In the following text, we will describe the drugs usually indicated to treat hemorrhoids.
Pills Medicines in the presentation of pills can be recommended to help improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation and swelling. The recommendation of doses can be made according to the hemorrhoid crises.
It is also important to emphasize how important it is to check with the doctor about possible side effects, drug interactions and complications.
Among the drugs usually prescribed are:
Daflon ; Venaflon ; Imescard (pills) ; Velunid . In general, all these drugs are aimed at reducing inflammation, swelling and improving blood circulation.
Daflon, for example, is a vasoprotective medication manufactured from the active ingredients Diosmin + Hesperidin , which interfere with the functioning of the vascular system.
This action of the medication contributes to the patient’s improvement in hemorrhoid symptoms precisely because it interferes with blood circulation. The substance increases the speed of blood circulation in the veins and increases the lymphatic drainage , which results in the reduction of swelling and discomfort.
The use of this medication should only be done under medical prescription, being previously contraindicated for children, pregnant women and people who are hypersensitive to the components.
Possible side effects include diarrhea , nausea, vomiting and indigestion.
Venaflon and Velunid have a similar action to Daflon, helping to relieve symptoms caused by swelling and inflammation in the anal veins.
The time of use of these pills must be done according to the medical recommendation, it is essential that the patient does not prolong or abandon the treatment without the guidance of a specialist.
OintmentsThe options available for ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids are more varied. They can be used to help with healing and hydration of the affected region, as well as helping to relieve symptoms such as pain and itching due to the analgesic or anti-inflammatory effect.
The amount in which they should be applied may vary according to the patient’s need and medical recommendation. The average, usually, is that the ointment is applied to the anal area 2 to 3 times a day, and can be applied to the external or internal region.
For external or internal application, some hygiene precautions are essential. It is advisable that the patient has clean hands before applying the ointment, as well as the anal area as well.
The treatment time with the ointment must be carried out according to the medical prescription.
Some of the main ointments recommended for these cases are:
Hemovirtus Hemovirtus is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, soothing and vasoconstrictor ointment, which helps to reduce pain and decrease the chances of fluid loss and bleeding. It can be applied to internal and external hemorrhoids .
Proctyl The Proctyl is a drug available in ointment and suppositories, used to help reduce itching, inflammation and anal fissures caused by hemorrhoids – in these cases, there is usually inflammation.
Doctors can recommend the use for both treatment to relieve symptoms and also for recovery after proctological surgeries.
It can be used for external and internal use , although suppositories are more indicated in the latter case.
Ultraproct Ultraproct can be applied for external and internal use , relieving pain, inflammation and anal fissures. It can be applied 2 to 3 times a day, and its use can be prolonged. The duration of symptoms should not exceed 2 weeks.
Imescard Imescard is an ointment indicated for the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids , as it helps to reduce inflammation. It should be applied to the anal area, preferably in the morning (after bowel movements) and at night, before sleeping. Before being applied, the patient must thoroughly clean the hands and the anal area.
Proctosan The Proctosan is an ointment that can be used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids, helping to reduce pain, redness, itching and other symptoms of the condition. Usually, the patient is instructed to apply the ointment twice a day.
Xyloproct Xyloproct helps to relieve pain, itching and other uncomfortable symptoms caused by hemorrhoids. It can also be used for recovery in patients who need surgery, relieving pain that may arise in the area.
Read more: How to apply cream and ointment for external hemorrhoids?
SuppositoriesSuppositories are drugs in a cylindrical or conical shape, which are inserted into the orifices of the body. It is important that the use is made after evacuation and, as in the case of ointments, they must be used after hand and anus hygiene.
Once introduced, they begin to release the substance responsible for helping to treat a certain condition. In the case of hemorrhoids, suppositories are used to treat internal injuries.
Like other forms of medication, they also help to reduce itching, pain, bleeding, inflammation and accelerate healing. Some examples of suppositories are Ultraproct and Proctyl, which also have versions in ointment.
Read more: What are the types of Suppositories?
Intestinal regulatorsThere are some medications that regulate the intestine and that can help to ease living with hemorrhoids, as they make evacuation easier and prevent constipation .
The intake of some high fiber foods and a good intake of water also help in this regard. On the list of foods are papaya, kiwi , black plum, pumpkin seed , oats and regulating yogurts.
Examples of remedies include:
Angiolax ; Amplofib ; Benefiber ; Fibrems ; Laxasene Bionatus. Home remedies with anti-inflammatory actionIn addition to the traditional medicines prescribed by a doctor, there are also several homemade recipes that promise to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. Between sitz baths, compresses, food and teas that are said to be miraculous, it is always important to be suspicious of the truth.
It is known that many of the recipes found on the internet do not have scientific proof that they really work, which puts the condition of the patient at risk.
However, taking advantage of the benefits of medicinal herbs and some homemade tricks may be welcome, as long as there are no medical restrictions and the targeted treatment is not replaced.
According to the pharmacist Francielle Tatiana Mathias, some home treatments can help reduce symptoms such as pain and discomfort in the anal area, such as horse chestnut or witch hazel tea, which have therapeutic properties that can improve circulation.
“It is recommended that they be complementary treatments to the drug treatment, which is more effective. In addition, it is worth mentioning that pregnant women should not use these home treatments without medical supervision, as most teas are contraindicated for pregnant women, ”he says.
Check out some of the homemade methods popularly used to help treat hemorrhoids:
Teas for drinking : rosemary tea, horse chestnut tea;Food : foods rich in fiber;Sitz baths with teas : elderberry tea and witch hazel tea;Compress : chamomile tea;Supplementation : capsules of garlic or echinacea.These teas, compresses and sitz baths are indicated according to the anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor properties of the plants, which can help speed healing and provide greater relief from the itchy sensation and pain in the area.
Hemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperiumThe drugs used in the treatment of hemorrhoids have varied composition, being analgesics, vasoconstrictors and anti-inflammatory drugs. As seen, they can be used orally and rectally (creams, ointments or suppositories).
According to the pharmacist Francielle Tatiana Mathias, in both cases, the substances present in the drugs can reach the mother’s bloodstream. Consequently, they can also be absorbed by the baby. “Therefore, the use of these drugs must be evaluated by the doctor who accompanies the pregnant woman”, he adds.
Common questionsWhat is the best anti-inflammatory ointment for hemorrhoids? Among the options are, for example, Hemovirtus, Proctyl and Ultraproct. However, there are several anti-inflammatory ointments for hemorrhoids that can quickly relieve symptoms and discomfort. However, any health condition must be evaluated by a professional, who can advise on the best way to treat the condition.
What is the best remedy for external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids? Ointments and tablets can be used in both cases, but medical evaluation is essential for a correct indication. The condition and intensity of the pain will determine the need for other treatments as well. Among the options are ointments and creams like Proctyl, Imescard and Hemovirtus.
Are there risks in using hemorrhoid medication frequently? Any medication, whether a pill or an ointment, should be used under medical guidance. This makes the dosages adequate and risks and side effects are reduced.
What is the best anti-inflammatory? Anti-inflammatories should only be used with a medical prescription, according to each case of hemorrhoids. Among the options that the doctor may indicate are Daflon and Venaflon. However, dosages and forms of use must be guided by the professional.
Does hemorrhoid medicine work? Yes, but it is necessary to investigate the situation to verify the need to combine other treatments or forms of prevention. Therefore, the drugs are effective to treat the condition, but do not prevent new manifestations.
If using anti-inflammatory ointment do you need to use other hemorrhoid medications? In general, medications are used in isolation. Usually, starting with ointments and, if necessary, migrating to tablets. However, it is always necessary to carry out a medical evaluation so that the professional can make the appropriate medication guidelines.
Is there a hemorrhoid treatment pill? Yes. In some cases, when the ointment (topical use) is not recommended or is not working, it may be necessary to use systemic medications, such as pills.