The sinusitis happens when there is an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the sinuses of the sinuses (bone spaces around the nose, cheeks and eyes).
The patient with sinusitis may present symptoms very similar to those of the flu or even confuse the condition with an insistent headache .
Although pressure in the eye region, a feeling of heavy head and obstruction of breathing are the signs most associated with sinusitis, they can also occur:
- Pressure in the ears – caused by the accumulation of secretions in the face region;
- Alteration of smell and taste;
- Tiredness – occurs mainly due to the weakness of the organism or drop in immunity;
- Reduction or lack of appetite;
- Bad breath (halitosis) – usually caused by bacterial infections or chronic sinusitis;
- Nausea;
- Catarrh (yellow-green) in the throat, especially at bedtime.
In addition, some symptoms are quite characteristic and significant during sinusitis. Among them are:
In general, one of the first symptoms that manifest in sinusitis is coughing . Especially in childhood, it tends to be an essential signal for the correct diagnosis.
Many patients perceive a worsening of the cough at night, because the secretions accumulate in the nasal region and, when the patient lies down, there is an easing of them to drain into the pharynx.
The cough appears as a reaction to the irritation of the mucosa in order to eliminate the phlegm.
In addition, patients suffering from sinusitis due to gastric dysfunctions, such as reflux, may experience coughing because the acidic juice from the stomach irritates the mucous membranes. When lying down, it is easier for this acid to reflux and irritate the throat.
Read more: What are the treatments for Sinusitis?
In general, pressure occurs in the head region, which can be in specific or more generalized parts (depending mainly on the location of the inflammation). Usually, patients experience a worsening when they lower or bend their necks.
Due to the accumulation of secretions in the paranasal sinuses, pain may occur in the eyes, ears and neck.
Toothache or dental arch
In fact, the painful sensation is due to the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses near the jaw. That is, it is a headache that is confused with the dental region.
In some cases, the patient may take time to notice other symptoms and attribute the discomfort to gum inflammation, for example.
Nasal discharge
The patient may experience breathing difficulties due to nasal block or obstruction. Even so, it is possible that the nose is runny or with the presence of thick secretions (similar to phlegm).
In general, nasal secretions and obstructions make the patient need to breathe through the mouth, causing dryness of the throat and favoring coughs.
In general, when there is only nasal obstruction or congestion, fever does not manifest, but if there is an infection of the tissues, temperature changes can manifest. Commonly they persist for a short time and are not very high, being in the range of 38 degrees.