Indigestion or indigestion (dyspepsia) is a disorder of normal digestive activity that occurs when the stomach fills up too quickly – before the brain has received the signals of satiety sent by the hormones.
When more food is swallowed than you can normally ingest, food indigestion occurs.
While eating, the body releases hormones that reach the brain and tell the person that the person is full.
The stomach receptors also signal to the brain that the stomach needs to be expanded when food or water is added.
The chemical substances take a while to reach the brain.
Often this communication time is longer than the time it takes to fill the stomach.
For this reason, you sometimes feel crowded after a meal and do not feel a gradually increasing feeling of satiety when eating, as it should be.
But not only solid food dilates the stomach, gas can also lead to flatulence of the intestine (meteorism) and cause further problems.
Digestive blockage
Cold can completely block digestion.
In other cases, various ailments and complications occur that adversely affect digestion, but do not completely interrupt it.
Duration of digestion
The complete digestive process from food intake to bowel movements takes about 35-38 hours.
How long the food lingers in the stomach depends on the type of food:
- fruit lingers for about half an hour because it contains simple sugars that can be digested quickly;
- carbohydrates remain in the stomach for 2 hours;
- Proteins and fats remain in the stomach for at least 4 hours before entering the intestine.
Indigestion in children
Newborns and infants who feed on breast milk may experience indigestion if they suck heavily or there is not enough time between meals.
Children can suffer from indigestion if they eat sweets without thinking about the consequences.
The main symptom of impaired digestion in infants is vomiting; the child in this case should be encouraged to expel the entire contents of the stomach by massaging the tummy.
Other signs and symptoms include:
- Fever
- Diarrhoea
- abdominal pain,
- Paleness.
The child needs to rest in a warm environment until he feels better; it can eat again when it is well, but only when it is hungry.
Indigestion in pregnancy
In the last months of pregnancy, digestion is slowed down; the causes are:
- pressure of the uterus on the stomach;
- relaxation of the sphincter muscles between the esophagus and stomach; which can also lead to gastroesophageal reflux.
Indigestion caused by watermelon
It has been found that consuming at least 30 mg of lycopene, as found in watermelon, can cause unwanted side effects.
These side effects can occur with excessive consumption of watermelon or tomatoes.
Digestive disorders caused by watermelon and tomatoes include:
Intestinal complaints
The excessive consumption of watermelon can have consequences:
If older people eat too much watermelon, the symptoms can be worse, because their digestive system is already weakened by age.
Allergic reactions
Watermelon can cause allergic reactions in some people, such as:
- mild or severe rash,
- Facial swelling.
Causes of indigestion
As a rule, the digestive disorder is caused by a change in dietary habits, for example:
- sumptuous meals
- fatty food
- Enjoyment of cold water during meals
- urgent food
Indigestion is often a result of spicy, fatty or excessive eating.
Stress and anxiety can lead to tachycardia after eating, more than 100 beats per minute is too much.
Nocturnal indigestion Nocturnal indigestion
can occur in the following cases:
- after a late dinner,
- dinner just before bedtime,
- particularly spicy food (e.g. in certain restaurants),
- Consumption of foods to which there is an intolerance.
Some foods are difficult to digest, for example:
- Paprika
- Crustacean
- Pizza
- Pork.
Symptoms of indigestion
- Fever and chills
- Burning sensation in the stomach
- Feeling of heaviness in the stomach
- Fullness
- Air in the stomach
- Belch
- Halitosis
- Headache
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea
- Vomit
The appearance of indigestion:
- after lunch causes drowsiness,
- before bedtime leads to insomnia.
Effects on the liver and heart
Excessive consumption of animal fats compacts the blood vessels in the liver and promotes the formation of gallstones.
Natural remedies for indigestion
When burning stomach occurs, at the first signs of indigestion, a glass of hot water can cause it to eruct, thereby loosening digestion.
Here are some home remedies:
1. Apple cider vinegar Cider vinegar
, thanks to its antibiotic properties, is widely used to boost sluggish digestion and promote recovery after indigestion.
Drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water several times a day brings quick help with indigestion.
To do this, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and drink two or three times a day.
2. Fennel seeds Fennel seeds
can be very effective for indigestion caused by spicy or fatty foods.
Fennel seeds contain an oil that relieves nausea and bloating.
The fennel seeds can simply be chewed in the mouth to relieve the symptoms of indigestion.
Fennel tea also creates relief.
- Pour hot water over two teaspoons of fennel seeds.
- Roast, dry, grind and sieve the fennel seeds.
- Put half a tsp of this powder in a glass of water and drink twice a day.
3. Ginger Ginger
stimulates digestive juices and the flow of enzymes that support the digestion of food. This home remedy helps with indigestion caused by overeating.
- Two tsp ginger juice,
- a teaspoon of lemon juice,
- a pinch of table salt.
Mix everything together and take with or without water according to personal taste.
Sprinkle a few slices of fresh ginger with the salt and chew thoroughly.
Ginger tea helps with:
- stomach pain,
- gastric pressure,
- stomach cramps,
- Gas formation.
For the preparation of ginger tea, pour half a teaspoon of ginger with hot water and leave to infuse for 2 to 3 minutes.
Those who suffer from indigestion can also use ginger in cooking.
4. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
Indigestion often occurs due to a high concentration of stomach acid.
Baking soda in this case is a simple remedy with great effect, because it acts like a medicine to neutralize stomach acid (antacid).
Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water.
This solution neutralizes stomach acid and brings immediate relief.
The effect lasts only a short time because the bicarbonate reacts with stomach acid and reduces the acidity necessary for digestion. For this reason, antacids are also not helpful in case of indigestion.
The reaction of bicarbonate leads to the formation of carbon dioxide. The consequences are:
- widening of the stomach,
- Belch
- slowed digestion.
5. Coriander Coriander
is an effective spice for treating indigestion.
Put some roasted coriander seeds in half a glass of milk with butter. Drink twice a day.
Coriander can also be mixed with:
- cardamom seeds,
- Cloves
- Ginger.
6. Herbal tea
Herbal tea after a hard-to-digest meal can improve indigestion.
Brew a bag of herbal tea with hot water and leave to infuse covered for five minutes.
Drink hot.
You can try it with a tea made from mint, raspberries and blackberries for quick relief.
Peppermint or chamomile tea favors digestion, especially after a sumptuous meal.
How long does a digestive disorder last?
Symptoms of indigestion can last for 24 to 48 hours.
What diet is recommended after a digestive disorder?
After the onset of indigestion, you should fast for a day or eat light food.
For example, a plate of vegetables is advisable.