Pain in the chest, arms and jaw, heartburn , indigestion, dizziness and cold sweat. These are some of the symptoms that occur in people who are suffering from a heart attack.
Also called a heart attack, heart attack is considered a critical problem that needs emergency care.
For your treatment, there are medications like Metalyse.
Learn more about the medicine and how to use it:
What is Metalyse?
Metalyse is a drug applied intravenously (in the vein), used to treat cases of heart attack.
Its active ingredient is Tenecteplase, a thrombolytic drug – a medicine that dissolves blood clots that interrupt the flow of blood.
This way, when using the medication, the normal blood flow to the heart is restored.
What is Metalyse for?
According to the package leaflet, Metalyse is a drug that has an indication for adult use and is used to treat clots in cases of infarction.
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