adverse effects, the morning-after pill delays menstruation for some women.
Since it has a large amount of hormones, it is quite common for the cycle to delay and take a few months to return to normal.
The body needs to stabilize hormone rates again. Therefore, it is important to avoid frequent or improper use of the medication.
If the cycle takes too long to stabilize again, it is important to seek medical advice to assess the causes and possibilities.
Because only with exams and face-to-face evaluation it is possible to determine the correct driving.
How to regulate delayed menstruation?
The first step is to see a doctor. The delay may be due to defects in the reproductive system, which need to be examined by a gynecologist.
Some tips to regulate menstruation are to avoid very restrictive diets, maintain the ideal weight for your body type, to have a healthy and regulated life and diet and to practice physical activities regularly, avoiding any excess.
Recipes to help with menstruation descent
There are some recipes that can help menstruation to go down. Many of them are plants used for infusion. However, before trying any prescription, make sure it is not a pregnancy.
Among the plants frequently used are: sagebrush, rue, avenca, large basil , parsley, pennyroyal, saffron, macela, dill and cinnamon.
All must be prepared by means of infusion and teas. Angelica tea, cinnamon tea, rue tea, agonized tea and oregano tea can also help in the process .
Cinnamon tea
It facilitates the menstruation process, giving more speed in the blood elimination.
- 2 cinnamon sticks;
- 1 cup of boiling water.
Preparation mode
Insert the cinnamon stick in the boiling water, seal and let it rest for 10 to 15 minutes, then just remove the sticks from the container and ingest the tea in its warm state.
Agonized tea
Just like cinnamon tea, it also helps to speed the descent of menstruation.
- 5g of dried agonized flowers;
- 500mL of boiling water.
Preparation mode
Place the agonized flowers in boiling water and let them rest for 10 to 15 minutes. Then just strain and drink.
It is necessary to ingest the tea up to 3 times a day from 5 to 10 days, as it accelerates the descent of menstruation, but does not regulate the menstrual cycle.
What can be menstrual cramps without menstruation?
Menstrual colic without menstruation can be the result of problems or diseases in the organs of the female reproductive system, gastrointestinal tract or ovulatory problems.
Constant cramps without menstruation for 1 or 2 months
Constant colic can be signs of endometriosis , a disease that affects about 6 million Brazilian women.
In this condition, menstrual blood cannot escape into the vaginal canal and ends up returning inside the uterus, entering the uterine tubes and settling in places outside the reproductive system, such as in the intestinal walls, which causes severe cramps.
Common questions
Is menstruation normal to delay?
Yea! In addition to being normal, the delay is also natural. There are common factors that contribute to delays, such as stress and emotional disturbances that can interfere with the menstrual cycle.
However, if it lasts a long time, this delay can be a sign of a possible pregnancy or more serious problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, thyroid problems, anorexia , obesity, among others.
Can menstrual delay be psychological?
Yes , even the desire to get pregnant can lead to a psychological pregnancy!
Anxiety, nervousness and excessive emotions generate a hormonal imbalance and, because of this, the results are symptoms of pregnancy, including the lack of menstruation.
Can menstrual delay be cyst?
Yes , the delay can be a sign of an ovarian cyst .
Cysts can form on the inside, outside or even on the ovary, and cancerous cyst cases are rare.
The development of a cyst is closely linked to sex hormones.
They can prevent ovulation and the fertile period and therefore end up delaying menstruation.
Menstruation does not happen in the pool and in the sea. Myth or truth?
Myth. Water can make it difficult for blood to escape, but it cannot block it completely. This is because the water constricts the vessels, thus hindering the evacuation of blood.
Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?
It is rare, but yes, it is possible to get pregnant in the menstrual period. Some women have 28-day cycles, but others only 22.
There is the possibility of ovulation just after a few days of having started menstruation. The sperm, after entering the uterus, can stay alive for up to 5 days.
Do pregnant women menstruate?
Pregnant women do not menstruate, however, they may bleed during pregnancy.
There is no menstruation because the woman’s body releases human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy, which prevents the flaking of the endometrium, a determining factor for menstruation.
Bleeding can happen with sex, transvaginal ultrasound or touch exam, fibroids and polyps, coagulant medications, onset of labor, uterine rupture, spontaneous abortion, among others.
I feel cramping but menstruation doesn’t come. Can I be pregnant?
He can! It is common to have cramps at the beginning of pregnancy. Along with delayed menstruation, it can be a sign of pregnancy.
They are usually located below the womb and are mild in intensity. But any sign or symptom must be evaluated by a professional.
If pregnancy is suspected, the best way to confirm or rule out is to get tested.
Delayed menstruation can make many women feel chilly, but there is no reason to worry. It is important not to despair or rejoice at the likelihood of being pregnant.
If your period has been delayed for many days, talk to your gynecologist! He will be able to guide you on what should be done.