Hip pain when running and at rest


Hip pain can have several causes, including:

Morning hip pain

Pain that occurs when getting up in the morning and gradually decreases as the day progresses indicates inflammation, such as osteoarthritis of the hip joint, septic arthritisgout, or ankylosing spondylitis.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint diseases, it affects people from the age of 50 and affects load-bearing joints such as the hip.
It is characterized by deep-seated pain, which can also be felt in the front and on the inside of the thigh.
Osteoarthritis leads to stiffness and restriction of movement, usually the symptoms worsen in the morning. With anti-inflammatory drugs and gentle gymnastics, the symptoms can usually be alleviated.
Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease.
In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary, in which an artificial hip joint is inserted so that an active lifestyle can be maintained.

Septic arthritis
Septic or bacterial arthritis can affect anyone and occur at any age; it is caused by a bacterial infection that enters the hip joint.
There are many possible causes, including Lyme disease, gonorrhea, and staph infection.
The pain of septic arthritis is more intense in the morning, the affected hip joint can also block.
Other symptoms include overheating and redness around the joint, swelling, fever and chills.
Treatment includes antibiotics and possibly surgical care.

gout is an inflammation of the joints caused by the deposition of uric acid. It is a form of arthritis and can affect any joint. Usually gout occurs in the form of acute attacks of pain, and in the morning the discomfort is stronger.
Gout can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high-protein diets (especially in the form of salmon and meat).

Ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing
spondylitis is an inflammatory disease classified as arthritis.
One-third of affected individuals have symptoms in the hip, thigh and groin.
In addition to morning pain, ankylosing spondylitis causes stiffness and pain that radiates downwards throughout the leg.
These symptoms can be alleviated by movement exercises.

As a rule, inflammatory diseases respond well to anti-inflammatory drugs and a change in physical activity.

Causes of hip pain when running

The most common benign causes of pain in the hip joint during running are: bursitis of the hip (bursitis trochanterica) and piriformis syndrome.
More serious causes include: stress fracture, inflammation of the lumbar spinal nerves (especially sciatica and femoral nerve), injury to the edge of the acetabulum and hip osteoarthritis.

Herniated disc or protrusion: A nerve running in front of or behind the hip could be pinched at the level of the spine.

Trochanteric bursitis: inflammation of the bursa, which is located on the outside of the hip and has the task of reducing friction between tendons and femurs.

Piriformis syndrome: Problem of the piriformis muscle, which is located in the back of the hip and ensures the external rotation of the joint. The piriformis tendon probably compresses the sciatic nerve, causing pain similar to sciatica, with burning and tingling in the leg.
Piriformis syndrome almost always occurs on the left side because the body is not symmetrical and this muscle is more tense on the left side of the body.
Only rarely is the right side affected, usually it occurs in patients with the hip turned inwards.

Stress fracture: The head of the femur has repeated microfractures.
This form of fracture affects athletes, especially runners who complete many kilometers.
Symptoms include: pain, swelling, restricted movement and limping.

Crack in the edge of the acetabulum: The socket edge is a structure of cartilage that surrounds the acetabulum.
If this pan lip tears, pain occurs in the hip. Treatment is surgical.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that develops over time.
The cartilage lying between the bones is rubbed up, causing the bones to rub against each other as they move. Those who suffer from osteoarthritis have great pain during and after running.

The pain is usually noticeable during everyday activities such as walking and sitting in the groin and inside the thigh.

Other possible causes of hip pain after the run are: leg length difference, hyperpronation of the ankle (when the foot is turned inwards), excessive load (strenuous workouts with insufficient athletic preparation).

Possible causes of hip pain when sitting

There are numerous diseases that cause pain in the hip joint when sitting.

Hip arthrosis or coxarthrosis: It is caused by cartilage wear in the hip joint.
It usually occurs with age; early treatment is necessary so that the situation does not deteriorate further.

Trochanteric bursitis: It can occur as a result of a sports accident and means the inflammation of the bursa, a sac filled with fluid designed to reduce the friction generated by the tendons during movement.
The bursae are usually sensitive to touch, so it is very possible that pressure is applied to the inflamed bursa when sitting.

Lumboischialgia: For chronic pain and a burning sensation, lumboischialgia may be present.
One speaks of sciatica, when the sciatic nerve is pressed at the back of the leg.
The pain occurs in the lumbar region of the hip, at the back of the knee, calf and foot.
In pregnancy, sciatica is common because the uterus can cause compression and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
This nerve may become pinched or irritated when sitting.

Piriformis syndrome: If the symptoms are caused only by the shortening and thickening of the muscle, a pain can be caused at the back of the thigh, which extends to the knee.
When the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve, the pain at the back of the leg can radiate to the foot.
In this case, the symptoms of lumboischialgia are present.
The most appropriate forms of treatment include osteopathy and massage ultrasound.

Pain after walking


Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of hip joint complaints.
This condition occurs when the cartilage of the hip bones, which acts as a shock absorber, is worn out, causing the bones to rub against each other without protection. Joint inflammation, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, is often responsible for hip pain in the elderly.
With severe arthritis, the pain may also occur after walking or at bedtime.
Sometimes it increases when it is left in the same position for a long time.

Tendonitis: Tendonitis is a strand of fiber that connects bones and muscles. Inflammation of the tendons is called tendinitis and can be caused by overload or trauma.
Tendinitis of the internal rotators (small and medium gluteal muscle) and spreaders (e.g. the thigh ligament tensioner) can cause lateral hip pain.

Hip dislocation: Developmental disorders can lead to malpositions of the hip joint, as if it were dislocated or incorrectly positioned.
This condition is called congenital hip dysplasia. It does not necessarily have to be painful in childhood, but usually leads to osteoarthritis and thus to pain in the hip.

Fracture of the hip: The fracture of a hip bone can be caused by an accident or fall.
Older people with osteoporosis are particularly susceptible, whose bones become weak and unstable, which increases their susceptibility to bone fractures.
The fracture of the femur causes sudden pain in the hip and can result from trauma or disease (e.g. bone tumor or metastasis).
Fracture-related hip pain is very intense, immediate treatment in the emergency room is necessary.

Osteonecrosis: Necrosis of the femoral head is a condition in which the blood supply to the bone is restricted, causing bone tissue to die.
Bone necrosis can be caused by prolonged use of steroid medications, injuries, hip dislocation, etc.
The main symptom of femoral head necrosis is severe hip pain when walking.

Snap hip: This syndrome is characterized by an audible snapping that is noticeable at the hip joint.
There are two variants, the outer and the inner snapping hip.
The snap hip causes pain when walking, which usually subsides at rest.

Muscle fatigue: The muscles and tendons around the hips and pelvis can be extremely tense due to an excessive state of tension.
Athletes are more susceptible to muscle tension or strains.
A thorough warm-up is important, cold muscles are more prone to injury.
But the complaints are not limited to athletes, they can just as well be caused by everyday activities.
Muscle tension can cause pain when walking.
Natural remedies include arnica and devil’s claw.

What are the possible causes of pain at rest and at night in the hip?

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a wear and tear of the hip joint and can affect men and women alike.
If the joint becomes inflamed, then at the last stage of the disease, pain may increase at night.
The aim of the therapy is to relieve inflammation.
Usually, the doctor prescribes stretching exercises, anti-inflammatories and physiotherapy.
In severe cases, a hip prosthesis may be used.

Shortened muscles: Muscles on the hip and back may have shortened that now act on the hip, e.g. the quadriceps.
When sleeping, there are certain positions that can put the muscles under tension and cause hip pain.

Intestinal problems: Intestinal problems can cause transmission pain in the hip.

Hip pain in children

If children complain of pain in the hip or thigh, this should not be treated carelessly.
Perthes disease means the death of bone tissue (avascular necrosis) in the femoral head in children.

Childhood diseases include juvenile idiopathic arthritis and Still’s disease.
If the child has a fever, septic arthritis or infection of the hip joint may be present.
The infection may have been caused by viruses or bacteria.
Symptoms include: fever, pain, limping, and sometimes refusal to leave.

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