First month of pregnancy: what are the cares and changes?

Often, pregnancy is a surprise for parents, in other cases, it is planned and much expected. Anyway, we can say that pregnancy is a special moment in the woman’s life and that the 1st month is just the beginning of this journey.

And in this very beginning, when many women are still unaware of pregnancy, important changes in the development of the embryo take place.

This embryonic period begins from the moment of fertilization until the 8th week of pregnancy, being only in the passage from the 2nd to the 3rd month in which it is called a fetus.

Continue reading and understand better about what happens to the woman’s body at the beginning!


What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the first month?

In this first month, the body undergoes a series of transformations due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy. Thus, the woman starts to manifest some symptoms.

These signs or symptoms are not yet related to physical changes in women, such as changes in the size of the belly or breasts, for example.

But some things are very observable, such as menstrual delay, which is usually the first sign noticed by the pregnant woman. Other symptoms characteristic of this onset are as follows:

  • Colic;
  • Swelling;
  • Changes in mood;
  • Pains in the lumbar region;
  • Need to urinate more frequently;
  • Sensitivity in the breasts;
  • Somnolence.
  • Fatigue;
  • Motion sickness;
  • Small bleeds;
  • Food cravings.

However, it is important to note that not all women experience all of these symptoms in the first month of pregnancy or during pregnancy. And even when they do occur, they can present in different intensities and frequencies.

Does the belly grow in the first month of pregnancy?

No , in the 1st month of pregnancy the belly does not increase. But, although abdominal growth does not occur, other symptoms can be indications of pregnancy, such as nausea, tenderness in the breasts and changes in mood.

For this reason, mothers anxious to see their bellies grow need to be patient, especially in the 1st pregnancy, when the muscle fibers are more resistant and take longer to expand.

Recalling also that the moment when the belly grows can vary among women, because each organism is different.

Therefore, it can take time to notice the changes in the belly.

What is the size of the fetus in the first month of pregnancy?

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The fetus in this first month of pregnancy measures, on average, between 2.5 millimeters in length and weighs about 2 grams (like a grain of rice or a poppy seed).

How is the fetus in the first month?

In the 1st month, the fetus can still be called an embryo, as it is in development. Despite being the beginning of pregnancy, this is a very important phase for the baby’s development, and the transformations are constant and accelerated.

Every day the cells multiply for the formation of the vital tissues and organs of the baby. This first phase is called the morula phase .

After it, a kind of egg is formed, composed of the embryo, amniotic sac and placenta.

It is also during this period that the embryo begins to develop the umbilical cord, through which it will receive the nutrients and oxygen it needs for healthy growth.

At the end of the 1st month, it is possible to identify the formation of a heart, still tiny and in development.

Although it is more difficult at the beginning of pregnancy, there is a possibility that the embryo can be seen on transvaginal ultrasound, in some cases it is possible to hear the heartbeat.

When does the embryo become a fetus?

The embryo is called a fetus only after the 9th week of gestation, when it begins to develop bone cells in the already formed cartilages, beginning to take on a more human appearance, so to speak. At this point, the embryo is approximately 2.5 centimeters in size.

Swelling in the first month of pregnancy

Swelling is a very characteristic symptom throughout pregnancy and, although it is more present after the 5th month, it can be present at the beginning of pregnancy.

This swelling happens because of a greater fluid retention that happens, due to the increase of 25% to 30% of fluids circulating through the woman’s body.

Because it is a much larger volume, they end up spilling over the vessels and spreading to the tissues. As a consequence, the woman becomes more swollen.

Therefore, during pregnancy, it is normal to have swelling in the legs, feet and fingers, which can leave the mother feeling uncomfortable with the use of shoes and some accessories, such as rings.

Menstruation in the first month of pregnancy

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is menstrual delay. However, some women report bleeding in the first month. In such cases, this discharge is not exactly a menstruation.

It is usually shorter bleeding, with reduced flow and a different aspect than what usually occurs during menstruation.

It usually happens when the embryo is implanted in the uterus ( nesting ). By sticking to the organ wall, it may break a blood vessel and cause this bleeding.

Discharge in the first month of pregnancy

There are several types of vaginal discharge that can occur, some are indicative of infections and diseases, but others are common and do not signal any type of complication, such as white or pink.

However, during a more delicate period such as pregnancy, the concern with these discharge is increased.

Therefore, it is important to know that there are other signs that must be taken into account to understand if there is reason to worry:

  • Color : brown, yellow, greenish or grayish discharge are indications that the woman may have an infection;
  • Smell : the unpleasant odor of discharge is also an alert;
  • Itching : the discharge associated with itching can signal more serious problems;
  • Burning : discomfort may occur when urinating;
  • Changes in the skin : presence of pellets or change in the appearance of the skin in the intimate region.

In addition to being attentive to the listed symptoms, it is important to maintain a healthy frequency of visits to the gynecologist and clarify all doubts with the obstetrician.

First month care

In a risky pregnancy or not, some changes in habits need to be made. Among the main cares are:

  • Have adequate medical follow-up, carrying out examinations and consultations according to the person advised;
  • Be careful with the use of medications and never self-medicate;
  • Taking care of addictions, avoiding smoking, making use of drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • Take care of the food, avoiding foods that may pose a risk to the fetus. The ideal is to maintain a nutritious and balanced diet;
  • Maintain a more moderate physical exercise rhythm, without high impact activities.

Read more: Omega 3 and 6 in pregnancy may be related to ADHD

Exams in the first month of pregnancy

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In the 1st month of pregnancy, there are no specific tests to assess the health of the baby or the woman, these tests being more common from the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (3rd month).

We can say that the first test that the woman performs is to confirm the pregnancy, the most common being that the woman seeks the exams when she starts to suspect the symptoms, such as delayed menstruation and nausea, for example.

Read more: How to take a pregnancy test (pharmacy and blood test)?

To confirm the pregnancy, the woman can use pharmacy tests or blood tests (beta HCG).

With the pregnancy confirmed, the doctor may order blood, urine and stool tests to assess the mother’s blood type, the presence of infections, diseases or antibodies that can impair the development of the fetus.
