After 14 weeks of gestation, the risks of spontaneous abortion are very low and the mother in general is already able to be safer. It is time to relax and focus on what is to come.
At this stage, the baby begins to take shape and has the structure of its organs fully formed. Soon it will be possible to see the face and know the sex of the baby.
How good it is to be able to follow the step by step of his development. Every day there are new discoveries about the baby and about herself. Make the most of this moment.
14 weeks of gestation is how many months?
With 14 weeks of gestation, the mother is already in the fourth month of pregnancy . It is the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.
It is in the second trimester that changes in the body begin to appear. In general, until 14 weeks the belly is almost imperceptible. The breasts are starting to prepare for breastfeeding and the hips are starting to get a little wider.
Not only does your body change, but so does the baby’s body. It is already possible to notice the first movements inside your belly, still very subtle.
When the mother arrives at the 14th week of pregnancy, the structure of the baby’s internal organs is already formed. The umbilical cord is already well developed, giving the baby the oxygen and food it needs to grow healthy.
The baby’s kidneys are already developed, as well as the esophagus, trachea, larynx and vocal cords. The first strands of hair also appear, which are, in fact, a very fine down throughout the body.
My name is Veronika and founded “Hickey Solution” in an attempt to pass plain and working solutions of Health, Fitness, and Skincare related issues.Feel free to subscribe here to receive free regular post updates in your inbox!