4 weeks of gestation: can you do ultrasound? Do you have symptoms?

At 4 weeks of gestation, most of the time, the woman still does not know that she is pregnant.

However, the baby is developing more and more every day. That is why it is important for mom to eat properly.

Vitamins (such as B9, B12 , C , D and E) are important for the proper development of the little one.

The ideal is to prefer foods that are rich in these substances (for example, fish, egg, red meat, chestnuts, avocado, orange, mango , apple and strawberry).


4 weeks of gestation is how many months?

Upon arriving at the 4th week, the pregnancy will be ending the 1st month.

The baby’s brain and spine are formed. The little heart and micro-veins are in the process of formation.

From now on, the embryo will divide into layers that in the future will be bones, organs, cartilage, skin, eyes and mouth.

The vitelline vesicle involves the entire baby. It is through it that the baby acquires the necessary nutrition until the placenta is definitively formed.

What are the symptoms that a woman feels at 4 weeks of gestation?

Often, it is in this week that the woman starts to suspect pregnancy, since the menstrual delay begins to indicate that something has changed.

In addition to delayed menstruation , other symptoms can also be noticed in some women:


It is common for women to experience mild or moderate abdominal discomfort and pain.

They happen because, during the early stage of pregnancy, there is an increase in blood flow in the uterus.

This can cause a sensation of throbbing or colic in the pelvic area.


The headache , during this period, is usually weak and in most cases the woman does not associate this symptom with a possible pregnancy.

It happens because of the amount of hormones that are released into the bloodstream.

Nausea and vomiting

During early pregnancy, several hormones are released. Their main function is to keep the pregnancy healthy and to communicate to the body that there is another life that also needs to be nourished.

One of these hormones is progesterone . It is produced throughout the woman’s life. But, during pregnancy, their production is increased.

This is largely responsible for the nausea that makes women suspect pregnancy.

The symptom, especially, combined with a diet full of sugars and fats, can cause vomiting.

To avoid this, some recommendations are:

  • Do not go too many hours without eating;
  • Prefer light meals with fruits and vegetables;
  • Reduce the consumption of sweets and fried foods. Drink water, coconut water, natural juices and teas to avoid dehydration.


The dizziness happens because of fall in blood pressure or the decrease of blood glucose.

These two situations can be caused by poor diet and weakness due to nausea and vomiting.

The hormones present in this phase can also alter blood pressure, causing it to decrease sharply, causing dizziness.

Sensitivity to smells and tastes

The pregnancy hormone (HCG) has already started to be released into the pregnant woman’s bloodstream. Thus, it is normal for her to perceive a certain sensitivity with smells and tastes.

It may happen that women experience different tastes and smells, especially of foods and perfumes.

For example, if she loves a certain perfume, HCG can make her hate it. The same goes for soaps, creams, foods, etc.

Larger and sensitive breasts

Some women report that the breasts become larger and more sensitive during pregnancy.

This is because after conception, the mammary glands have already started to be activated, preparing for milk production and future breastfeeding.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of gestation is not recommended because the baby is still too small to be seen.

He will be able to be seen, by ultrasound, from the 8th week of gestation. In this exam, you will also be able to hear your heartbeat for the first time.

A transvaginal ultrasound is recommended in the 4th week when the woman, due to some complication (such as endometriosis ), is more likely to have a miscarriage.

She will assess aspects of the implantation site, size, contour and content of the gestational sac.

Gestational sac: what is it? what is it for?

The gestational sac is a membrane that can be seen by ultrasound after 4 weeks of gestation.

From it will be formed the other structures (such as the placenta and the amniotic sac) that allow the baby to stay in the womb.

It is worth remembering that all doubts about pregnancy should be removed with an obstetrician.

This professional will be able to guide the pregnant woman correctly, request diagnoses and prescribe treatments, if necessary.
