Aspirin use may reduce colorectal cancer risk

Aspirin (AAS) is a medication commonly used to treat flu and other health problems, such as toothache , back pain and headache. In addition, the substance has been part of the routine of some people to prevent colorectal cancer .

To verify the effectiveness of this treatment, researchers at the Schmidt School of Medicine, Florida Atlantic University, conducted a study listing the guidelines provided by the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and the behavior of patients.

The aim of the study was to understand whether aspirin really has a positive impact on preventing this type of cancer in patients with symptoms or risk factors for the disease.

During the research, data were analyzed on 84 patients aged 40 to 91 years who had colorectal polyps, an abnormal growth of cells in the lining of the rectum or colon.

The study results revealed that 42.9% of patients with advanced symptoms used aspirin as a cancer preventive measure, which means that more than half of the patients analyzed did not follow USPSTF guidelines.

Although research shows that ASA represents a lower risk of complications such as colorectal cancer, use among patients with advanced symptoms is still uncommon. Therefore, more research and new therapeutic approaches need to be carried out.

According to the study, more than 90% of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer are 50 years old or older, presenting the same risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as obesity , physical inactivity and inadequate diet.

Therefore, for the authors of the study, the most important thing is that the patient is able to adopt lifestyle changes, such as practicing physical activities, maintaining a healthy weight, consulting regularly with the doctor and following the prescriptions and correct use of medications.

Whether physical or mental, health plays a fundamental role in the quality of life. In order to maintain them, it is always necessary to have medical supervision!
