Ovulation: Do You Have Symptoms? See what the test and calculator looks like

Women who want to get pregnant or just want to know more about how the body works need to understand the menstrual cycle. And ovulation is part of that process.

There is a lot of important information about this, which helps to know when ovulation occurs and how to identify it:


What is ovulation?

Understanding what ovulation is and how it works is very important for menstrual health

Ovulation is part of the female menstrual cycle and happens when an egg is released from the ovary through hormonal stimulations.

As ovulation approaches, the body increases the production of estrogen, a hormone that causes the lining of the uterus to thicken and creates an appropriate environment for sperm.

When the egg is released, fertilization by the sperm may occur after intercourse. If fertilized, the egg goes to the uterus and pregnancy can occur. But, if not fertilized, the egg disintegrates and the uterine lining is eliminated through menstruation.

Briefly, ovulation is the release of an egg by the ovary, which occurs, on average, once a month.

Knowing how ovulation works and when it occurs helps women get pregnant or prevent unwanted pregnancies. Ovulation usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the next menstruation begins.

  •  there is an increase in temperature when the body is at rest, by about 0.3ºC. This rise occurs because the hormone progesterone raises the temperature. Those who want to get pregnant can measure their body temperature when they wake up;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen : there is usually discomfort on the side where ovulation is taking place. This pain is known as Mittelschmerz (or pain in the middle of the cycle) and can happen suddenly and improve after a few hours. It is estimated that this pain affects about 20% of women who are ovulating;
  • Increased sexual desire : some women may be more willing to have sex;
  • Loss of vaginal blood: occurs in small amounts;
  • Swelling in the vulva : the vulva or vagina may become more swollen;
  • More sensitivity: usually, there is greater sensitivity in the breasts;
  • Smell and taste are more sensitive.
  • Increased gases.

How do I know if I’m ovulating?

It is possible to know if the woman is ovulating by calculating the fertile period by the date of menstruation. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

And in women with regular 28-day cycles, the fertile or egg-releasing day is the 14th. Anyone who has an irregular menstruation needs to pay attention to the day the cycle begins and ends. Normally, ovulation occurs about 13 to 15 days before the start of each menstruation.

Therefore, the time of ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle. There are also cases of women who do not ovulate due to health or hormonal problems.

In addition, through the symptoms that occur it is possible to know if the woman is ovulating.

Some women do not ovulate on a set date. Therefore, whoever wants to get pregnant must follow the fertile period and may need help from a doctor.

Ovulation tests and the ovulation calendar are also available, which are useful tools for controlling the fertile period and ovulation.

Ovulation test and ovulation calculator

Ovulation tests help to identify which days it occurs

The ovulation test is usually performed by women who wish to become pregnant. It is easily found in pharmacies and there are several brands available on the market.

It indicates the fertile period by measuring the luteinizing hormone (LH) with a small urine sample. It is generally quite accurate with regard to the period of ovulation.

To perform the test, you need to wet the pipette with a small amount of urine and wait for a few minutes. Then, you need to check the colors that appear on the control strips.

If the intensity is equal or stronger, the test is positive and the woman is in the fertile period. There is usually a leaflet indicating the color that corresponds to the fertile period.

An ovulation test measures individual hormone levels to make an accurate prediction of the day of ovulation and the days before it. It measures the increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), which only happens between 24 and 36 hours before ovulation. Therefore, it is possible to identify the two most fertile days with great precision.

There is also the home ovulation test, which is not considered as effective. It involves checking with the tip of the index finger in the vagina if there is a small amount of mucus and assessing its consistency and color.

In addition, there is the ovulation calculator that, as the name says, calculates the days that the woman is ovulating. It measures the length of the average cycle and the date of the last menstrual period.

An ovulation calculator calculates the probability of an egg being released on a specific day of the menstrual cycle.

Currently, there are several ovulation calculators available in different applications or it is possible to consult on the internet.

It is worth noting that the calculator works based on average data provided by the person and there is no assessment of the woman’s hormone levels.

Both the ovulation test and the ovulation calendar help to control fertile days and contribute to a planned pregnancy.

The more the woman knows her menstrual cycle, the easier it becomes to understand how ovulation works and consequently her fertility.

Who takes ovulation contraceptives?

No. Women who take oral contraceptives in the correct way, that is, every day at the same time and taking a break at the indicated period, do not ovulate.

Therefore, these women do not have a fertile period and considerably decrease the chances of becoming pregnant. This goes for contraceptives of 21, 24 or 28 pills and also for women who choose the contraceptive implant.

Oral contraceptives inhibit ovulation and modify the uterine endometrium and cervical mucus. This all reduces the chances of a pregnancy.

But anyone who forgets a pill increases their chance of getting pregnant. Thus, the woman again ovulates and releases an egg that can be fertilized, causing a pregnancy.

Understanding better what is happening in the body is the best way to take care of yourself. Either for those who are trying to get pregnant, or for those who just want to prevent themselves or better understand how the organism works.
