The Neosoro and other nasal sprays should be used during pregnancy under medical supervision only.
Francielle Mathias, a pharmacist, says the drug has no confirmed safety for pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary for the doctor to analyze the clinical picture of the same, which will indicate whether or not she can use this medication.
Guidance is important because it is not difficult for the nose to clog during pregnancy. This is because there is an increase in the blood flow of the woman, causing the nasal veins to become more dilated.
In addition, the increase in some hormones, such as estrogen, can also stimulate the production of nasal mucus.
This condition is called gestational rhinitis and can occur from the first weeks of pregnancy, and may be intensified in the last trimester and pass after delivery.
Gestational rhinitis is characterized only by a stuffy or runny nose and should be reported to the doctor.
It is also common for this phase to be marked by temporary allergies to animal hair or dust, for example.
If the pregnant woman has other symptoms such as headache or sore throat, cough and fever , it is possible that there is a complication such as a cold or flu .