At 21 weeks of gestation, half of the pregnancy has passed, as it is the fifth month .
At this stage, the woman has a well rounded and hard belly, but not as big as it should be until the end of 9 months. After all, it is in the third trimester that the baby gets the most fat.
The weight gained during these months is highly dependent on the diet of each mother. But, maintaining a balanced and healthy diet, on average, it is likely that she has gained between 4kg to 8kg by then.
During this phase, it is possible that the mother and baby are not in the same time zone, so to speak. During the day, when the woman is more agitated and moving more, the baby can be more calm and quiet.
At night, this exchange can happen: when the mother is more calm and resting, the baby tends to be more agitated and moving around a lot.
Check out more changes in the pregnant woman and the baby in this 21st week of pregnancy:
How is the baby’s development?
The baby’s development in the 21st gestation period is marked by the formation of white blood cells (leukocytes), cells that are part of the immune system.
The baby’s growth is no longer as fast as it was in the first few months. The development of systems, organs, tissues and bones continues every week, but at a different pace.