Quit smoking

Quitting smoking is very difficult, as some withdrawal symptoms set in.


Why do you gain weight when you quit cigarette smoking?

A weight gain of about 5-10 kilograms in the initial months has the following causes:

Slowed metabolism
Smoking (nicotine) accelerates metabolism due to an adrenaline release that leads to higher glycogen production and thus raises blood sugar levels. In this way, the nicotine reduces the feeling of hunger.
When you quit smoking, you gain weight because:

  • the metabolism slows down significantly,
  • appetite increases.

It takes a few weeks for the metabolism to return to normal.

Food as a substitute for
When you quit smoking, look for something else to keep your mouth and hands busy. Naturally, one resorts to food to counter the following symptoms:

  • Nervousness
  • Stress
  • Boredom

Cough with black mucus after quitting smoking

The mucous membranes of the smoker’s lungs produce more mucus when they are exposed to:

  • Nicotine
  • Tar

Cilia are small cilia that are located in the upper respiratory tract and carry mucus out or block particles so that they do not enter the lungs.
When someone quits smoking, his body tries to get rid of the harmful chemical substances that accumulate in the form of black or dark brown mucus.
The cough starts about 1-2 weeks after quitting smoking.
The cough with black sputum usually lasts about 2-3 months, but can sometimes last for 8-9 months.

Withdrawal symptoms

The smoke from cigarettes, joints, pipes and electronic cigarettes acts like medicine and poison on our body. For example:

In the first few weeks, withdrawal symptoms appear, such as:

  1. Headache
  2. Dizziness or lightheadedness
  3. Fear
  4. Cravings and a strong need to smoke
  5. Nervousness
  6. Fatigue
  7. Weight gain
  8. Lack of concentration

How long do the withdrawal symptoms of cigarette or pipe smoke last? Weaning periods

Within the first 48 hours after the last cigarette, the withdrawal symptoms are most severe.
Within two days:

  • the body has broken down all the nicotine;
  • he must adapt to this deficiency.

The acute withdrawal symptoms last for a week, the symptoms for about 2-3 weeks.
The duration depends on the amount of cigarettes smoked.

Positive and negative effects after I quit smoking

On the first day
The positive effects within 20-30 minutes after the last cigarette are:

  • That blood pressure drops
  • Heart rate returns to normal

After 8 hours, the levels of carbon monoxide in the blood normalize.
Within 24 hours, the following withdrawal symptoms may occur:

  1. Headache
  2. Fear
  3. Irritability
  4. Difficulty concentrating

In the first week: About 24 to 36 hours after the last cigarette:

  • the senses of taste and smell normalize,
  • the likelihood of a heart attack decreases significantly.

After 72 hours, the muscles of the bronchi begin to relax and breathing improves significantly.

In the first month and in the following period:
In the next week, the person feels more often the desire to smoke.
It takes about 3-4 weeks for this desire for a cigarette to pass.
After about 4-5 months, the following symptoms subside:

  • Dyspnea or difficulty breathing
  • Dry cough

After one year: Within a year,
the risk of a heart attack or stroke decreases by half.

After 10 years:
The risk of a heart attack or stroke is just as high as for non-smokers.
After 10 years, the risk of lung cancer decreases by 70% compared to smokers.

What health benefits and benefits do I have if I quit smoking?

Over 95% of smokers carry an increased risk of developing neoplasia, for example:

With a heavy smoker, various diseases of the respiratory tract can develop, for example:

The poisons of the cigarette weaken the immune system.
Quitting smoking reduces the risk of respiratory infections from the first moment.

Smoking increases blood pressure and can put excessive strain on the heart.
The consequences of this can be:

The erection of the penis is achieved much faster.
As long as you smoke, testosteronelevels drop. After quitting, however, hormone levels return to normal in a short time.

Women can suffer from various birth or fertility problems due to smoking.
Tobacco smoking before, during and after pregnancy can have negative effects on the physical and mental development of the newborn.
Men can also suffer from fertility problems like women.

Some scientific studies show that with quitting smoking, the skin rejuvenates, becomes brighter and fresher, and wrinkles are reduced.

Side effects after abruptly quitting smoking

Some chemical substances in cigarettes activate neurotransmitters in the brain that cause a feeling of happiness.
When you quit smoking, this stimulus is interrupted and the smoker feels nervous.
This can lead to concentration difficulties.

One of the first symptoms after quitting smoking is insomnia.

Quitting smoking can also cause constipation in some people. This symptom may persist for a few days.

Cold and influenza
One can get a cold or influenza, as the readjustment of the body can lead to a deterioration on the part of the immune system.
In the first 6 months, infections are common:

  • of the respiratory tract,
  • of the throat.

For a few days you may suffer from flu symptoms and chills.

Mouth and gums
Smoking severely damages the oral mucosa and gums. The smoke has a vasoconstrictive effect and thus reduces blood flow in the tissues.
In the case of mouth infections, a smoker does not perceive the typical symptoms such as bleeding gums.
Quitting smoking normalizes blood flow in the mouth and this can lead to:

Stomatitis occurs in 40% of people who have quit smoking, especially those who have smoked a lot.

After quitting smoking, it can come over a few weeks to depressive mood. After that, the good mood returns.

Advice to quit smoking naturally

There are various measures for relaxation and to distract yourself from smoke cravings:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Take a walk
  • Listen to music
  • Talking to friends and family during periods of depression
  • Meditate
  • Pursuing hobbies

Methods to quit smoking

Do anti-smoking pills really work?

The most prescribed drugs are pills based on bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Champix).
These tablets release endorphins that help stimulate the pituitary gland (pituitary gland).
Endorphins increase a person’s energy levels by creating a false sense of well-being.
The feeling of happiness is similar to that felt by smokers when smoking.
In cigarettes, nicotine is the ingredient that causes this effect.
Anti-smoking pills help relieve withdrawal symptoms.

However, one should not take more than two tablets per day.
These drugs have various side effects, for example:

  • Insomnia
  • Xerostomia

Treatment involves taking the tablet for a period of 8-12 weeks.

Quit smoking through hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness in which the mind becomes completely relaxed and calm.
There are external stimuli that change the state of perception.
The hypnotized person falls into a trance. It is a state of total relaxation, but in which the patient is well aware of:

  • its surroundings,
  • the processes around him.

If the mind is in this state, it can be suggested a valid reason to change the attitude.

How does hypnosis work to quit smoking?
Hypnosis works according to two principles:

1. It changes the relationship between smoking and enjoyment.

2. It changes the habit of smoking when performing a certain activity.

For example, if someone is used to lighting a cigarette after lunch or dinner, the brain gradually programs itself to smoke at that moment.

Another factor that hypnosis addresses is to eliminate the motive of smoking.
For example, if the patient smokes due to:

  • emotional tension,
  • Stress.

Hypnosis for smoking cessation works in some cases, but there are no scientific studies to prove this. You have to be aware that it is not a miracle cure.
The success of hypnosis is a subjective matter.
It depends on many factors. It is particularly important that the person wants to stop.

Laser therapy to quit smoking

How does laser therapy work?
The cold laser beam favors the release of endorphins, which reduce the side effects of the cigarette without increasing appetite.
Laser therapy is based on the same principle as acupuncture, but instead of needles, a laser is used.

It is directed to some energetic points on the ears related to dependence on smoking.

The patient feels only a feeling of warmth.

If the therapy is successful, the patient can stop smoking because:

  • he does not feel like smoking;
  • he is disgusted by the smoke.

The laser therapy lasts about 15 minutes and is only performed once. However, before treatment, a visit to the doctor is provided.

A study conducted at the “Scampia” hospital in the Scampia district of Naples (Campania) showed that one year after treatment, 23% of participants had quit smoking.

Natural remedies to quit smoking

There are herbs that help to gradually quit smoking:

The Lobelia is very effective in reducing nicotine dependence.
The liquid extracts and dry herbs are available at the health food store.
To quit smoking, homeopaths dissolve 10 drops of Lobelia in a glass of water three times a day.
Lobelia contains a substance that:

  • acts as a nicotine substitute;
  • possesses the same relaxing properties.

Avena Sativa (Bach flowers)
The Wild Oat is the main source of Avena Sativa.
According to many researchers, these Bach flowers help smokers get rid of nicotine addiction.
It is also used to treat:

The homeopath recommends a dose of 40-50 drops of Avena Sativa mother tincture three times a day.

Asian pennywort (Gotu kola)
Smoking impairs memory.
This problem can be solved with the appropriate intake of gotu kola or Asian waterbill.
The pennywort improves blood circulation throughout the body.
To improve circulation, the homeopath recommends a dose of 60 to 180 mg.

Garcinia cambogia
smoking is responsible for weight gain.
The hydroxycitric acid found in Garcinia Cambogia can help burn excess calories, thus reducing weight.
Taking two capsules of Garcinia Cambogia per day is sufficient.

Mimosa tea
This infusion relaxes and helps against:

Like the lobelia, this herb is not addictive.

Acupuncture can be useful for decreasing the need for nicotine, relaxing the body and reducing the symptoms of withdrawal symptoms.
This therapy can also change the taste of the cigarettes, which becomes unpleasant.

Anti-smoke magnet (ear therapy)
The anti-smoking earring is placed between the auricle and the earlobe.
It consists of 2 magnets that are placed on two opposite surfaces of the ear.
The duration of treatment is about 50 days.
The earring stimulates the release of endorphins, which relieve withdrawal symptoms.
The online comments show that so far only a few people have been successful with this therapy.

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