Watching our team from the heart play is an extremely exciting activity. It doesn’t matter if you are watching a game of football, volleyball or a Formula 1 race, your heart is beating faster and emotions are running high.
“Let there be a heart!” it is a figure of speech that makes all the biological sense, since the heart and the circulatory system are the ones that suffer the most changes in their functioning while we are watching a game and cheering with all their strength.
But, wait a second … cheering? Cheering what?
The expression comes from the beginning of the 20th century, when soccer was still an elite sport and going to the stadiums and supporting the team was considered chic. At the time, women took their handkerchiefs to the stadiums and, affected by the anxiety of the match, twisted the flannels involuntarily, giving rise to the expression “supporter”.
Cheering is really a difficult task, precisely because of the momentary feeling of helplessness. Commentators who have been players say they prefer to be on the pitch than to watch the match, because when on the pitch, at least, there is the possibility of doing something.
In other words, the fan is trapped inside his own body, on the sofa or in the stands, without the possibility of going there and turning a tense game in his favor. So all you have to do is twist the handkerchief and hope that your team will win.
And all this anxiety generated by sports tournaments can bring several problems for those who watch. According to data from a survey by the University of São Paulo (USP), the overall number of heart attacks can increase from 4% to 8% during World Cup games, for example.
Extreme reactions are already expected, after all, the same region of the brain that is activated when you are in love is activated when you are rooting for your heart team.
But, knowing the Brazilian as he is, we know that it is not only anxiety and heart problems that can disturb the crowd during a match. Drinking too much and playing with fireworks, for example, are very common activities during world sporting events.
Seeking to help you cheer with more health, but without ever losing that boyish way, we made a list with the main tips for you to enjoy these moments without losing your temper! Check out!
1. Eat balanced meals before the game
The nervousness of an important game increases (and greatly!) Our anxiety levels. In such cases, it is very common for people to end up having intestinal problems and having to face the famous piriri or nervous diarrhea .
The main reason that anxiety causes diarrhea is because of the way the body reacts to the “fight and flight” system.
The stress generated by the situation causes an adrenaline rush that redistributes the flow of blood and water. In this redistribution, the gastrointestinal system does not filter the water properly, leading to diarrhea.
Therefore, on days when you know you are going to have high anxiety, you should eat more balanced and healthy meals for the gastrointestinal system, in which you eat a lot of fiber and few carbohydrates , for example.
By doing so, you avoid having to go through embarrassing situations, such as having to run to the bathroom of your girlfriend’s parents’ house in that opponent’s dangerous move.
2. Xô, anxiety!
When we are anxious, our breathing becomes shorter. We inhale and exhale the air at a very rapid rate. This causes the heart rate to also increase, as the exchange of oxygen in the lungs is accelerated.
People who suffer from heart problems, especially, should pay attention to breathing to avoid problems such as tachycardia, which can progress to more serious complications.
Therefore, the main tip is: when it comes to the extreme nervousness caused by the match, do like Cristiano Ronaldo before hitting a foul and practice diaphragmatic breathing .
It is a highly recommended technique for patients suffering from psychological disorders such as panic disorder, as it helps the patient to put his head back in place and calm down.
The technique can be very beneficial for those suffering from tachycardia, as a more controlled and spaced breath helps to decrease the heart rate and causes a feeling of relief.
To do it, it is very simple:
- Breathe slowly and intensely. Inhale a lot of air, hold it and then exhale;
- Use your mouth, not your nose. When we draw air through the mouth, the volume of gases entering the lungs is greater and, with the lungs full of air, the organism has more time to carry out gas exchanges;
- To make it easier, place your hand over the diaphragm. It is just below the chest, in the belly. While breathing, make him go up and down. Focus on breathing by moving the diaphragm instead of the chest.
By practicing diaphragmatic breathing, you will help your body to “calm down”. The blood will circulate more slowly and without so much pressure through the body, which is very important, especially for those with circulatory problems.
3. Treat your heart well
“Let there be a heart!”, Galvão Bueno always says during football matches.
The expression is based on science. According to data from the study “Soccer World Cup as a Trigger for Cardiovascular Events”, made by USP, the general number of heart attacks tends to increase during the games of the canary team.
The heart really beats faster when we see our team playing and everything starts in the brain, more specifically in a gland called the pituitary gland.
During a match, the pituitary gland releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which in turn stimulates the adrenal glands (located above the kidneys) to secrete cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, known as stress hormones.
This causes the heart rate to accelerate. In addition, blood pressure gets higher, arteries become more constricted, leaving hands cold, pupils dilate, sweating increases and blood sugar levels skyrocket, reducing digestion.
This response is natural and has the function of preparing the organism for a dangerous situation, where it needs to run or defend itself. It was very useful for our ancestors, but today it is almost like an emotional appendage.
The problem is that, for people who suffer from heart or circulatory problems, these responses can be harmful and induce a heart attack or stroke.
These patients can consult with their cardiologist before the games and see the possibility of using some pressure medication before the game. You should never self-medicate , as the consequences can be worse.
In addition, there are other practices that you can perform in your daily life that will make you more prepared for times of stress. They are: meditation, yoga, massage, acupuncture and pilates .
These practices do not exclude professional monitoring and should be done in a way that complements medical advice.
If you suffer from heart problems, you should also adopt some changes in habit, such as lower salt intake and regular physical activity.
In cases where the effects of stress were inevitable and a heart attack happens, call 911 . You can contact SAMU through the phone number 192 .
4. Avoid hoarseness
After the shouting that the animation of the games provide, it is very common for people to end up without a voice, especially those fans who shout and sing during matches can suffer from hoarseness.
And this phenomenon can happen even with those who do not go to the stadiums to sing songs and curse the judge while the team plays.
Often, when we are in bars watching the games, so that we can chat with our friends at the table, we need to raise the tone of voice above the ambient noise and it is on these occasions that hoarseness usually appears.
It happens due to an exaggerated effort of the vocal cords, which are fatigued, stressed because of the friction generated when we raise the tone of the voice.
To avoid hoarseness you must pay attention to hydration. Drinking water regularly and in small sips favors the hydration of the body and promotes vocal production without the need to apply a lot of effort.
Avoiding polluted environments, smoking and drinking are also important tips. Pollution and cigarette smoke attack the entire respiratory system, especially the vocal cords. Aggression can cause irritation, increased secretions, coughing and throat clearing, in addition to causing the vocal cords to dry out, making it difficult to vibrate.
Alcohol, on the other hand, causes a decrease in the sensitivity of the larynx, which can cause vocal abuse, that is, a very large and repetitive effort of the vocal cords.
It is also worth remembering that cigarette consumption increases the chances of developing cancer and, when associated with alcohol, increases the risks of laryngeal cancer.
Another important tip is: avoid exposure to air conditioning ! This equipment reduces the humidity of the air and can cause dryness of the vocal tract, which induces the production of speech with excessive tension and effort.
The same goes for tight clothing, which can compress the neck and abdomen, causing the same problem.
And finally, be restrained . You can shout, sing and get excited, but always sparingly, that is, knowing your limits.
5. Look at the explosion!
At the goal time: fires! Poor dogs, who have to live with so much noise without understanding why.
Playing with fireworks is very dangerous and can cause first to third degree burns.
First-degree burns are mild, superficial and affect only the epidermis, with redness in the area followed by swelling and variable pain. Second degree ones can be both superficial and deeper, except that there is a greater destruction of the epidermis and dermis.
The third degree ones are the most worrying. In them, there is total destruction of all layers of the skin, causing the place to be whitish or dark, also generating a lot of pain.
A survey carried out in the Ministry of Health’s DataSUS system showed that between 1998 and 2013 alone, there were approximately 8,500 hospitalizations and more than 120 deaths in the country due to the use of fireworks.
It can be seen then that the saying is not for nothing: a child who plays with fire, ends up getting burned. So, in order not to hear a bitter “I told you” from your mother, stay tuned for the tips:
- Buy fireworks only at specialized, accredited stores. Clandestine fires do not provide guidance from the manufacturer, are usually not tested and are sold separately, that is, they are more likely to cause accidents. And it is at these times that the cheap is expensive;
- Give preference to low-explosive fires that are easy to handle;
- Never forget to check the warranty certificate;
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and tips;
- At the time of purchase, ask the seller for handling instructions;
- Never let children let go of the fires;
- Never experiment, modify or try to make your own fires;
- Avoid holding fires with your hands. Buy artifacts that serve as a base for fitting the firework stand. Thus, it will be possible to shoot them from the ground;
- If the fires fail, don’t try to reuse them ;
- Always have a container of water nearby to place the rockets already used or those that failed, so there is no risk of further explosions;
- Never handle fireworks under the influence of alcohol and other drugs;
- Avoid storing fires at home. If you decide to keep them, leave them in a dry place and away from stoves, lighters and smoking access.
6.Beware of the hangover!
Alcohol may even seem like a good companion during a match, but beware: a drunk team plays without a goalkeeper!
Drinking too much is bad and everyone knows it. The liver receives more alcohol than it can process, we are dehydrated and with few electrolytes in the blood. Headache , in the body, in the eyes, nausea, lack of appetite and dehydration are some of the main symptoms.
To be able to enjoy that cold beer without risking a bad hangover, there are some steps you can take:
- Do not drink on an empty stomach: thus, the stomach is protected from alcohol, making nausea more difficult, and the alcohol is absorbed more slowly, together with food;
- Drink plenty of water: alcohol has a diuretic effect, that is, it makes your body eliminate a lot of water. Therefore, rehydrating yourself is essential to avoid headaches;
- Sleep before you start drinking: resting before drinking is a way of preparing the body for the harmful effects of alcohol.
7. If you are going to drink, do not drive
Everyone knows, the dry law is in effect, but even so there is always one who decides to take the car after taking a few sips. Don’t be that person! By driving while intoxicated, you are not only putting your life at risk, but the lives of others.
Drunk driving is one of the main causes of traffic deaths across Brazil. A study released by the Ministry of Health in 2013 shows that approximately 21% of accidents recorded in the country are related to alcohol consumption.
So, nothing to go around driving drunk. Take a taxi, use a racing app, hitch a ride, or use public transport. It is for your safety and that of the people around you.
8. The mood of the match is tense…
During the games, we were very tense. We make repetitive movements with the hands and feet and the apprehension often causes us to have sore muscles, especially in the neck and shoulders.
In cases where this happens, it is possible to relieve pain and tension through simple practices, such as:
- Stretching: Stretching the muscles helps to reduce pain and tension;
- Compress of warm water: this practice helps to increase blood circulation, relax muscles and relieve tension;
- Massage: a good massage can help to decrease inflammatory processes and promote a faster recovery;
- Exercises: like stretching, exercises help to minimize pain and increase muscle flexibility
9. Get your hand out of your mouth, boy!
Many people have the habit of biting their nails . It turns out that this practice is not at all healthy, besides being unhygienic. The habit impairs the appearance of the hands and, in addition to damaging that part of the body, can affect the health of the teeth and gums.
There are several ways to stop biting your nails. Check out some:
- Keep your mouth busy: when sucking on a candy or chewing gum, you keep your hands busy and avoid putting your hand to your mouth;
- Get your nails done weekly: when your nails are short and done, you will feel sorry for ruining the work done at home or in the salon;
- File your nails: many feel the urge to bite because of a broken tip. You can substitute one habit for another;
- Moisturize your nails and cuticles a lot: this way, your nails will grow stronger, preventing that broken tip from appearing;
- Apply false nails: Sticky nails are a great way to avoid biting your nails while they’re growing.
Sports competitions bring a lot of emotions, especially for us, Brazilians. But, even with all the nervousness and emotion, it is possible to enjoy these moments with health and well-being!
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