Blackberry: discover the nutrients of the fruit and capsules

Whether for its sweet taste or for its culinary usefulness, blackberry is a fruit that is increasingly present in markets and vegetables.

It has many health and beauty benefits. To know a little more about this fruit, check out the text:


What is it and what is the origin of the blackberry?

The blackberry is an Asian fruit that grows in a medium-sized shrub and is grown in Brazil and other countries in America, Europe and Asia.

It is believed that the Europeans brought the first seedlings to Brazil, shortly after arriving here (around the seventeenth or seventeenth century).

For a long time, it was cultivated only in the backyards of the nobility and the bourgeoisie, becoming popularly accessible only at the end of the 19th century.

This fruit has a bittersweet flavor. In natura , it can be dark purple, red or white.

Blackberry can be found in all regions of Brazil, although it is not always accessible to a large part of the population because of the price.

What are the nutrients of blackberry?

About 100g of fruits have approximately 60 calories and only 0.6 g of fats.

The same amount of the fruit contains:

Total fat0.49g
Saturated fat0,014g
Polyunsaturated fats0.28g
Monounsaturated fats0,047g
Vitamin B50,4mg
C vitamin30,2mg
Vitamin E1,7mg
Vitamina K28,5mcg

In addition, it is still rich in antioxidants, which protect healthy cells.

What is blackberry in capsules and what is it for?

Usually, blackberry capsules are made with the essence (like oils) extracted from this fruit. This product is a dietary supplement that brings benefits such as preventing osteoporosis , improving sleep, reducing cholesterol and regulating the intestine.

The blackberry in capsule is a supplement that must be taken according to the medical recommendation (which generally advises this product for patients who need to replace nutrients).

What is blackberry good for?

Blackberry is a fruit rich in health and beauty benefits. Another positive point is that both the fruit and the leaf can be used to acquire these benefits. For example, the leaf (used in teas) helps to control the symptoms of diabetes , hypertension, menopause and osteoporosis.

The mulberry fruit has benefits such as:

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Helps in the healing process;
  • Helps in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL);
  • It helps to decrease the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • Makes the skin softer;
  • Relieving menstrual cramps and signs of menopause;
  • Helps in the growth of hair strands;
  • It has a rejuvenating effect (for the dermis and locks).

Does mulberry give allergies?

Blackberry is one of the foods classified as “rarely allergenic”, that is, there are rare cases in which it can trigger allergy . Even so, it can happen.

Therefore, if after consuming blackberries you experience symptoms such as swelling, difficulty breathing, weakness, stomach pain, vomiting, heartburn , excess gas or changes in skin color, the ideal is to avoid this fruit and seek medical help.

How to consume blackberry?

Blackberry is a versatile fruit. In natura, it can be consumed and used in cooking in several ways, such as jellies and jams, in juices and teas, in sauces, desserts (such as mousses, flans, ice creams, jellies and sweet pies), cakes, flour and even in capsules.

Find out the ideal quantities for each presentation:


Fruit consumption should be in moderation (between 1 and 2 cups a day).

This is because, if eaten in excess, blackberry can cause diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.


The ideal is to consume about 2 to 4 capsules a day, preferably a few minutes before a large meal (such as lunch).

This dose varies according to factors such as age, current clinical status and medical history of the patient.

What happens if I eat too much blackberry?

In excess (more than 2 cups a day), blackberry can cause excess gas, intestinal pain and diarrhea, as it is rich in fiber and helps to speed up digestion movements.


Those who have diabetes should consume this fruit in small amounts, as it contains a lot of fructose (sugar), which raises blood glucose levels.

Another contraindication for blackberry is for users of anticoagulant medications. Blackberry has vitamin K , which can interfere with the action of this type of medicine. For example, those who are undergoing treatment for thrombosis should limit the consumption of the fruit to 1 time per week, more or less.

Price and where to buy

The blackberry in fruit can be bought in some supermarkets, vegetables and fairs. The kilo leaves, on average, between R $ 40 and R $ 70.

The leaves can be found at lower prices (between R $ 3 and R $ 15) in natural products houses, supermarkets and homeopathic pharmacies.

The values ​​of the blackberry capsules vary according to the brand and the region of the country, and can cost between R $ 20 and R $ 60. Some examples of this product are: Amora Bionatus , Amora Miura Unilife , Amora Inove Nutrition and Amora Miúra Vitalab .

How to plant?

Mulberry development is enhanced in humid climates with cold temperatures (around 14 ° Celsius).

In Brazil, the ideal period for planting the tree is between April and August. During this period, it is also recommended that routine pruning and fertilization be carried out on the land.

Blackberry is a plant that adapts well to various types of soil, except those that have a tendency to shrink (such as mangroves).

Regarding the distance, it is important to leave at least half a meter between one seedling and the other.

If the rains are not frequent, the ideal is to water the plants every week, with a small amount of water.

The first fruits appear, on average, after 18 months (1 and a half years) of planting on the land.

Blackberry is a fruit that has many benefits. Despite this, it should be consumed in moderation, as too much can cause abdominal complications. The Healthy Minute has more information on healthy eating . Check out our posts!
