Your body size and sex are important in determining how long you will have a birthday, according to research published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health .
In the study, some factors such as height, weight and exercise are closely linked to the longevity of men and women.
For this, data from a survey carried out in 1986 were observed, in which about 7 thousand men and women between the ages of 55 and 69 years participated, answering about their weight and height when they were 20 years old.
The researchers also followed these people for years to see how some factors would influence their lives and how many would make it to 90.
In addition to weight and height, the rate of daily physical activity and smoking or drinking habits also played an important role in longevity.
In relation to the exercises, the participants were divided by the amount of time they dedicated to the movement of the body: those who did up to 30, 60 and 90 minutes daily were separated. Hiking, gardening, and home repairs were also part of the activities.
Among the 990 women who reached the age of 90, the majority were taller and underweight.
However, in the case of the 430 men who reached the control age, height did not play such an important role, and physical activity was the most related to male longevity.