Multiple sclerosis: new dose of medicine available in SUS

Cases of remitting-recurrent multiple sclerosis (EMRR) will have free treatment offered by the Unified Health System (SUS). The Copaxone medicine is already distributed in the public network in the 20mg version, but from now on the 40mg version will be offered.

Administered by injection, the drug is indicated to reduce the autoimmune process of the disease, which causes cognitive disorders and symptoms throughout the body.

With the increase in the dose offered by SUS, the weekly application of the drug drops from 7 to 3 injections, and can reduce the rate of outbreaks in MS patients by up to 34%. This will bring a better quality of life to patients.

The decision of the Ministry of Health was published in December in the Federal Official Gazette. The deadline is now up to 180 days for the drug to be offered on the public network.

Effects of multiple sclerosis on the body

Multiple sclerosis usually affects adults aged 18 to 55 years, being more frequent in females. Symptoms include problems with cognition and motor skills.

The stages of the disease may vary according to the patient and with the worsening of the condition. But according to the Ministry of Health, approximately 85% of initial diagnoses are remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis.

In EMRR there may be episodes of recurrent and unpredictable outbreaks, followed by a period of months or years of tranquility (renunciation) without symptoms or activities of the disease. The other types of the disease include primary-progressive (EMPP), secondary-progressive (EMSP) and progressive relapsing (EMRP).

The disease still has no cure, but the drug used in the treatment is able to fight the progression of sclerosis, preventing complications.

The treatment of multiple sclerosis has evolved considerably in recent years, which allows specialists to provide tranquility for newly diagnosed patients, and hope for those who have lived with the symptoms for a longer time.

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