Have you heard about the ” low carb ” diet ? This type of dietary routine consists of considerably decreasing the consumption of carbohydrates , mainly for the purpose of losing weight.
In contrast, some people simply opt for this lifestyle to maintain a lighter and healthier diet. Thinking about it, we will list some foods considered low carb (low carbohydrate content) and their respective benefits:
What is low carb?
The practice of a “low carb” diet is based on the lower consumption of carbohydrates , which includes grains (even whole grains), pasta, breads, cakes and sugars.
Thus, the idea is to replace the consumption of these items with fibers (green leaves, oats, lentils, etc.) and fats (such as olive oil). In addition, protein sources (meat, chickpeas, eggs) and vegetables are part of this type of diet.
The green leaves are a fundamental part of the low carb diet, mainly due to the low calories and high fiber content.
Thus, one of the benefits of this type of food is the greater feeling of satiety . When this “exchange” of carbohydrates is made for ingredients that are sources of fat and protein, there is a lower daily caloric consumption, due to the satiety provided by such foods.
So, consequently, the person eats less. What can contribute to the weight loss process .
In addition to promoting weight loss, a low carb diet can also contribute to health, helping to lower the level of triglycerides (fat) in the blood, controlling glucose and insulin, reducing blood pressure and increasing HDL levels (“ good cholesterol ”).
My name is Veronika and founded “Hickey Solution” in an attempt to pass plain and working solutions of Health, Fitness, and Skincare related issues.Feel free to subscribe here to receive free regular post updates in your inbox!