Can pregnant use neosoro? Is it safe for the baby?

The Neosoro and other nasal sprays should be used during pregnancy under medical supervision only.

Francielle Mathias, a pharmacist, says the drug has no confirmed safety for pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary for the doctor to analyze the clinical picture of the same, which will indicate whether or not she can use this medication.

Guidance is important because it is not difficult for the nose to clog during pregnancy. This is because there is an increase in the blood flow of the woman, causing the nasal veins to become more dilated.

In addition, the increase in some hormones, such as estrogen, can also stimulate the production of nasal mucus.

This condition is called gestational rhinitis and can occur from the first weeks of pregnancy, and may be intensified in the last trimester and pass after delivery.

Gestational rhinitis is characterized only by a stuffy or runny nose and should be reported to the doctor.

It is also common for this phase to be marked by temporary allergies to animal hair or dust, for example.

If the pregnant woman has other symptoms such as headache or sore throat, cough and fever , it is possible that there is a complication such as a cold or flu .

In such cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor who can indicate the best pharmacological treatment to treat the source of the problem. Because relieving only nasal symptoms can only improve momentarily.

Before using any medication, seek medical attention. The self-medication can compromise the health of the mother and baby.

Read more: Can pregnant women take acetaminophen? Know the dosage and risks

Does Neosoro harm the fetus?

It depends. If the use is guided and monitored by the obstetrician, in general, it is not harmful to the baby.

But in cases of self-medication (without a prescription) these sprays can have negative consequences. This is because these are vasoconstrictor drugs, that is, they reduce blood vessels.

Among the side effects, there may be a change in the heartbeat and blood circulation.

When a pregnant woman has a compromised circulatory system, blood flow in the placenta can also be impaired, compromising the baby’s health and good development.

In addition, the use of these nasal serums during pregnancy can cause insomnia and restlessness.

What to do with a stuffy nose during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should avoid the use of nasal sprays and serums that can alter blood flow and harm the baby. Some home-made measures, such as boosting your vitamin C intake and drinking 2L of water a day, can help alleviate the symptoms of gestational rhinitis without risk to the mother and baby.

Read more: What is allowed during pregnancy?

Check out other tips to unclog your nose during pregnancy:

  • Take a bath with hot water and blow your nose while showering;
  • Put hot water in a basin and inhale the steam. A pinch of salt can be mixed with boiled water to enhance the effect of steam inhalation;
  • Avoid strong smells (like chemicals, ink and cigarette smoke) that can further irritate your nose;
  • When lying down, lift your head with cushions or pillows.

Neosoro and other nasal sprays can harm pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid using these drugs.

To help unclog your nose and fight gestational rhinitis, you should increase your intake of vitamin C, water and inhalations with hot water vapors.

The Healthy Minute brings many other information for you to have a healthier pregnancy !
