When buying medicines, many of them need a prescription. This is because they can cause risks when they are used incorrectly or indiscriminately. The strips are used to indicate the level of risk presented. Both ensure the control of the drug in different ways.
Among the various information contained in the medication packaging, the stripe can be seen in prominence, due to its importance. They signal the degree of intensity of the product and alert to its side effects and risks.
Red stripe
Medicines with this identification have two distinctions: with or without retaining a prescription, information that is properly described on the packaging. In drugs that only need a prescription, they usually contain the phrase “sale under medical prescription”, while in cases of retention, it can be read on the packaging: “sale under medical prescription. It can only be sold with revenue retention ”.
Black stripe
The black-stripe drugs, in addition to requiring presentation and prescription retention, still contain the warning on the packaging alerting to the possible problems that it can cause: “sale under medical prescription. The abuse of this medication can cause dependence ”.
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When you don’t have a stripe you don’t need a prescription for your purchase. Still, medications need to have pharmaceutical guidance before purchase.
Medical prescriptions, on the other hand, can be used as guides at the time of purchase or be necessary to purchase the medication. The white prescription, prescribed by the doctor, is used for streaky drugs.
They must contain the patient’s name and address, quantity, name and concentration of the medication, its method of use, CRM and the name of the doctor, in addition to the signature of the specialist and the date.
In addition to the prescription, there is also the issuance of the blue prescription, made by the doctor. It is a standardized notification document, with numbering controlled by the Health Surveillance, used for the release of drugs that can cause dependence. It is delivered with the prescription, to the pharmaceutical establishment, where it is retained.