The functioning of the thyroid is vitally important for the body to work properly. Its hormones help organs like the brain and heart to perform their functions properly. When disorders occur, hormones may be overproduced or reduced.
The thyroid is a gland located in the lower part of the neck, resting on the trachea. The hormones released by it, called thyroxine and triiodothyronine, are essential for the body’s metabolism.
Known as a problem that affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism indicate a change in the hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) produced by the gland. In addition to these two problems, there is also hashimoto thyroiditis , an autoimmune disease that produces antibodies against the thyroid itself.
Excess production of hormones.
Symptoms: difficulty sleeping ( insomnia ), accelerated heartbeat, bulging eyes (exophthalmos), hand tremors, increased sweat production, nervousness, brittle nails;
Treatment: use of medications to correct excess hormones produced; in some cases it may be necessary to use radioactive iodine and even surgery;
Cause: hereditary factors, serious illnesses, presence of nodules in the goiter.
Low hormone production.
Symptoms: depression , dry and cold skin, constant drowsiness, slow reflexes, changes in menstrual flow, lack of appetite, brittle hair;
Treatment: replacement of hormones that are being produced in low quantities;
Cause: it is associated with iodine intake by the body (lack or excess).
Tireoidite de Hashimoto
Production of antibodies against the thyroid cells themselves (reduces their size).
Symptoms: they are usually the same symptoms indicated in cases of hypothyroidism;
Treatment: use of drugs that supply the lack of hormones produced;
Cause: it usually happens due to genetic factors.
Consultation with the doctor
Consult your doctor frequently for blood tests to analyze hormone rates. If not treated properly, any of the thyroid dysfunctions can cause more serious problems such as increased cholesterol and infertility.