Pain in thigh and groin: front or back

The pain in the thigh and groin can be caused by different structures:

  • Bone
  • Joints
  • Brawn
  • Yearning.


Pain in thighs and groin

Causes of pain in the thigh and groin:

Muscle strain in the groin

The muscle injury causes pain in the upper thigh and groin, for example, when kicking the football.

If the pain occurs in the upper and anterior part, the affected muscle is the quadriceps.

With pain inside the thigh and groin, the cause may be an injury to the adductor muscle.

Strain of the quadriceps

The quadriceps is a group of muscles on the front of the thigh. The quadriceps heads stretch (straighten) the knee.

With a strain, the tear of the muscle fibers causes:

  • A hematoma,
  • Swelling
  • A severe pain in the upper part of the thigh.

The cause can be a shot with the ball or a sudden start.

Usually, an injury occurs in the upper or lower part of the muscle near the tendons, rarely in the middle of the thigh.

In the first two days, the person limps.

The symptoms also occur when walking or with simple movements.

As soon as the acute inflammation has passed (from the 3rd day), the pain is felt only during more difficult activities, for example when walking or climbing stairs.


Cruralgia is an inflammation of the femoral nerve.

It can cause pain along the course of the nerve, i.e. in the lower part of the back, which spreads to:

  • Buttocks
  • Groin
  • Testicle
  • Front and inner area of the thigh up to the knee.

In this case, the pain increases with some back movements that stretch the nerve, especially the extension backwards (curvature of the back backwards).

Hip arthrosis is a type of arthritis caused by joint degeneration as we age. Symptoms include chronic pain in the thigh.

Pain on the front of the thigh


Wounds and traumas

Skin injuries and bruises on the thigh cause pain.

A femoral fracture causes great pain in the front thigh.

Hematomas or bruising often form on the thigh due to minor trauma, especially in women who have poorer blood circulation than men.

As a rule, the blood absorbs in 2 – 3 weeks without therapy.

Strain of the quadriceps muscle

A strain of the quadriceps muscle also causes a sudden and severe pain in the thigh.

This occurs when the muscle experiences a strain or stretching during excessive physical activity.


Osteomyelitis is a bone infection caused by bacteria.


Osteosarcoma is a cancer in which the carcinoma cells originate from the bone.


During pregnancy, the changes that occur in the body of an expectant mother can provoke very severe pain in the thighs.

The circulatory system has to work more during pregnancy because the blood volume is increased, especially towards the end of pregnancy.

Diseases such as edema formation (swelling) and dysfunction of the pubic joint can cause pain during pregnancy.

The enlargement of the uterus and the increase in body weight during pregnancy can also cause discomfort.

A sharp increase in body weight puts pressure on the lower limbs.

Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon

In the event of trauma or overload, tendonitis of the quadriceps muscle may develop in the area above the knee.

Athletes who suffer from these disorders are mainly cyclists whose bicycle saddle is mounted too low.

Pain in the rear thigh

Injuries of biceps femoris

One of the most common muscle injuries is the strain/stretching of the biceps femoris. The injured person feels pain on the back of the thigh.

The biceps femoris is a muscle structure of the leg that extends from the buttocks (sitting bone) and runs to the posterior knee.

The lesion is caused by stretching or by a jerky movement.

The biceps femoris can also be injured when running over a slope.

Stretching causes difficulties in leg extension.

Tendonitis of the ischiocrural muscles

The ischiocrural muscles are the muscles at the back of the thigh:

  1. Biceps femoris,
  2. Semitendinosus,
  3. Semimembranosus.

Cyclists and jumpers are particularly at risk of developing tendinitis.

The pain occurs in the back and lower thigh area, depending on the tendons affected.


Sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve) is another common cause of pain.

Piriformis syndrome

The piriformism cle runs near the sciatic nerve. It is located under the gluteal muscle, has its origin on vertebral bodies S2-S3 and advertises on the large rolling hill of the femur.

Overloading this muscle can cause severe pain.

Since it is located near the sciatic nerve, it can irritate it or press it on the nerve.

The muscle pain caused by piriformis syndrome can occur on the back outside of the left thigh, it rarely occurs on the right.

Compartment syndrome

The compartment syndrome is a problem that exists when the pressure inside the muscle increases sharply.

This can put pressure on nerves, blood vessels and muscle tissue.

This pressure can reduce blood circulation, so oxygen and nutrients do not reach the cells of:

  • Annoy
  • Brawn.

Lack of oxygen causes tissue death.

Radiating pain

If you feel pain in areas away from a lesion, it is radiating pain.

Often the pain is caused by inflammation of the muscles, ligaments or tendons of the hip or ileosacral joint, but the pain is felt along the thigh.

Poor circulation

People may feel pain in the thigh after sitting for a long time.

The pain is then caused by reduced blood flow.

People who suffer from venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis (formation of a blood clot in a deep leg vein) or blood clotting disorders may feel pain in their thighs and calves.

Painful cellulitis

Women who suffer from advanced cellulitis, severe water retention and frequent bruising may experience pain in the thigh.

What should you do? Natural remedies for thigh pain

Below are some treatments that can be done at home to relieve pain.

Light physical activity can help restore full mobility and break down lactic acid.

It is recommended to ride a bike or exercise bike, because this activity does not overload muscles, tendons and joints.

You can stretch without stretching your muscles too much.

Keep thighs warm

Against the pain in the leg, it helps to wear warm pants at night.

Dressing thighs with flannel: This is one of the most effective home remedies to relieve thigh pain.

Cryotherapy (cold therapy) is very helpful in relieving pain.

  • Fill a plastic bag with a few ice cubes and water.
  • Place on your thigh for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat 2 – 3 times a day.

Massages: To eliminate spasms, it is recommended to perform massages.

The massage must be performed in the direction of the muscle fibers of the thigh.

Massage therapy:

  • Improves local blood circulation,
  • Reduces muscle stiffness and warms up the muscles.

thigh massage with olive oil; you can add one or two cloves of garlic for a better result.

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