What is Dermatitis
Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that causes redness, itching and blisters, and is not transmitted by direct contact or by objects of personal use. It can appear at any age and can also affect any part of the body. The disease is curable and depends a lot on the type and cause, but in most cases, treatment is based on medicines and creams prescribed by a dermatologist.
In addition to dermatitis, there are other dermatoses that have very similar symptoms and injuries. Each of them requires a little attention, so that you always have the correct diagnosis.
What are the types of dermatitis?
The symptoms may be similar, but there are different types of dermatitis and they can be confused if they are not diagnosed correctly. Check below what are the types of this disease.
Contact dermatitis
According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), there are two types of contact dermatitis : allergic and irritative.
Allergic contact dermatitis is an allergy or sensitivity to a substance such as nickels, metals and some fragrances that can trigger the appearance of this type. Symptoms usually appear 1 to 2 days after contact with the allergenic agent, with itching being one of the first signs of inflammation.
Irritant contact dermatitis is the most common. It occurs when there is irritation of the skin after contact with chemicals, acids, detergents or soaps. Pain, burning and itching of the skin can be felt, as they are recurrent symptoms every time the patient comes into contact with the substance.
Seborrheic dermatitis
One of the most chronic types of dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammation that causes redness and scaling of the skin in some regions of the head, such as eyebrows, corners of the scalp and nose. This type of dermatitis shows periods of improvement and worsening of symptoms, so it is important to be aware.
Atopic dermatitis
Among all types of dermatitis, atopic is the most common and is also of a chronic nature. It appears, in babies, in the outer regions of the arms and legs and, in children and adults, in the folds of the body, such as the knee and elbow.
Dermatite herpetiforme
Herpetiform dermatitis is a type of disease caused by gluten intolerance . The blisters that the disease causes give the sensation of intense burning and itching.
Ocher dermatitis
It is a type of dermatitis caused by the accumulation of blood in the legs and ankles and is characterized by purple or brown spots.
Exfoliative dermatitis
This type of dermatitis causes scaling and redness in large areas of the body, such as the chest, arms and legs. The disease is curable and it is necessary to follow up with a dermatologist.
Diaper dermatitis
Also known as diaper rash , diaper dermatitis is characterized by the irritation that occurs on the baby’s skin when it is in contact with the diaper’s plastic.
Dermatite perioral
It is a type of dermatitis that appears around the mouth in the form of round and red spots. It is more common in women who are between 20 and 45 years old.
Dermatitis numular
It is the appearance of rounded spots that burn, itch and evolve into bubbles and then crusts. It usually affects middle-aged people, is accompanied by dry skin and is quite recurrent in winter.
What are the causes of dermatitis?
Dermatitis can arise for several reasons, whether genetic, emotional or triggered by external agents, such as the cold climate and the oiliness of our skin.
The causes of the disease are often related to their types and each requires a specific type of treatment.
How can I prevent dermatitis?
For each type of dermatitis there is a type of prevention that varies according to its cause. But even so, there is a type of prevention common to all: skin care when it is irritated. For this, some points are valid:
- If the irritated skin is that of the face, do not use cotton, as it can irritate it even more;
- After cleaning the skin with water and a soap or dermatological gel, dry with a tissue without rubbing and with small touches;
- When bathing, leave the water at a temperature close to 34ºC (never higher than that) and do not take more than 15 minutes under water.
What are the symptoms of dermatitis?
The most common symptoms are itching and rashes. In addition to these, each type of dermatitis – previously explained – has different symptoms. For example: in the case of seborrheic dermatitis, in addition to the red and scaly patches on the scalp, there may be a large volume of dandruff as well.
Which specialist should I go to when I notice the symptoms of dermatitis?
Just like other skin diseases, the specialist you should go to in case of suspected dermatitis is the dermatologist, as he will know how to correctly pass the diagnosis to you, as well as the proper treatment for your case.
What is the treatment for dermatitis?
Like symptoms, treatments for dermatitis vary according to their type and intensity.
For the atopic, avoiding very hot baths and moisturizing the skin constantly helps to improve the disease. In the case of contact dermatitis, the treatment differs due to the severity of the disease, and it can be done through oral or injectable medications.
Regardless of the type of dermatitis you have, the important thing is not to self-medicate and seek help from your dermatologist.
Medicines used to treat dermatitis
The drugs below are widely used for the treatment of dermatitis. But do not forget: it is necessary to consult with your dermatologist beforehand, to find out which medicine is best for your clinical condition.
- Clostebol Acetate + Neomycin Sulfate
- Advantan
- Dermazine
- Meticorten
- Nebacetin
- Miconazole nitrate
Home remedies for dermatitis
In addition to the drugs mentioned above, there are also several treatments with home remedies, very easy to do. Are they:
- Washing the lesions with thyme tea;
- Compresses on lesions with oat tea;
- Cold compresses of mallow tea on the lesions;
- Treatment of lesions with aloe vera;
- For dermatitis that reaches the scalp, use lavender oil .
NEVER self-medicate or stop using a medication without first consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to tell which medication, dosage and duration of treatment is the most suitable for his specific case. The information contained on this site is only intended to inform, not in any way intended to replace the guidance of a specialist or serve as a recommendation for any type of treatment. Always follow the instructions on the package insert and, if symptoms persist, seek medical or pharmaceutical advice.
Pay attention to the various symptoms that dermatitis can present, because the sooner you detect them, the earlier the diagnosis can be made and the sooner you cure the disease. If you know someone who has dermatitis, pass this link on to them, the more people we reach, the less the disease will affect the population.