Weaning can be a period full of doubts for those involved with babies.
For some women, this process can be as difficult as starting to breastfeed.
Concerns about the baby’s lack of nutrients and even the breaking of affective bonds between mother and child are common. So, knowing more about that moment is important!
What is weaning?
Weaning is basically the period when the baby is no longer breastfed by breast milk.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no set time to be performed, but the ideal is that the child exclusively breastfeeds until the sixth month of pregnancy .
In this phase, other foods can be gradually introduced into the diet, such as fruits and vegetables, and may or may not continue with breastfeeding.
It is important to understand that weaning is part of one of the stages of breastfeeding, making the procedure necessary and performed carefully.
A very important tip is to keep the care during the process, so that it does not generate traumas in the child.
Some mothers opt for abrupt weaning or night weaning, but neither is recommended. Breastfeeding is a moment of bonds between the baby and the mother. Therefore, it is always good to pay attention to this care.
Abrupt weaning
Abrupt weaning can be considered as a sudden act. In general, it is performed by methods of deception or visual shock.
An example is to put a product that has a bad taste in the breasts or use band-aid to cover them. When the child is a little older, it is also common to lie that the breasts are hurt.
In general, this type of weaning is not recommended.
Taking into account that breastfeeding is a very affective period between the mother and the baby, it is common for him to cry a lot because he misses the mother’s chest suddenly.
This can lead the child to have feelings of rejection, loss and even feelings of guilt, for having hurt the mother in some way.
Breastfeeding is not only a source of nutrients, it is also an emotional and affective source between mother and baby.
Night weaning
It is common for babies to wake up one or more times during the night to breastfeed. However, children are often not exactly hungry, but just accustomed to eating at night.
This can be a good way to start weaning, gradually decreasing and interrupting night feedings.
The estimated time for this procedure will depend a lot on how many feedings were given to him during the breastfeeding period and also on the baby’s personality.
How to wean the baby?
There are several ways to carry out weaning. There are several reports, both positive and negative, during this process.
It may be common for mothers to give up in the middle of the process, which is not indicated. Because it can make it common for the baby to cry and get what it wants, making the process difficult if started again.
The recommended during this process is to be carried out in a gentle way.
Among them, some are more recommendable than others, an example of which is natural weaning.
Insert food
Initially, after the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby starts a new feeding cycle that includes the introduction of solid foods. This makes him feel less need for breastfeeding.
Guidance should always be given by pediatricians, indicating the best time and the best nutritional sources to offer the baby.
Many mothers and fathers have doubts about inserting artificial milk in their diet after weaning are common, and the answer is: no.
The milk of other animals is processed, undergoing low and high temperature processes, making their nutritional potential low. Therefore, nutritionists recommend the consumption of vegetable milks , such as hazelnut or chestnut.
Talk to the baby
Conversation is a very important element during this process. Taking into account that babies have the ability to understand despite being small.
The ideal is not to be in a hurry. Talking and explaining the situation are the best options, little by little this process makes the child understand the situation.
Remembering that even very young children benefit from dialogue, because even though they are unable to understand exactly what is said, the conversation strengthens bonds and brings mother and child closer together.
Find out about the process
It is important to be aware while weaning, as it is a period that requires attention. Where performing it without care can generate possible frustrations.
Natural weaning is carried out gradually, where feedings should be reduced gradually.
In cases where the baby after 6 months of age does not consume food and just wants to be breastfed, it is recommended to look for one or a health professional for targeted guidance.
What is the ideal age for weaning?
According to the WHO, it is recommended that the baby be breastfed until 6 months of age. Starting from this period, other foods must be included in the menu along with breast milk, keeping it up to two years.
Taking into account that babies start to have a different diet after 6 months, it is common that they no longer feel the need for the mother’s breast.
But still, if the baby consumes the necessary nutrients regularly, the decision of the right time for weaning is entirely up to the mother.
It is worth mentioning that after 2 years of age, breast milk does not bring as many nutritional and immunological benefits to the child.
However, it is important to respect the time of both mother and baby to carry out the weaning process. Unhurried.
Is it normal to produce milk after you stop breastfeeding?
Yes. It is normal for the body to still produce milk after breastfeeding, as it takes a while for the woman’s hormonal process to stabilize. The main responsible for the production of milk is a hormone called prolactin, produced by a gland in the brain.
If the condition continues, it is important that the woman be aware of the risk of hyperprolactinemia, that is, the excessive production of prolactin.
In this case, there is a need for medication treatment, with the aim of regulating the woman’s hormone levels.
Weaning is a necessary process at some time for all mothers. Some with more difficulty to perform and others not so much, however, it is important to be careful in each and every situation.
There are several ways to act for weaning, being aware of the consequences if it is not done well is essential. It is worth mentioning that it is always good to follow up with a health professional, since each case has its particularities.
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