Nimesulide: is it anti-inflammatory? See who can’t take

Commonly in cases of inflammation such as toothache or sore throat , it is necessary to seek medical help and, often, the use of medications – such as Nimesulide – is indicated.

Even though it is a well-known drug, it is important to understand how it works in our body and some necessary care. With this and following the professional guidelines, it is possible to make the safe use of the medication.

Therefore, we have separated some important information about Nimesulide. Check out


What is Nimesulide?

Nimesulide is a drug substance present in different remedies as an active ingredient. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic action makes it used to treat symptoms such as fever , pain and discomfort – common in inflammatory processes.

In this sense, it is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), a class of drugs that commonly acts on the mentioned symptoms.

In addition, among the medications that count on Nimesulide as PA (active ingredient), there are formulations in tablet (dispersible or not), capsules, suppository and drops. These, available in generic, similar and reference versions.

There are also versions for topical use (gel), indicated for application in painful and swollen areas. It should not be applied to areas where the skin is cracked, open or with local infection, nor to burns and wounds.

In this case, the treatment can last from 7 to 15 days – following medical advice.

It is worth mentioning that this drug is contraindicated for children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people in other specific conditions – as carriers of the Steven Johnson Syndrome.

Is it anti-inflammatory?

-Yeah . Nimesulide is a substance that acts as an anti-inflammatory in the body, that is, it fights tissue inflammation.

Consequently, as the inflammation subsides, so do the symptoms caused by it: pain, discomfort, fever, etc. Thus, more than anti-inflammatory, it also acts as an analgesic, since it provides pain relief.

Is it antibiotic?

No . The reference medicine that contains Nimesulide as PA (active ingredient), is Nisulid, which is registered with ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) under number 105730301 – classified as an anti-inflammatory .

Thus, it is understood that Nimesulide is not a remedy for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, as is the case with antibiotics .

What is the difference between Nimesulide and Ibuprofen?

Both Nimesulide and Ibuprofen are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Thus, both act to control the symptoms of inflammation: fever, pain, discomfort, etc.

However, although similar, they are two different drug substances. That is, they do not act in the same way in the body.

In general, when analyzing the indications on the patient’s instructions, the main difference is that the Ibuprofen guidelines recommend medication for rheumatological conditions and musculoskeletal system trauma.

While the leaflet for Nimesulide indicates the use of medication in general, to combat various inflammatory processes.

In addition, the pharmaceutical Francielle Mathias explains that “Nimesulide is an inhibitor with greater selectivity for COX-2 (enzyme responsible for the inflammation phenomena), while Ibuprofen is non-selective: inhibits COX-1 (enzyme associated with the production of prostaglandins ) and COX-2.

She explains that “COX-2 is the enzyme that has a direct role in inflammation, so when the medication is selective, it ends up being more effective and may have less adverse effects – such as gastric discomfort, for example”.

Therefore, even if both have similarities, it is important to know that the substitution of one for the other should not be done independently. Follow the medical and pharmaceutical guidelines in order to carry out the treatment correctly.

Can you take Nimesulide and Ibuprofen?

No . Considering that Nimesulide and Ibuprofen are part of the same class of drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), it is not recommended to use them simultaneously.

Also, remember to always follow medical guidelines regarding the use of any medication – not making substitutions or using them independently.

What is Nimesulide for?

According to the instructions on the package insert, Nimesulide is indicated for the treatment of different conditions that require anti-inflammatory, analgesic (provides pain relief) and antipyretic (or antipyretic) action.

Therefore, when treating inflammation in the body, it consequently relieves symptoms such as pain, discomfort and fever – recurrent in inflammatory cases.

In addition, due to the analgesic action, it can also be indicated to treat menstrual discomfort and headache . However, it should not be the first treatment option, considering that its main action is anti-inflammatory.

Remembering that self-medication is never recommended, so, regardless of the problem in question: always seek medical advice. In this sense, see some conditions in which Nimesulide can be indicated:


Toothache is a condition that can have different causes: tooth decay, dental sensitivity, gum problems, bruxism or even wisdom-related problems.

Considering that many of these conditions cause pain and can lead to fever, the use of Nimesulide for symptom relief may be recommended.

Read more: Toothache: which pharmacy and home remedies to use

However, it is worth noting that self-medication is never recommended . Therefore, in cases of discomfort, it is essential to seek the help of a dental professional. This way, he / she can discover the source of the problem and prescribe the ideal treatment.

Sore throat

Sore throat can be caused by infection or appear as a result of alcohol abuse, irritation due to dry air or smoke, allergies, reflux, etc.

When the person has a sore throat, it is normal for the area to be swollen, red and hot. In addition to causing pain, discomfort and fever.

When presenting symptoms, it is always ideal to seek medical help. Thus, the professional will be able to make the diagnosis correctly and, among the treatments that can be indicated, is the use of Nimesulide.

This considering that it acts directly in the relief of pain and fever. But, it is worth mentioning that self-medication is never recommended – seek a specialist.

As age no organism?

According to the directions for use, Nimesulide has properties that fight inflammation, pain and fever.

This drug substance works by inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase . This is related to the production of prostaglandin – a group of lipids that are produced at sites of tissue damage or infection.

Prostaglandin signals the body when there are injuries or illnesses. So that it can control inflammatory processes, blood clots and even induce labor.

Thus, from the inhibition of cyclooxygenase, Nimesulide is able to act on the areas affected by inflammation – causing it and pain to decrease.

Some studies have also shown that it has other biochemical properties, which are possibly responsible for its clinical capabilities.

It is also worth noting that the estimated time for Nimesulide’s action to start (after ingestion) is approximately 15 minutes for pain relief. In cases of fever, the response usually occurs 1 to 2 hours after using the drug and lasts an average of 6 hours.

When Nimesulide is indicated for topical use (gel presentation), it acts directly on the site of inflammation to relieve pain and can reduce swelling – in this case, after a few uses the symptoms tend to decrease.

What is the dosage and what time does Nimesulide take?

In general, the package insert recommends that Nimesulide, as well as all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, be used in the lowest possible effective dose – for the shortest possible period of time.

As for the schedule, the package insert does not have direct specification, but recommends that it is always taken after meals . In addition, doses need an interval of 12 hours .

The dosage indicated changes according to the type of medicine and may also vary due to medical recommendations. But, in general, the package insert recommends:

  • Dispersible tablet – take 1 tablet 2 times a day (equivalent to 100mg daily), dissolved in half a glass of water (100mL);
  • Tablet – take half or one whole tablet per day (50mg – 100mg) orally, with water;
  • Rectal suppository – apply a 100mg suppository rectally (through the anus) twice a day;
  • Drops – drip (into a glass with little water or straight into the mouth) 1 drop for every kg of body weight. Every 20 drops, correspond to 1mL of the medicine. The package insert recommends not to exceed 80 drops daily.

In addition, in some cases, the recommended daily dose can reach 200mg (specific situations). Therefore, always follow medical guidelines for safe and effective use.

Generic and reference: which one to choose?

Reference drugs are those that originate the formula for a new drug. In the case of Nimesulide, the reference medicine is Nisulid – from the Aché laboratory.

When a new medicine is created, the developer laboratory gains a patent time in relation to the developed formula – with this, it has exclusive production and commercialization during this period.

At the end of the patent period, the formula becomes available and other versions of the medication can be created:

  • Similar – are remedies that contain the same active ingredients (drugs), pharmaceutical form, route of administration, dosage, pharmaceutical indication and concentration as the reference drug;
  • Interchangeable similars – follow the same rules as similar ones. However, the difference is that comparative studies with reference drugs were presented to ANVISA. With this, proving that there can be an equivalent substitution with the reference medicines (as long as with medical guidance).
  • Generics – are medicines that do not have a commercial name, but that are sold based on their active ingredient (drug).

In general, all medications approved by ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) have their safety and efficacy proven through tests. So, to choose the ideal one for your case, follow the medical and pharmaceutical recommendations .

Who can not take nimesulide?

According to the instructions on the label, Nimesulide is not indicated for children under 12 years old or for people who fall under any of the following conditions:

  • Carriers of Stevens Johnson Syndrome;
  • Allergy to Nimesulide or another component of the drug;
  • History of hypersensitivity reactions (such as rhinitis or hives) to acetylsalicylic acid – or to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • History of liver reactions (originated by the liver) to the product;
  • Patients with active phase peptic ulcer, recurrent ulcerations or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Patients with severe clotting disorders;
  • Patients with severe heart failure;
  • Patients with renal and / or liver failure;
  • Pregnant or lactating .

In addition, the package insert reinforces that the drug is also contraindicated in case of suspected dengue , as it may increase the risk of bleeding.

Always follow the advice of a professional to make a safe use of the medication.

Does it have side effects?

Like any medication, Nimesulide can cause side effects in people who use it – considering that sometimes none manifests itself and at other times, more than one may appear.

In general, the package insert indicates as possible very common adverse reactions (manifested in more than 10% of cases): diarrhea , nausea and vomiting .

But it also highlights that major complications, although rare, can occur, such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome . A very rare and serious disorder that affects the skin and mucous membranes.

Thus, the need to pay attention to possible changes without apparent cause, which may be caused by the use of medication, is reinforced. When noticing any adverse reaction, the ideal is to suspend the use of the medicine and seek medical help .

If you want to know more about the rare and unusual side effects of Nimesulide, you can seek help from a specialist and read the package insert .

Does Nimesulide give sleep?

Among the common side effects of Nimesulide, there is no type of disorder that can affect sleep – both in the sense of causing more drowsiness, and in relation to insomnia .

The package insert only mentions drowsiness as a very rare adverse reaction . Thus, it can be said that in general the use of Nimesulide does not cause sleep.

If when using this medication you notice changes or irregularity in sleep, it is ideal to seek medical help. Thus, it will be possible to obtain an accurate diagnosis in order to know if the cause is the medication or another factor.

What is the price and where to buy?

The drugs that have Nimesulide as an active ingredient can be found in different pharmacy chains. If you want more convenience, you can choose to buy online through the website Consulta Remédios .

This platform allows you to compare the price of the medication, in order to buy at the best value in your region, without having to leave the house and in a practical way.

As mentioned in the previous topic, there is the reference version of Nimesulide and also generic and similar forms. See the price comparison * between some of the options:

  • Nisulid (reference) – is available in a box with 12 tablets or in an oral solution (15mL), the price varies between R $ 30 and R $ 50;
  • Nimesulide Legrand (generic) – sold in packaging with 12 tablets, ranging between R $ 4 and R $ 20;
  • Cimelide (similar interchangeable) – it is available in a box with 12 tablets or in an oral solution (15mL), the value varies between R $ 4 and R $ 18;
  • Neosulide (similar interchangeable) – the box with 12 pills has its price varying between R $ 2 and R $ 10.

* Prices consulted in May 2020. Prices may change.

Is Nimesulide bad for the liver?

The leaflet for Nimesulide informs that the substance is contraindicated for people who have a history of liver problems (related to the liver).

In this sense, some experts explain that any anti-inflammatory medication can be hepatotoxic . That is, it can directly affect the liver, especially in the case of people who already have some sensitivity to treatment.

However, they indicate that there is no way to predict whether Nimesulide (or a similar remedy) will be harmful to the liver. In addition to reinforcing that this is not a common reaction.

Therefore, the ideal is to follow the medical recommendations and indications of the package insert. Also, in case of complications, the doctor often interrupts and / or substitutes the medication.

The use of self-medication is never recommended. Therefore, even when using medications popularly known as Nimesulide, seek the help of a health professional in order to carry out safe use.

Keep following the Healthy Minute for more information on medications, well-being and general health!
