Pumpkin neck or dry The neck pumpkin, also known as dry pumpkin, has a thick skin and is used to make breads and sweets.
On the outside, it has a green color with orange stripes and, on the inside, orange pulp.
Its texture is fibrous and moist, which makes it the main choice for the manufacture of pumpkin jam.
Italian pumpkin or zucchini Zucchini is known for its use in savory dishes such as soups or even stuffed with meat.
One of its main characteristics is to have enough water in the pulp.
It has a thin, greenish-colored skin, which can be eaten even raw.
The fibers present assist in the control of cholesterol, decrease the absorption of glucose by the body and help in the good intestinal functioning.
Japanese Pumpkin or Cabotiá Japanese pumpkin, also called Cabotiá, has dry characteristics.
Its shell is dark green and has a thick and very hard appearance, being used in savory dishes and, when cooked, its pulp is soft.
It is the pumpkin with the highest amount of vitamin A, and this means that its consumption can help in the vision and skin health.
Brazilian girl zucchini or butter Brazilian girl zucchini has a mild and less sweet flavor than the others, and is widely used in its sautéed form.
It has an orange appearance inside and a light green outside.
What is the pumpkin vitamin? The vitamin present in greater quantity in pumpkins is C.
This nutrient assists in the proper functioning of the body, acting in areas such as the maintenance of body tissues and stimulating the good performance of the immune system.
The vegetable is also rich in B vitamins , which improves cholesterol levels and helps balance the body.
Likewise, vitamin A is present, helping in the health of the skin, hair and nails. It also contributes to improved vision.
What are the benefits of pumpkin? Pumpkin has several benefits for those who consume it regularly. Because of its nourishing properties, such as vitamins and minerals, it acts on areas of the body such as vision, heart and immune system, stimulating the proper functioning of the body. The main benefits of pumpkin are:
Improves eyesight Because it is rich in vitamin A and the presence of beta-carotene – a natural pigment that, when ingested, turns into vitamin A – the pumpkin acts in good quality of vision.
It also has a substance called zeaxanthin – an antioxidant – that helps protect the retina from UV rays.
Studies show that including the fruit in the diet helps to regress some degenerative diseases of the eyes, which can cause blindness.
Increases immunity Because of the presence of vitamin A and C in its composition, pumpkin helps to strengthen immunity.
In addition, the fruit has zinc and iron, minerals that stimulate the proper functioning of the immune system and help fight diseases.
Helps you lose weight In addition to being a low-calorie food, pumpkin is rich in fiber, which helps to prolong the digestion process. This results in a slower gastric emptying, giving a feeling of prolonged satiety.
Therefore, the person tends to eat less, which can assist in weight reduction.
Good for the skin The antioxidants that make up the pumpkin act to stimulate the cell renewal process and to prevent premature aging.
Protects the heart Pumpkin has minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure .
It also acts to prevent the accumulation of fat on the walls of blood vessels, preventing diseases such as atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries.
Which pumpkin loosens the intestine? Pumpkin is a food that helps to fight constipation due to the large amount of fibers in its composition.
Fibers are non-digestible carbohydrates , present in fruits and vegetables. They help to compose the fecal cake, helping in the proper functioning of the digestive system.
Among the different varieties of the fruit, the Cabotiá Pumpkin is the most recommended to loosen the intestine, as it has the largest amount of the substance – about 2.5g per 100g -, which can help in fighting the trapped intestine.
What is the difference between pumpkin and zucchini? Zucchini is a variation of pumpkin and its main difference is in flavor and shape.
While pumpkin, for example, is large and round in shape, zucchinis are generally small in size and long.
In addition, pumpkin has more carbohydrates and calories than zucchini.
Check out the difference between some nutrients:
Nutrient Cabotiá Pumpkin (100g) Zucchini (100g) Calories 48kcal 15kcal Carbohydrates 10.8g 3g Proteins 1.4g 1.1g Fibers 2.5g 1.6g Calcium 7.6mg 16.7mg Vitamin C 7.5mg 2.1mg
Zucchini has higher values in relation to the level of calcium found in the food. On the other hand, pumpkin has more vitamin C.
Both foods are beneficial for health and can be used in different ways.
While squash is good for making both sweet and savory recipes, zucchini is mostly used in savory dishes. Therefore, they can be included in the diet alternately, helping to compose a balanced diet.
What is the pumpkin core for? In addition to the use of pulp and skin, eating the seeds, also called pumpkin seeds, is an option.
They can be eaten in salads and soups, or raw and seasoned with spices.
When crushed, the powder can be added to yogurts and juices.
They contain large amounts of minerals such as manganese and magnesium and further increase the benefits of introducing the fruit into the diet.
Pumpkin seed is used to:
Improve sleep; Reduce blood sugar levels; Strengthen of bones; Protect against free radicals – molecules capable of causing cell aging; Prevent breast cancer; Reduce blood pressure. Thus, it is worth introducing the consumption of seeds along with the rest of the fruit, to further enhance the benefits of the food.
Harm: can it hurt? There is no evidence of direct harm from pumpkin consumption. Despite this, consumption in moderation is always worthwhile, since some people may have allergies to the fruit.
Tips on how to consume Pumpkin is a versatile food that can be introduced into the daily diet in several ways.
It can be consumed fresh , in the form of juice and even in sauces.
There are a few options for enjoying all parts of the food. Here are a few:
Bark The pumpkin peel is rich in fiber. Its consumption helps in the proper functioning of the intestine. It also contains flavonoids – antioxidant substances – that work to prevent inflammation.
A recipe option using the pumpkin peel is chips.
To make, just season the peel with spices, sprinkle in oil and bake. It is recommended to use the lightest colored varieties.
In addition to serving as a snack or afternoon snack, the peel acts to prevent vision and skin problems.
Pulp The pulp is the most variable part of the pumpkin. It can be used to prepare juices, sauces, soups, cakes and sweets.
It is rich in vitamin A and C as well as nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and kidney problems.
One possibility of using it is to make a pumpkin puree.
To prepare it, it is necessary to cut the pumpkin into small pieces and cook until it is tender.
Then, in a pan with a little oil, brown garlic and onion. Then just add the pumpkin and season to taste.
Seed The seeds can be eaten raw, as a snack, or added to salads.
They can also be consumed in the form of flour when crushed.
One option to include them in the food in a simple way is to water the seeds with oil and place them in a frying pan. Season with spices and wait for it to brown. Stir until toasted and serve!
Pumpkin is a fruit that, besides having applications in various recipes, is tasty and brings benefits to those who consume it.
In Hickey solution you will find other food options that are good for your health. Keep reading!