What is Milium
Milium, also known as milia or mili, is a rash easily mistaken for pimples and blackheads . These rashes are small and have a white or yellowish color. Unlike pimples and blackheads, milium is hard and cannot be squeezed, as its interior has keratin.
It is very common in newborn babies, but it can affect people of all ages, being more frequent to appear on the skin in the healing process. Typically, rashes are concentrated around the eyes, on the eyelids and cheeks, but can appear anywhere on the body.
The condition poses no risk to the skin or health of the wearer, only aesthetic discomfort.
Types of millet
There are several types of milium, which are classified according to the affected region and the age of the carrier.
millet Neonatal
It affects newborns, especially in the face area, being very frequent in the nose. This is believed to be because there are sweat glands that are not yet fully developed. Studies indicate that about 50% of babies are born with this condition, but that it disappears after a few weeks.
millet primaries
It can develop in children and adults, usually around the eyes, on the cheeks, forehead and genitals. In children, it is common to also manifest in the nose. It can occur on any type of skin and, in general, does not cause itching, pain or burning.
millet secondaries
Also called a trauma milium, this type develops in parts of the skin that have already suffered an injury, such as bruises and severe burns. Cysts usually appear during the healing process, one of the possible causes being damaged sweat glands.
millet States
It manifests at birth or a little later. It may be linked to genetic conditions and diseases such as Gardner’s Syndrome.
Millet em ruffles
It usually manifests in middle-aged women, but it can also be found in children and adults. It consists of a plate of several centimeters covered by cysts, usually in the regions of the eyes, behind the ears, cheeks or jaw. It can be associated with skin diseases like Lichen Planus.
Millet múltiplo eruptive
Characterized by several rashes that can last for weeks or months. The lesions can be asymptomatic or itchy and mainly affect the face, arms and trunk.
Causes and risk factors
The exact causes of the milium are not known, but experts suspect that the cysts are caused by the clogging of sebaceous and sweat glands by dead skin cells.
This theory may explain why the milium is common in areas of healing, as it is where cell renewal is most intense.
Some risk factors associated with the condition are:
- Severe burns;
- Bruises;
- Other skin diseases;
- Procedures such as dermabrasion and laser;
- Prolonged use of topical steroids;
- Damage caused by the sun.
In general, the milium is asymptomatic, being only aesthetically uncomfortable. However, in some cases, the formation of the lesion can cause moderate itching.
The diagnosis of milium must be made by a dermatologist. Cysts are often recognized by their appearance and there is no need for further tests.
In some cases, as in suspected milium plaque or other skin diseases, the doctor may order a biopsy, which consists of removing a small piece of skin and analyzing it under a microscope.
Treatment and Remedies for Milium
Milium does not require treatment, as it is not harmful to the health of the wearer and disappears naturally after a few weeks or months. However, the aesthetic discomfort caused by the cysts can bother some people and, therefore, there are several treatment options.
Surgical removal
One of the most well-known treatments is surgical removal of the cyst . The qualified professional (beautician or dermatologist) performs a minor surgery in which, with the help of a sterile needle (lancet), punctures the milium and extracts the cyst and its capsule. Anesthesia is not necessary.
This type of treatment must be performed after cleaning and asepsis of the skin, to avoid contamination. If done correctly, it does not damage or cause scarring on the skin.
Peels are procedures that remove the superficial layers of the skin, where the milium is lodged. They can be physical or chemical, that is, they can be done through tips or through chemical assets that exfoliate the skin.
The drug treatment of milium is similar to the treatment of acne , since many of the assets used are the same. It is a topical treatment in which the results appear more slowly, but the biggest advantage is not having to pierce the skin and do everything in the comfort of your own home.
To treat milium chemically, it is recommended the prescription of a dermatologist, as only he will know how to diagnose the case and indicate the correct treatment.
The recommended assets for chemical treatments are:
- Retinoic acid;
- Adapaleno;
- Benzoyl Peroxide ;
- Isotretinoína .
When the milium is somewhere more sensitive, such as the eyelid of the eye, cryotherapy may be necessary. This method consists of freezing the cyst before removing it with a lancet. It does not damage or cause scarring on the skin.
Skin cleansing
A process that cleanses the entire skin, freeing it from blackheads and other impurities, is called skin cleansing . The procedure is done in stages: asepsis, exfoliation, extraction, massage, application of mask and application of sunscreen.
Amid the carnations, the milliuns are also extracted during the extraction stage.
Homemade Peeling
It is possible to perform a homemade peel with acidic fruits to eliminate the cysts. Fruits, in addition to being rich in vitamins , have alpha-hydroxy acids, which promote gentle exfoliation on the skin.
After peeling, the use of sunscreen is essential to avoid blemishes and other damage to the skin. In addition, the patient needs to be aware of possible allergies to vitamins and other components of fruits.
Homemade peeling should not be done without the knowledge of a dermatologist or beautician.
NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained on this site is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.
Living together
In general, milium does not interfere with the wearer’s daily routine. The biggest difficulties are related to self – esteem and self-image, since it is difficult to hide the cysts with makeup or any similar trick.
Although living with milium is simple, it is important to keep up with visits to the dermatologist. If the patient wishes, he can request a procedure to remove the cysts, thus improving his self-esteem.
The biggest complications of milium are related to the wrong extraction methods.
The patient who feels bad about the cysts may end up trying to squeeze them, which can cause wounds and infections, without solving the problem. Other patients may try to remove the cysts with a needle and injure themselves, in addition to increasing the risk of infections at the site. There are those who can also try homemade recipes that may not be recommended for your skin, causing side effects.
Removing the contents of the cyst (keratin), but leaving its shell where it is, can cause the reappearance of the milium. Parents concerned about the condition in their babies may try to remove the cysts by rubbing, which can cause pain in the baby.
Prevention of Milium
Because the causes of the milium are not known for certain, there is no way to prevent its appearance. Still, it is believed that maintaining a skin cleansing routine can contribute to no condition.
Clean the skin
Washing your face using a facial soap suitable for the skin type is essential to maintain healthy skin.
There are those who believe that milliuns are caused by the presence of dead skin cells, which were not removed by natural exfoliation. Following this logic, applying an exfoliating cream suitable for the face can help prevent the formation of cysts.
Solar protection
The secondary milium appears in damaged skin (bruises, burns), which includes damage by solar radiation. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and use sunscreen are measures that help prevent
If you suffer from milium, consult a dermatologist or beautician and avoid trying to extract the cysts at home.
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