Parasites are organisms that stay in others and live at their expense, obtaining nutrients and, generally, harming the lives of the hosts.
Recurrently, these parasites – which may be fungi, viruses, amoebae, worms, among others – are found in humans and cause infections.
For these cases, some medications are generally recommended and, among them, drugs that have Secnidazole as an active ingredient.
What is Secnidazole?
Secnidazole is a substance with parasiticidal action – which eliminates parasites -, used as an active ingredient in some medications.
It is used to treat parasitic infections such as Giardiasis , Amebiasis and Trichomoniasis , caused by protozoa such as Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis .
The medication is administered orally, using a tablet or suspension. In general, it can be applied in a single dose or for up to 7 days, according to the patient’s clinical condition.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that Secnidazole has a pregnancy risk category D, that is, it should not be used by pregnant women without medical or dental surgeon guidance. However, it can be prescribed for people of any age, as there is no restriction regarding age groups.
What is the medicine Secnidazole for?
The drug Secnidazole is used to treat pathologies that affect organs such as the liver, intestines and genital region, caused by protozoa. It works to combat Amebiasis, Giardiasis and Trichomoniasis infections. Specifically, it serves to:
Amebiasis is an infection that can affect the large intestine (intestinal amebiasis) or the liver (hepatic amebiasis), caused by the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica .
It is transmitted through contaminated water or food and also through direct contact with the fecal material of the infected person.
With the use of Secnidazole, it is possible to treat intestinal amebiasis in all forms (both symptomatic and mild or without symptoms) and also extra-intestinal, which affects the liver.
In general, when they appear, the first symptoms are:
- Diarrhea with colic;
- Tiredness;
- Abdominal discomfort;
- Stools with blood or mucus;
- Pain in the rectum during bowel movement;
- Excessive gases;
- Chills;
- Slimming;
- Colitis (inflammation of the colon).
He was gardening
Giardiasis is an infection caused by the protozoan Giardia lamblia , which settles in the small intestine or biliary tract of the human body.
It is transmitted through contaminated food or in contact between individuals. In general, it is more common in people who do not have good hygiene conditions.
Symptoms usually include:
- Tiredness;
- Weight loss;
- Sickness;
- Swelling;
- Abdominal cramps;
- Diarrhea;
- Eructation with bad taste (belch).
Trichomoniasis is a disease caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis .
It is a sexually transmitted disease (STD), that is, it is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person.
In rare cases, the spread can also occur through contaminated objects and toilet seat.
In general, in women, the protozoan usually settles in the lower genital tract (vulva, vagina, cervix and urethra). In men, on the inside of the penis, the urethra.
Symptoms are usually:
In women:
- Smelly discharge;
- Genital redness;
- Feeling of urinary urgency;
- Bleeding and vaginal itching;
- Inflammation of the vaginal area.
In men:
- Discharge with unpleasant smell;
- Itch;
- Burning sensation when urinating or during ejaculation;
- Urinary urgency.
Read more: What is the best remedy for smelly discharge?
When to use Secnidazole ointment?
There is no presentation in the ointment version of Secnidazole. What happens is that, in some vulvar and vaginal infections, it can be used in combination with a cream containing Tioconazole and Tinidazole for treatment.
In this case, along with the cream for vaginal application, the packaging accompanies Secnidazole pills, which helps in combating the causes of the pathology.
Both Tioconazole, Tinidazole and Secnidazole have an effective action in the elimination of some microorganisms frequently found in infections in the woman’s genital region and, therefore, it is indicated to combat:
- Candida albicans;
- Trichomonas vaginalis ;
- Gardnerella vaginalis.
What does Secnidazole do?
Secnidazole is a synthetic derivative of the series of nitroimidazois – class of antiprotozoa with similar action -, and has parasiticidal action.
This type of substance, in general, acts by inhibiting the proliferation of microorganisms and degrading existing cells, leading to their complete elimination from the human organism.
The drug does this by inhibiting the synthesis of nucleic acids, that is, molecules that form the DNA of organisms.
By preventing the production of these molecules, there is no way for the parasite to spread.
How long to take effect?
The maximum absorption time of Secnidazole, that is, the time it takes the drug to be fully absorbed by the body is 3 hours after administration.
Despite this, it is worth mentioning that the symptoms will not necessarily disappear soon after the first administration. This can vary according to the clinical picture and indication of use.
In addition, even with the improvement of symptoms, the treatment must be carried out until the end, according to medical advice.
What milligram is available?
Secnidazole is available in two different presentations and milligrams:
- Tablet: 1000mg;
- Oral suspension: 30mg / mL.
In the case of the tablet version, it means that each capsule of the drug contains 1000mg of Secnidazole.
In the oral suspension, for each mL of liquid, there is 30mg of the substance.
Dosage: how to use according to the package leaflet?
The use of Secnidazole varies according to the version indicated: oral suspension or tablet.
It is worth remembering that, despite the information described below, it is important to follow the medical guidance for use .
In addition, doses and treatment periods may vary according to the patient’s clinical condition.
In general, according to the package insert, the form of administration is:
Oral suspension
Oral suspension is a type of presentation in which the package may contain the ready-made product straight from the laboratory or just a powdered bottle and instructions for preparation.
In general, this version, when at rest, leaves visible particles mixed in the liquid or deposited at the bottom of the flask.
In the case of Secnidazole, the package provides a powder for preparing the solution.
According to the package leaflet, the steps for preparation are:
- Remove the cap from the bottle;
- Add water to the indicated mark;
- Cap again and shake the bottle for 1 minute;
- Perform the administration using the measuring cup that comes with the packaging.
The dosage varies according to the treatment and is determined according to the patient’s weight. Doses are:
Recommendation | Amount (mg) | Frequency |
Hepatic amoebias | 1mL / kg body weight | 5 to 7 days |
Intestinal amoebic | 1mL / kg body weight | Single dose |
He was gardening | 1mL / kg body weight | Single dose |
In the case of single doses, the package insert indicates to ignore any leftovers of Secnidazole suspension.
In the tablet version, the package insert recommends that the drug be taken with water during any of the daily meals, preferably in the evening after dinner.
The dosage varies according to each clinical picture. In general, it can be:
Recommendation | Amount (mg) | Frequency |
Hepatic amoebias | 1500 to 2000mg / day | 5 to 7 days |
Intestinal amoebic | 2 tablets of 1000mg | Single dose |
He was gardening | 2 tablets of 1000mg | Single dose |
Trichomonias | 2 tablets of 1000mg | Single dose |
It is worth mentioning that, despite the information listed, it is essential to follow medical guidelines.
What are the side effects of Secnidazole?
Like other medications, Secnidazole can cause side effects in some people.
However, it is worth remembering that each organism reacts differently to medication and, therefore, not necessarily all people will suffer from the symptoms.
Among the main adverse reactions are:
Blood and lymphatic system disorders
The side effect related to blood and lymph that can occur, is:
- Moderate leukopenia – decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood.
Disorders of the nervous system
Among the adverse reactions that can happen and affect the nervous system are:
- Vertigo – dizziness;
- Paresthesias – abnormal skin sensation, such as tingling;
- Ataxia – difficulty in coordinating movements;
- Sensory-motor polyneuritis – inflammation of a peripheral or cranial nerve;
- Peripheral sensory motor neuropathy – inflammation of a peripheral nerve.
Disorders of the immune system
The immune system can be affected by the use of medication. Some of the side effects that can occur are:
- Fever;
- Erythema – redness;
- Hives – itchy skin rash;
- Angioedema – swelling in the subcutaneous or mucous membranes;
- Anaphylactic reaction – allergic reaction.
Gastrointestinal disorders
When using Secnidazole, gastrointestinal problems can happen in some people. They include:
- Sickness;
- Vomiting;
- Gastralgia – pain in the stomach;
- Epigastric pain – upper abdominal pain;
- Alteration of taste;
- Glossitis – inflammation of the tongue;
- Stomatitis – inflammation of the lining of the mouth.
Price: what is the average value of Secnidazole?
The value of Secnidazole may vary according to the geographic region, establishment of purchase, presentation and brand indicated on the medical prescription.
In general, there are three main categories of medication, which can interfere with the value: reference, generic and similar.
To compare prices and make the purchase, it is possible to use the website of Consulta Remédios , which indicates the best prices in different pharmacies in each region.
The available options are:
Reference drugs are those that originated the medication formula. Its effectiveness, safety and quality are scientifically proven and approved by Anvisa.
The reference drug for Secnidazole and its price * is from:
- Secnidal — R$29,12.
* Price consulted in May 2020. The value may change.
Generic drugs are those that have the same active ingredient, dose, pharmaceutical form, indication and route of administration as the reference, but without the commercial nomenclature.
Thus, it is marketed by the name of the active ingredient.
Some generic options and * values are from:
- Secnidazole Medley Pill – R $ 7.07;
- Secnidazole Teuto Comprimido – R $ 13.53;
- Secnidazole Neo Chemical Tablet – R $ 18,19;
- Secnidazole EMS Oral suspension – R $ 7.19.
* Prices consulted in May 2020. Prices may change.
Similar are the drugs that have the same efficacy and effect as the reference, however, they may have, for example, different excipients, expiration date, labeling and product size.
Among Secnidazole’s similar options and their initial values * are:
- Decnazol — R$5,22;
- Secnaxidol — R$14,17;
- Neodazol — R$19,64;
- Secfar — R$20,42.
* Prices consulted in May 2020. Prices may change.
Similar interchangeable
Interchangeable similars are those that, as well as conventional similars, have proven efficacy and effect similar to the reference drug.
The difference is that these products can replace, at the time of purchase, the reference drugs, even if they have been prescribed in the medical prescription.
Among the options available for interchangeable similars and their prices *, are:
- Secdazol — R$2,99;
- SecniHexal — R$8,33;
- Unigyn – R $ 12.10;
- Secnimax — R$17,20.
* Prices consulted in May 2020. Prices may change.
Alcohol: How long after taking Secnidazole can I drink it?
According to the package insert, it is recommended that the patient wait a period of 4 days after the end of the treatment with Secnidazole to drink alcoholic beverages, since the medication has a slow elimination.
Thus, after the last administration, the substance takes some time before it is completely excreted.
If alcoholic beverages are ingested while part of the drug is still in the body, there is a risk of drug interaction and the appearance of undesirable effects such as:
- Tachycardia;
- Redness;
- Hot;
- Vomiting.
What happens if I take Secnidazole while breastfeeding?
The drug Secnidazole is not indicated during pregnancy or lactation. This is because medication has the potential to cross the placental barrier and be excreted in breast milk. Thus, there is a risk of the drug being ingested by the baby during breastfeeding, which may cause some unwanted problem.
There are still no studies that prove the safety of using Secnidazole and do not present the possible adverse reactions if the use is made during lactation.
In general, use is not recommended in cases of suspected pregnancy and, if confirmed, during the 2nd and 3rd trimester and breastfeeding period.
How many times a year can I take Secnidazole?
There is no defined frequency or limit on the use of the medication in the package insert, as Secnidazole should only be used with medical advice when there is a pathology and not as a way of preventing worms, for example.
According to the Ministry of Health, worms prevention medications, such as worms, should only be used on a recurring basis by people exposed to risk factors, such as living in environments without basic sanitation.
In such cases, it is recommended to use it once a year.
However, for people who are not at risk, recurrent administration is not recommended, and the medication should be used only when necessary.
Thus, it is worth seeking medical advice, which will assess the patient’s clinical condition and the need for use and frequency of use of the drug for each specific case.
Can you take Secnidazole during menstruation?
-Yeah . There are no contraindications related to menstruation indicated on the package insert.
In general, the condition does not interfere with the effects of the medication.
Secnidazole and Fluconazole
Both Secnidazole and Fluconazole are drugs used to treat infections caused by microorganisms. Despite this, they have differences between them.
Secnidazole is used to fight parasites – which can be fungi, viruses, protozoa, amoebas or worms -, acting against Trichomoniasis, Giardiasis and Amebiasis.
Fluconazole, on the other hand, acts specifically to combat fungi, such as those that cause oral and vaginal candidiasis , and groin and nail mycoses, for example.
Thus, the drugs have different action and indication, with Secnidazole being an antiparasitic and Fluconazole, an antifungal.
The time when symptoms of an infection manifest can be uncomfortable.
So it is always worth seeking medical advice when the body shows signs that something is wrong.
After the correct identification of the cause of the problem, treatment with appropriate medications is essential.
In cases of problems caused by parasites, among the options, there is the drug Secnidazole, which helps to fight Giardiasis, Amebiasis and Trichomoniasis.
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