If you practice physical exercises, it certainly works in some way to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks and belly, right?
But, however complete the activity you usually do, the pelvic floor muscles are hardly the priority. That is why pompoirism is so important.
This exercise, which originates in tantric yoga , is precisely focused on that region of the body, and can be practiced by women and also by men, helping to improve health and sexual life.
What is pompoarism?
Pompoirism is the name given to the techniques and exercises performed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles .
In women, they strengthen the muscles of the urethra, the vaginal canal (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 3rd ring), anus, vaginal sphincter and clitoris.
In men, who can also practice, pompoir techniques help to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the anal and pubococcygeal sphincter region (between the penis and anus).
In both sexes, the musculature is important for good sexual performance and for support of the bladder, rectum and reproductive organs, in addition to helping to prevent and treat problems of fecal and urinary contention.
Therefore, there are several benefits associated with these exercises, which can improve the quality of life in several aspects.
The exercises can be done only with free contraction or also with the use of accessories, which are optional.
It is also known that the practice of pompoarism is safe, but it has some contraindications.
The advantage is that the exercises can be adapted according to the condition of the practitioner, as in the case of accessories, which are not recommended for virgin women, who are in menstrual period or pregnant women.
What is it for?
Pompoirism is done to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, to help people have better sexual performance and to prevent various diseases related to the urinary and reproductive system – this in men and women.
It is usually associated with women’s health, as it allows several benefits to the female public, such as improved libido, stimulated orgasm, reduced vaginal flaccidity and improved lubrication.
In addition, by enabling a better perception of the body itself, the exercises favor self-esteem . Together, these factors contribute to a healthier sex life.
Other benefits associated with pompoarism include relief from menstrual cramps, reduction of menopausal symptoms , prevention of infections and vaginismus (dysfunction in which involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vagina occurs).
For men, pompoirism is also important for better sexual performance, as exercise can increase blood pressure in the penis, making the erection last longer.
They also strengthen the muscle of the male pelvic area, which allows greater control of ejaculation, improves testosterone production, increases libido and helps prevent long-term urinary incontinence.
Benefits for sex life
Pompoirism is well known for the benefits it can provide for people’s sexual lives. For women, especially, exercise is related to a better quality of sexual life.
The strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles is associated with an increase in libido and sexual desire. It can also facilitate orgasm, prevent vaginal flaccidity and improve lubrication.
During intercourse, the contractions of these muscles increase sexual pleasure, improving the woman’s sex life.
There is also greater blood circulation, which makes the region more heated, lubricated and sensitive, as nerve endings increase when muscle stimulation occurs. In this way, the woman can get excited more easily.
For men, pompoirism can help control premature ejaculation and make the erection last longer.
Another benefit is the decrease in pain during penetration, which can be caused by conditions such as vaginismus.
Read more: What is masturbation: feminine, masculine, infantile, anal, is it sex?
Health benefits
One of the most common mistakes is to think that pompoirism provides only benefits for sex life. Having a strengthened genital musculature is associated with many other improvements. Check only what this technique can offer to your health:
It is important during pregnancy and childbirth
For pregnant women, pompoirism is essential. Ideally, the woman should practice the exercises even before pregnancy, but it is also possible to start during this period.
The only recommendation is that pregnant women wait to start only after the third month, as contractions during this period may offer some risk of miscarriage.
But, after these months and with medical clearance, pompoirism is recommended. It helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are even more required during this period due to the baby’s weight, aiding in labor and recovery.
Relieves menopausal symptoms
When performing pompoir, the woman tends to have an improvement in lubrication, fighting vaginal dryness, quite common in menopause.
In addition, due to hormonal changes that occur during this period, a drop in libido may occur . Thus, exercises can also be performed to help alleviate this symptom.
Read more: Sex in menopause: 5 tips to combat libido reduction
Improves bowel function
Pompoirism, when it also exercises the muscles of the intestine, helps to improve the peristaltic movements responsible for the correct intestinal flow. So it can help to reduce constipation .
Helps prevent urinary incontinence
Over the years, the chances of suffering from urinary incontinence are greater, due to the loss of strength in the pelvic floor muscles. Pompoirism is, in this sense, a way to prevent this condition, being recommended by doctors.
Helps reduce pain during intercourse
Due to lack of lubrication or conditions such as vaginismus, some women experience a lot of pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
Pompoirism, in these cases, helps to increase lubrication and helps women to relax during sex, reducing involuntary contractions.
Read more: Vulvodynia: what it is, symptoms, treatments (medicine and ointments)
Fight genital flaccidity
With the loss of muscle strength, collagen production and hydration of the body, genital flaccidity is common.
Like the other muscles, the genital region also needs to be exercised to gain strength. The ideal is to practice pompoirism to prevent sagging.
Who can practice?
Pompoirism, in general, can be practiced by all people. There may be limitations or restrictions on some exercises, but the practice can be adapted, allowing, in general, everyone to be able to do it.
Some conditions that require care and changes include, for example, the first months of pregnancy, virgin women, who have vaginismus or who are in their menstrual period, who should not use accessories for exercise, due to the risk of pain, discomfort and infections.
Is there male pomp?
Yes , pompoirism is not an exercise practiced only by women. Males can also benefit from this technique, improving sexual performance, quality of life and health.
In the exercises, the muscles of the anal sphincter and pubococcygeal are stimulated, these being the muscles located between the penis and the anus, responsible for interrupting the urinary flow.
To begin with, men should also note which muscles should be exercised.
It is common that, in the first moment, there is a contraction of the glutes and thighs, because they do not have so much perception about their own body. One tip to find is to try to stop the urine flow.
Here are some of the exercises that can be done:
- Contraction of the pubococcygeal muscle : the man should be seated comfortably and with a straight spine. Thus, you must perform short and quick contractions, and it is common to feel the penis move during the contraction movement. A series of 10 to 30 contractions can be made;
- Interruption of urinary flow : can be performed during the morning, when waking up, when the bladder is full. Exercise consists of interrupting the flow of urine. Before performing this exercise, talk to a doctor first, so that he can analyze if there are any contraindications;
- Contraction of the anal sphincter : the ideal is to perform while sitting, comfortably. The contraction should be focused on the anal region, and can be done in a series of 25 repetitions, 3 times a day. To know if you are doing it correctly, pay attention to the gluteal and thigh muscles: they should not be contracted.
Exercises: how to do?
There are different ways to do pompoirism. The pompoar , opening and closing movement of the pelvic floor muscles, can be done only with the contraction of the muscles or with the use of accessories, such as Thai balls ( ben wa ).
For men, the exercises are more focused on controlling the musculature of the region, but some weights can be used as well.
Basically, the practice consists of training these muscles daily with a series of exercises, ranging from techniques for beginners to the most advanced.
The time dedicated to pompoarism can vary, but 15 minutes a day is recommended, which in a month can already show results.
Although it can be done anywhere, it is interesting to perform pompoirism in a quiet space, lying or sitting, paying close attention to breathing.
During contractions, in the case of female pompoirism, it is legal to notice whether the musculature of the vagina, anus or the entire genital region closes.
This perception helps the woman to have more knowledge of the body and to understand which exercises are suitable for each musculature.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention if during the pompoarism there is also no contraction of the muscles of the abdomen or legs, which means that the exercises are not correct.
Another tip that professionals recommend to know if the movement is adequate is to test during urination. If the contraction interrupts the urine, it is because the movement is right.
However, this should only be done as a test, pompoirism cannot be done during urination , as this can cause urinary infections.
They can be done aiming at the following objectives:
A series of contractions and pauses, at the same time, is done to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
For example: contract for 5 seconds and relax for 5 seconds, repeating 10 times. After the end of this series, rest for 1 minute and repeat the sequence again 2 times.
Coordination exercises allow you to vary the intensity of the contraction (light, medium and strong). The student must have a good perception of the musculature.
In this case, the accessories can make a big difference, as they require more precision to hold or loosen them. But if they are made free, they can be worked on in the repetition of contractions.
To work with agility, you can do a series in which the student quickly contracts the muscles, in a continuous and continuous way, with no breaks to relax.
For example: contract the muscles 15 times and rest for 30 seconds, repeating the series 2 more times.
Pompoir techniques
The techniques of pompoarism can be divided according to the time of practice of each person. They are generally divided into three types of training:
In basic training, dedicated to women and men beginners, pompoarism exercises are done only with the force of contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, and can be practiced every day.
They are fast, like the movement of holding urine and do not need any accessories.
This is a workout with a greater focus on gaining muscle strength, usually done with the use of weighted accessories, such as the vaginal cone.
Weights can vary from 20g to 70g and the introduction into the vaginal canal can vary in depth, depending on the anatomy of each woman.
Within the intermediate training, the second step is to train the motor coordination, which can be worked with the use of balls.
The heavy training is done with the use of a vibrator (personal), in which strength and coordination is also worked, with suction and expulsion movements of the accessory.
Pompoarism for beginners
If you have never practiced pompoirism and want to start, some precautions must be followed.
First, it is very important to seek information and learn more about this technique. Knowing the benefits it can provide is one of the first steps to start doing.
Another important point is to understand if there are contraindications or adaptations necessary for your case – this can be discussed with a gynecologist, physiotherapist or sexologist.
Knowing this, some steps can be followed:
Search for classes
There are courses (in-person and online) that guide students who want to start practicing pompoirism. As it is also a technique that helps to prevent and treat some diseases, it can be something guided by the doctor himself.
Seek greater body awareness
It is important to have body awareness before starting pompoirism.
When we exercise the other muscles of the body, we have a greater perception of the movements because we can observe them, but with the muscles of the genital region this is not possible.
In addition, in female pompoirism the movement of the muscle is not elevation or flexion, but contraction (opens and closes).
Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate trying to contract and relax these muscles, realizing in which region it happens with greater emphasis.
In these first contractions, it is important to realize that the exercises can be focused on the front, rear and side of the vaginal region.
Depending on the position in which the exercises are done, these muscles are worked with more or less intensity.
Do the exercises correctly and daily
It is essential to respect the intervals, maintain a relaxed posture and not forget to breathe while doing the movements of pompoarism. Take the classes according to what is guided by the professional and do not exceed the limits of your own body.
However, pompoirism is an exercise that can be done daily. To be able to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region it is necessary to have good discipline and plan to do it every day.
A tip is to perform right when you wake up or before going to sleep, although it can be done at any time of the day.
Before you start using accessories, it is important to do the simplest exercises first, to tone your muscles with just muscle contraction.
With them, the practice of pompoarism can be done with the woman sitting on the edge of the bed or chair, but it can also be done standing up.
Accessories should be thoroughly washed before and after use and should not be used when a woman is in her menstrual period or during pregnancy.
The ideal is to talk to a professional, such as a physiotherapist, gynecologist or sexologist about their use, to find out which is the most appropriate and correct way to do each exercise.
Women who are still virgins or who have some condition that causes pain (vaginismus or vaginal dryness) are not advised to use them.
It is also worth emphasizing that the use of accessories is not mandatory, being possible to learn how to pompoar only with the exercises of contraction and pelvic awareness.
They can be introduced by anyone who wants to speed up or intensify the results, but it is possible to have benefits without any of them.
Get to know the main three:
Polka dots ( ben wa or Thai balls)
Thai balls, or ben wa, are one of the best known accessories of pompoirism. There are two balls connected by a silicone wire with a smaller size than a ping-pong ball.
They are used in the exercise of sucking and expelling the pellet with the strength of the vaginal muscles.
The woman in this exercise introduces one of the balls into the vaginal canal and then, just with the strength of the musculature, sucks the other ball or the others. After that, you should try the opposite movement, to expel the balls.
Vaginal cone
The vaginal cone is also used to provide the same effect as Thai balls, which is to bring greater strength to the vaginal muscles. However, with them the movement should not be suction or expulsion.
The woman must put it in the vaginal canal and be able to hold it for a certain time. There are different cones and with different weights.
It is the variation in weight that will help the woman to train the strength and resistance of the vaginal muscles.
Personal (vibrator)
It is an accessory similar to an ordinary vibrator, only thinner and 11 to 13 centimeters in length.
It should be used just like Thai balls, with the movement of sucking and expelling from the vagina.
Care: what to know before practicing?
Before starting to practice, it is important to know that there are some cases that require special precautions and care, namely:
Yes, pregnant women can practice pompoirism, as there are several benefits for the moment of delivery and recovery.
The care they should take is to wait for the first three months to pass before they start, as there is a risk that the movements will cause uterine contractions and abortion.
The Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium tissue lining the uterus may be present in the ovaries, fallopian tubes , and intestine.
The ideal is to treat the condition first and talk to the doctor about this possibility, as the movements increase blood flow in the region, which can cause some discomfort.
Patients who have an infection or inflammation in the genital region or urinary tract should first consult a professional to treat the condition. When everything is normalized and talked to the doctor, it is possible to start practicing the exercises of pompoarism.
The use of accessories requires special care with their hygiene, before and after being used. They must be washed and dried very well, it is important not to leave them in the vaginal canal for a long time, due to the risk of causing muscle fatigue .
Nor should they ever be shared, each accessory is for individual use and should not be shared with others.
Pompoarism course
People interested in starting pompoirism can count on the availability of face-to-face and online courses to learn the technique.
The face-to-face classes can be done individually or in groups, with the option of a course for professionals who wish to be instructors of the technique.
In the course, the student must learn about the benefits, about the correct movements, the muscles to move and the frequency and intensity of the exercises.
Common questions
I want to practice pompoirism. Which professional should I look for?
Exercises are not recommended only by a medical specialty, as professional gynecologists, urologists, physiotherapists and sexologists can guide the patient to practice, for the prevention or treatment of a certain condition.
Can women with bladder problems practice?
Yes , it is fundamental. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through pompoarism contributes to the treatment of problems such as urinary incontinence and uterine prolapse. If you have a related condition, talk to your doctor about starting these exercises.
Does it only serve to give more pleasure in sex?
Definitely not ! In fact, this should not be the main objective of pompoarism. It is essential that women know that this is an exercise that benefits themselves first of all.
The practice is quite famous because it increases libido, helps women to have greater control of the vaginal muscles and helps women to have orgasms (even multiple orgasms).
But it reduces risks of urinary incontinence, facilitates labor and improves the mother’s recovery, in addition to all other health benefits.
So, before thinking about your partner’s pleasure, think about the benefits that pompoirism will bring to your health and your sex life.
I have an IUD. Can I still do pompoirism?
Yes, you can . Women who use this type of contraceptive method can do pompoir exercises. Because the IUD is placed in the uterus, exercise, which moves the muscles of the vagina, is not harmful.
However, it is recommended to consult the gynecologist on the subject, especially if the use of an IUD is recent.
Pompoarism and Kegel exercises are the same thing?
Although the name is different, there are not many differences in the purpose of pompoarism and Kegel exercises, being considered the same thing for some experts.
Kegel exercises, created by gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the 1940s, were created to help reduce sagging muscles in the pelvic floor region and treat disorders related to the genital region.
The main difference is that pompoirism is considered a preventive technique and not a treatment.
How do I know if I’m pompous?
To see if the pompoir contraction is correct, a test can be done while the woman is urinating. During urination, she must contract her muscles to try to stop the flow.
It is only a test and should not be done frequently , as this practice can cause problems such as urinary infections.
When talking about quality of life, we must think about the care that we can take on a daily basis, aiming to improve the health of the body as a whole.
This is pompoarism, because in addition to improving people’s sexual life, it also helps in the prevention and treatment of various conditions related to the health of the pelvic floor muscles.
Thanks for reading! And if you practice, how about sharing with us what benefits these exercises have brought you?