Arthritis (rheumatoid, psoriatic): symptoms and treatments

The concern with conditions that affect the health of bones and joints is not new.

Still in the 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) promoted a campaign aimed at stimulating tissue care and prevention. The period between 2000 and 2010 was called the “decade of bone and joint”.

More than paying attention to changes in the organism, the campaign was stimulated by the growing number of diagnoses and complications resulting from rheumatic and bone diseases, generating a high impact on the health system.

Although arthritis has few emergency cases, hospital and medication procedures account for more than 55% of patients’ costs – which still include surgical procedures and medical appointments.

In fact, it is the medical care that generates the lowest cost, which means that patients are treating the complications and worsening of the disease more than acting in a preventive way to stabilize the inflammation of the joints.

According to the World Health Organization, about 80% of the population over the age of 65 suffers from some degree of osteoarthritis – one of the most common types of arthritis. And in the 30 to 60 age group, about 20% of the population already has complaints about the condition.


What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a term used for inflammation in the joints – which are popularly called joints because they connect bones. The concept is comprehensive, as there are hundreds of types of arthritis.

In general, they cause a lot of pain, swelling, deformities and difficulty in movement, compromising and weakening the patient a lot.

Among the most common types are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis , traumatic arthritis and infectious arthritis, which usually result from destruction, trauma or damage to joint cartilage – extremities that cover the bones and prevent friction.

Generally the people most affected are women, the elderly, obese people and also those who have a condition that impairs nutritional absorption.

In addition to age, lifestyle habits also favor changes, as a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of inflammation.

One or more joints can be affected at the same time, being that above 4 affected extremities, it is called polyarthritis and is mostly related to infectious causes, while monoarthritis is usually due to gout and septic arthritis.

The causes, therefore, are diverse and include autoimmune conditions – the body itself attacks the tissues -, infectious, in addition to trauma and injuries.

In general, women and the elderly are the most affected, but some types can occur predominantly in young people and children, such as psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis .

Worldwide, about 10% of men and 15% of women have some type of arthritis, and over 65 years of age, 30% of men and 50% of women have symptoms due to inflammation.

In ICD-10, arthritis can be found, among others, under the codes:

  • M00.9 – Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified;
  • M06.9 – Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified;
  • M08 – Juvenile arthritis;
  • M13.9 – Arthritis, unspecified

Difference between rheumatism, arthritis and osteoarthritis

The rheumatism is the name of a large group of conditions that can affect bones, joints and muscles. Among the conditions are inflammation.

Therefore, when there are inflammatory processes in the joints, it is called arthritis, which means types of inflammation of genetic, traumatic or infectious causes.

Already arthritis , osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis, is an evolution of arthritis, resulting from joint degeneration.

Among the types of inflammation, it is one of the most common, especially in patients over 65 years of age, due to the natural wear caused by aging.

Arthritis and arthrosis are different conditions, but directly related, as the inflammation of the joints (arthritis) promotes tissue wear or degeneration, causing the bones to lose the protective layer that connects them.

The result is that there is bone friction (arthrosis) that causes pain, swelling, loss of joint mobility and anatomical deformities (one of the most characteristic signs).

Therefore, poorly treated arthritis can evolve into arthrosis.

Types of arthritis

The term arthritis refers to several types of joint inflammation – in all, there are more than 200 types.

The condition can be classified according to the number of affected joints:

  • Monoarthritis : 1 affected joint;
  • Oligoarthritis : between 2 and 5 affected joints;
  • Polyarthritis : over 5 affected joints.

Each type can also be classified according to the time of onset – acute, when it appears suddenly and lasts less than 3 months, or chronic, when it is due to a prolonged inflammatory process, above 3 months.

Learn more about each one:


Also called degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis is due to wear and damage to the joint cartilages , which result in stiffness, pain and decreased movement.

The causes may be genetic or behavioral (for example, obesity or high-intensity sports), but multifactorial causes are generally attributed. The most affected regions are usually the hands and fingers, knees, legs (coxofemoral) and spine.

Very related to aging, osteoarthritis is the most common of the conditions that affect the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is considered a chronic and autoimmune inflammation , in which the body attacks itself, destroying tissues and cells. This action causes damage to the systems and has no defined causes.

Patients generally experience pain, stiffness of the joint, loss of mobility and local swelling.

The joints most affected are the small ones, such as in the hands and ankles, but as the disease progresses, others can be affected as well.

Unlike other types of inflammation, rheumatoid has a pattern of oligoarthritis or polyarthritis – that is, it affects more than one region:

  • Bilateral : affects joints on both sides of the body;
  • Symmetrical : if one hand is affected, the other possibly will be.

Due to prolonged inflammation, local erosion and erosion can occur, generating anatomical deformities (crooked fingers and hands).

But the condition is not limited to articular cartilages, as there may be involvement of the skin, eyes, lungs and blood vessels.

Although arthritis is very associated with aging, the rheumatoid type can affect people of any age, including children – in this case, it is called juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Statistically, women are the most affected, making up a ratio of 1 male patient for every 3 female patients. But, in total numbers (men and women), rheumatoid arthritis affects 1% of the world population.

Gouty arthritis (gout)

Gout is a condition that affects the metabolism of purines, a substance present in the blood.

When purines rise, uric acid levels in the blood crystallize and form small stones, accumulating in joints and tendons.

The causes of this dysfunction may be the inability to eliminate uric acid and / or increased production of it.

About 20% of patients with excess uric acid present inflammation of the tissues due to the crystals – that is, gouty arthritis.

Infectious arthritis (septic)

Inflammation in the joints is caused by infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi .

About 95% of infectious arthritis is acute, so the infection spreads quickly. Chronic cases, on the other hand, approximately 5%, are due to slow infectious processes that can last up to 5 weeks.

In general, it is the regions of the knees, wrists, hands, fingers, hips and elbows that are most affected.

Among the main related infections are Lyme disease, gonorrhea and hepatitis.

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis arises in patients with psoriasis – a skin condition that generates red, prominent patches and patches on the skin.

Cartilage involvement can occur in just 1 joint or in several, acquiring progressive and disabling characteristics due to tissue erosion.

Although all ages can have psoriatic arthritis, there is a predominance between 30 and 50 years old.

On average, up to 40% of patients with psoriasis will experience manifestations of psoriatic arthritis.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing arthritis (or spondylitis) tends to affect mainly the joints of the spine and the sacroiliac region (located between the base of the spine and the pelvic bone).

It predominates in adolescence or early adulthood and manifests stiffness that, in some cases, can result in irreversible deformities and impaired mobility.

Reactive arthritis

Also called Reiter’s Syndrome, reactive arthritis occurs after a few days or weeks after the patient has recovered from genital, urinary or gastrointestinal infections.

Unlike infectious arthritis, reactive does not occur because the infectious agents have infiltrated the joints, but only as an inflammatory manifestation of the tissues.

Especially the knees, ankles and feet are affected and show common signs of arthritis, such as pain, swelling, redness and difficulty in local movement.

But in addition, it is common for ocular inflammations, such as uveitis and conjunctivitis , and urinary ( urethritis ) to occur .

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Without a definite cause, juvenile idiopathic arthritis comprises a group of diseases that manifest before the age of 16, affecting the joints and, in some cases, affecting other tissues, such as the heart, liver, skin, eyes, muscles and tendons .

In general, symptoms and clinical findings persist for at least 6 weeks and can lead to major physical impairment. It is often difficult for the child to report symptoms or realize that there is something wrong (such as mild pain and stiffness in the joints).

Therefore, behaviors such as difficulty in performing common tasks, changes in the way of doing things, changes in walking (limping or supporting another side of the body) can be warning signs.

In addition, irritability, changes in diet, inadequate growth and slower movement (especially after waking up) should also be noted.

Traumatic arthritis (knee arthritis)

Traumatic arthritis can affect any joint due to trauma or a blow, but it is the knees – especially in athletes – that are most affected.

This is because the region is usually very affected, due to the impact it receives in the practice of sports or even during the activities of non-athletes.

In general, the traumatic condition results from falls, sprains, fractures or repetitive and prolonged exertion.

The condition tends to recover completely – if properly treated – in a few weeks.

How to differentiate rheumatoid arthritis from others?

Despite the pain, swelling and heat in the affected joint, rheumatoid arthritis predominates in the wrists and hands, but it generally does not affect those joints very close to the fingertips. Gradually, with the progression of the disease, the wrists, knees, ankles, hips and other joints can be affected.

In addition, there is a very characteristic behavior of rheumatoid arthritis, which tends to be symmetrical and bilateral, that is, it affects both sides of the body.

Thus, if the patient feels pain and swelling in the left hand, it is very likely that the right hand is also affected.


The causes of arthritis can be diverse and often of an unknown order – for example, in the autoimmune type it is still quite difficult to determine what triggers the change in immune behavior.

In general, it can be indicated that the inflamed joints have a genetic, traumatic and / or infectious origin:

  • Genetic arthritis : the organism produces cells that, for reasons still unknown, start to attack the body’s systems;
  • Traumatic arthritis : effort or activities that generate physical stress, in addition to traumas or injuries that cause cartilage wear or weakness;
  • Infectious arthritis : A series of viral, bacterial or fungal infections can spread through the bloodstream and reach the joints.

But it is important to note that, in general, the condition is multifactorial, and there may be a genetic predisposition of the patient associated with behavioral factors, such as:

  • Obesity : excess weight that promotes greater wear to the cartilages;
  • Practice of high impact sports : stress due to repetition or impact of exercises can wear or damage the joints;
  • Infections : viruses, bacteria and fungi can be related to the involvement of the articular tissue;
  • Aging : with age, cartilage can be gradually affected;
  • Trauma : fractures, bruises, injuries or wear due to trauma;
  • Autoimmune factors : without a determined cause, the organism can undergo changes in functioning and attack the tissues themselves.

Risk Factors and Groups

There are some factors and conditions that can facilitate the onset of arthritis, such as:

  • People with a family history of arthritis;
  • Joint injury or trauma;
  • High impact sports for long periods;
  • Carrying out activities capable of generating physical stress to the joints;
  • Overweight or obesity;
  • Low immunity, so that the occurrence of infections is favored.

Symptoms: How can I tell if I have arthritis?

Symptoms can vary in each patient, from manifestation to intensity. Some may experience continuous and incessant pain, others may experience milder discomfort and, at certain times, peaks of pain and joint burning (worsening).

Among the manifestations that, in general, affect patients are:


Pain is one of the most common signs in arthritis, which occurs without an apparent cause (it starts suddenly, without a beat or trauma, for example), being constant and prolonged.

Despite presenting different intensities in each person, in general, when trying to move or squeezing the joint region, the pain intensifies.

Over time, the patient may also experience discomfort in other joints.

Due to the inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue, the body produces elements called inflammatory mediators. Some of them are responsible for pain: interleukin 1 and prostaglandin.

They are released in response to the damage that the joint is suffering – so they act as warning signs that something is not right.

When these inflammatory mediators reach the brain, they increase the painful sensation and can, in some cases, cause thermal dysregulation – usually when there is a big inflammation -, then the fever arises.

Redness and swelling

Prostaglandin, released by the body and modulating inflammation, along with other substances, circulates in order to prevent damage to the body.

The body then starts to send more white blood cells (defense cell) to the joint, as they are responsible, above all, for the immunity of the organic system.

For this, it is necessary to increase the blood flow through the dilation of the vessels, which causes the redness of the inflamed site and redness.

But the modulators still act by subtly separating or moving away the cells that make up the walls of the vessels. With this small space, the plasma – liquid and fluid part of the blood – escapes and accumulates in the region, resulting in swelling or edema .


Unlike what it may seem, stiffness due to arthritis is caused by pain, as in general patients have the full ability to move the entire joint.

In fact, there is a hardening of the cartilage, which makes the movement more laborious.

But in addition, depending on the wear and tear of the cartilage, trying to move the site can accentuate the pain. It is especially in the morning that the stiffness is accentuated, due to the long period of immobility or rest, but that tends to ease during the day.

Gradually, simple to everyday activities, such as walking, climbing stairs and picking up objects on the floor, can become difficult and limited.


The deformities are due to rheumatoid arthritis, in which, as the inflammation worsens, the articular cartilage is being destroyed and the bone sockets are modified.

More intense degrees of cartilage loss can lead to permanent and very limiting deformities to the patient.

Other symptoms

In addition to the classic symptoms of arthritis, the following can occur:

  • Fever;
  • Anemias;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Fatigue or constant tiredness;
  • Change in the eyes (uveitis);
  • Small lumps under the skin.


The most suitable doctor to be consulted is the rheumatologist , responsible for taking care of the joints.

The diagnosis of arthritis is based on the patient’s clinical and family history. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the manifestation of symptoms, the professional needs to investigate whether there are cases of arthritis in close relatives and risky behaviors (such as smoking ).

To raise suspicions about joint inflammation, the doctor must investigate the progress of the symptoms and do physical examinations, confirming the result through laboratory tests in some cases.

In addition to the presence of pain, redness, swelling and difficulty in moving – classic symptoms of arthritis – the doctor will check the stiffness and difficulty in moving the limbs connected to the joint.


Some blood and imaging tests can help confirm the condition:


Blood tests can detect the presence of an antibody called rheumatoid factor, which can indicate inflammation.

But it is worth remembering that the test is complementary, as soon as people without joint inflammation can also present it.

The increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR) or C-reactive protein ( CRP ) can assist in the diagnosis, as they indicate the presence of inflammation.

Imaging exams

X-ray examinations can demonstrate bone erosion – loss of bone tissue at the joint margins – along with the reduction of cartilage.

Ultrasound or magnetic resonance exams can also be used, which, like the X-ray, are non-invasive, fast and very effective techniques for observing the structure of the bone and cartilage.

Is there a cure?

It depends on the type . While infectious and traumatic diseases are curable, rheumatoid or autoimmune arthritis can be controlled, causing symptoms and progression to be alleviated.

But it is important to remember that, for example, infectious diseases can be cured by eliminating the infection, but if there is wear and tear on the cartilage, it cannot be recovered.

What is the treatment?

Treatment usually varies according to the cause of the arthritis and the patient’s response.

The use of analgesic drugs, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids and antirheumatic drugs can reduce the pain, being generally used as the first treatment option.

Infectious arthritis requires medication to specifically combat the causative agent, such as antibiotics or antifungals.

If purulent secretion (pus) is present, surgical drainage may be necessary to eliminate concentrated fluids at the site.


Physiotherapy aimed at the patient’s condition can be essential, helping to maintain good joint movement, in addition to relieving stiffness.

The sessions are indicated according to the doctor’s orientation and the physiotherapist’s evaluation, which determine which exercises are the best, as well as the frequency of the sessions.


In general, surgeries are recommended when the patient has severe deformities resulting from chronic arthritis or when there is severe pain that is not eased by the medications.

The type of surgery should be recommended by the doctor, according to the investigation of the condition, but the most common are:

  • Ganglionectomy : removal of the affected synovium (transparent liquid present in the joints);
  • Arthroplasties (prostheses) : partial or total joint replacement;
  • Cartilage prosthesis : artificial replacement of the affected cartilage;
  • Arthrodesis (artificial ankylosis) : eliminates the joint and promotes bone fusion (ossification);
  • Arthroscopy : minimally invasive technique to perform joint cleaning.


The choice of medication depends on the patient’s condition and should always be recommended by the doctor. Among them are:

Anti-inflammatories and painkillers

Anti-inflammatories and analgesics are used to reduce pain and decrease joint inflammation. Among the options are prednisone , deflazacort and methylprednisolone .

Read more: What is Prednisone for?

Disease Activity-Modifying Drugs (DMARD)

Drugs can act to reduce and control inflammation by modulating the immune system. With less risk of joint damage progressing, both pain and stiffness are improved.

The class of DMARDs can be divided between:

  • Synthetics : methotrexate (MTX) , sulfasalazine , cyclosporine , leflunomide ;
  • Biológicos: adalimumabe, etanercepte, infliximabe, rituximabe, abatacepte, tocilizumabe, golimumabe, certolizumabe pegol.


NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained in this website is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.

Read more:  New drug for rheumatoid arthritis is released by SUS

Living together

Especially in the case of chronic arthritis – which cannot be cured -, changing lifestyle and health care are essential to optimize responses to treatment, helping to eliminate pain and promoting more well-being.

Some measures that can make a big difference in the patient’s life include:

Take care of the food

Food care must include a balanced diet rich in nutrients.

Unlike what people think, living with pain is not an obligation in people with arthritis. Changing your lifestyle can reduce pain.

Whenever possible, include foods rich in omega 3 (salmon and nuts), sulfur (onions and garlic), fibers (vegetables and whole grains), as well as antioxidants (fruits, natural teas), as they help maintain various functions of the body, acting as functional products.

Some types of arthritis may receive specific nutritional recommendations, such as in cases of gouty arthritis, in which the intake of a protein called purine must be reduced. When metabolized, it raises uric acid levels and worsens the disease. Therefore, foods such as meats, eggs and seafood should be avoided.

In addition, when there are any food restrictions or chronic problems, such as diabetes , it is essential to take care of the diet, ensuring that immunity remains strengthened.

Practice physical exercises

As stiffness occurs, limitation of movement can be affected. Following an exercise routine – always properly monitored and indicated by the professionals – is essential to maintain and amplify the movement capacities.

The ideal is to prefer activities with less impact, working with muscle strengthening and stretching.

Read more: What is Pilates, what is it for, benefits, exercise, lose weight?

In addition to directly assisting manifestations of stiffness, the exercises help to maintain or reduce weight, which is related to joint overload.

Change position

Due to the stiffness of the joint, staying in the same position for a long time can be quite uncomfortable – and this “long time” doesn’t even have to be long hours.

Depending on the degree of involvement of the patient, sitting for less than 1 hour, lying down or standing can already make movement difficult.

Therefore, the ideal is to intercalate all activities with short pauses of movement, including short walks, stretches or just small movements of the limbs.

Adjust your routine

When arthritis is chronic or has definitely compromised the joints, causing limited mobility or limiting pain, the ideal is to adjust the routine gradually, making daily activities simpler.

Avoiding locations with long stairs, uncomfortable chairs, or furniture that is too high or too low can make it easier.

When there are deformities or bodily changes, orthopedic or patient-specific products can be indicated.

Take care of the emotional

In addition to physical exercises and physiotherapy, other activities or therapies can be performed, working on both physical and emotional aspects.

The important thing is to always choose practices that generate pleasure and promote relaxation for the patient, such as massage, hydrotherapy, acupuncture and yoga.

Read more: The mental (and physical) benefits of deep breathing

Tips: how to ease the pain?

The pain and swelling in the joints make the patient avoid moving the body – be it the small joints or the big ones.

Before, it was even believed that the best thing was to stay at rest, because the activity could aggravate the pain and make the inflammation more aggressive.

However, it is now known that keeping the limbs in motion helps to reduce the progression of the disease , keeping it more stable and even decreasing the sensation of pain.

Along with them, other measures have been shown to be quite effective in controlling discomfort:

In the hands

The small joints of the fingers and wrists are the ones that suffer the most weaknesses. As the hands are widely used in daily tasks, the patient gradually loses autonomy and independence.

To alleviate the damage to the routine, the patient can maintain a routine of specific stretches to the hands, especially when waking up:

  • Open and close your hands repeatedly;
  • Separate and join fingers;
  • Make small alternating movements (for example, support your hands on the table and imitate walking with your fingers).

On the knee

The knees support the weight of the body and therefore need attention when being worked.

Stretching exercises and applying hot compresses, in times of pain or before activities, can be effective.

But, in addition, the choice of activities is very important.

If arthritis affects the knees, considering performing aqua aerobics or exercising in the water can be a good measure.

This is because these activities reduce the impact on the joints and make the knees suffer less with the load of the body – it is possible to reduce up to 25% of the pressure and joint weight on the knees.

On the shoulder

The shoulders can be affected by arthritis and cause pain that compromises posture and daily activities.

An alternative to relieve pain is to perform localized movements throughout the day, such as lifting the shoulders.

To do this, just stand, with your back well aligned and your arms loose, parallel to your torso: alternately raise your shoulders and then let them relax again.

Applying compresses or cold water bags before and after activities can also reduce the discomfort.

On the hip

If arthritis affects the hip, pelvis or waist, it is important to take daily care, such as good posture when sitting and standing up.

During episodes of pain, light walks can help relieve the discomfort, and it is always important to pay attention to the use of comfortable shoes and clothes.

As the hip acts as an axis of the body, the pain can generate poor posture that, little by little, interferes with the stability of the spine, causing other pain.

Ankles and feet

The ankles, as well as the knees, suffer from the weight of the body. The choice of activities that reduce this pressure is essential, especially during episodes of pain.

Swimming, aqua aerobics or stretches that do not force the joints are ideal.

To assist in the pain control routine, the feet and legs can be stretched daily.

A simple option is to lie down with your legs extended and move your feet slightly. Make circular or forward and backward movements.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of socks, shoes and tight pants, as they can aggravate the pain due to joint swelling.

What to eat? Anti-inflammatory foods and more

Food can be a good ally to live with arthritis. Alone, food does not have miraculous effects, but if well planned, they can help to relieve the disease.

Some products are rich in anti-inflammatory properties and are therefore welcome to eat:

Purple and red fruits

Rich in vitamins and free of preservatives, fruits are nothing new in a healthy diet. But some are especially suitable for patients with pain from arthritis.

Those with red or purple skin, such as jabuticaba, strawberry, cherry and plum, are the source of a substance called anthocyanin.

In addition to pigmenting fruits, this substance is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

The prune has one more advantage: rich in polyphenols, it helps to reduce bone degeneration.

Another property that must be present in meals is quercetin, present, for example, in apples. This substance has a beneficial effect on the preservation of the joints.

Anti-inflammatory herbs

Including consumption of green tea, propolis, moringa and turmeric can help reduce inflammatory processes in the body.

The ginger , for example, has substances called phytochemicals, which can reduce inflammation in the body.

Natural spices

Allies of flavor, onion and garlic have another reason to be present in meals: rich in quercetins, foods provide protection to the body, which can reduce inflammatory processes.

Leaves and vegetables

Rich in antioxidants, foods such as kale, spinach and chard help to protect the body from the effects of free radicals – those substances that promote accelerated aging and are related to various diseases.

In addition, they are a source of other vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, which helps in maintaining bone health.

Natural yogurt

Probiotic foods are those that contain live microorganisms that are beneficial to intestinal health.

Natural yogurt, fermented milk and kefir are examples of these products. As they act in the maintenance of intestinal flora, they assist in all organic processes: they regulate immunity, promote good absorption of nutrients and improve health in general.

Good fats

Oilseeds, such as chestnuts, almonds and flaxseeds, in addition to olive oil, are good sources of healthy fats. When eaten properly, these foods can help preserve joints.


If arthritis is not treated, the problem can become chronic and performing simple activities can become a problem, leading to atrophy of the movements of the arms and legs.

The wear and tear of joints can promote structural defects, leaving the hands, fingers, spine or any other affected region out of alignment.

The biggest problem is that these changes can hamper the routine and severely weaken the patient.

In addition, constant wear and tear can lead to spinal instability, with postural deformity and loss of locomotor function in some regions.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the types that presents more complications, because despite starting in the joints, the problem can affect the rest of the body in a systemic way.

Common occurrences include those that affect:

  • Nerves : inflamed joint tissue can compress the nerves and cause damage, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, affecting the strength and sensitivity of the hands;
  • Heart : arteries can be blocked due to inflammation, causing blood flow to be affected and heart failure to occur;
  • Eyes : Inflammation can cause dryness in the eyes, scleritis and uveitis, which are inflammations in parts of the eye. If they occur, these conditions favor the occurrence of glaucoma and cataracts;
  • Lungs : Inflammation can reach the lungs and trigger interstitial lung disease (DPI), affecting breathing.

How to prevent arthritis?

There is no specific measure to prevent arthritis, which can be of traumatic and / or genetic origin.

To reduce the risk of joint inflammation, it is recommended to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, to take care with the practice of high impact activities and to keep an eye on the body’s signals.

Some tips include:

  • Stretch;
  • Stay hydrated;
  • Have a good diet, rich in various nutrients;
  • Maintain the appropriate weight;
  • Reduce stress.

Arthritis mostly affects people between 30 and 50 years old, but it can also affect young people and children.

With several factors involved in the origin of the problem – genetic and external -, inflammation of the joints can cause severe damage to the patient’s routine and health.

In addition to severe pain, physical limitation and problems resulting from the lack of treatment generate concerns.

The best way to have a healthy life is to change habits and adopt preventive measures for the whole body. This includes good nutrition and physical activity.

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