That’s because it works by inhibiting the enzyme needed for hormone production in the testicles, adrenal glands and prostate tumors. With this, prostate cancer can be stabilized.
What is abiraterone acetate? Abiraterone acetate is a selective inhibitor capable of altering the hormonal production of androgens, such as testosterone, inhibiting the progression of prostate cancer. As the disease depends on hormonal rates to worsen, with the reduction, there is an improvement in the patient’s condition.
After ingested, the substance blocks the enzyme CYP17, which is present in the testicles and other parts of the body. As a result, the rates of androgen hormones fall and the neoplasm has a slowdown in progression.
Research done with the substance indicates that patients who received abiraterone had significantly longer survival. The substance has already been incorporated as a therapeutic option in other countries, such as Australia.
When ingested orally, that is, with the use of tablets, abiraterone acetate is rapidly absorbed and in about 2 hours the maximum plasma concentration occurs and its half-life is 15 hours (that is, its action is reduced in that time).
The active substance abiraterone acetate, marketed by another laboratory, was approved in 2011 by ANVISA and widely used, bringing improvements to the lives and well-being of patients. In 2018, Matiz was approved by the regulatory agency.
Indications: what is hue for? According to the package insert, Matiz is indicated for patients with prostate cancer, whether advanced or at high risk, who:
When resistant to castration (blockage of testosterone production), they have no symptoms or present only mild conditions, after failure of androgen deprivation therapy; They received previous chemotherapy with docetaxel. Patients who have had a recent diagnosis of the disease, not previously treated with hormones (mHNPC) or patients who, in hormonal treatment, for up to 3 months continue to respond to hormonal therapy (mHSPC) can be advised to use Matiz in conjunction with therapy. androgen deprivation.
To understand the progress of the disease and treatment, it is important to understand that when the disease progresses, the first therapeutic measure adopted is hormonal therapy, which is the standard resource for hormone-sensitive metastatic disease.
However, as it is only a palliative resource, the patient can progress to metastatic disease resistant to castration. This depends a lot on the progress of the disease, and it can occur in a very variable time.
Thus, there is a worsening of the prognosis. At that time, other treatments are started, including chemotherapy. (you can use docetaxel and cabazitaxel, for example). If the disease progresses, the risks to the patient’s life are quite high, with an average survival time of between 12 and 18 months.
There is still no consensus on the best therapeutic approach, but the use of abiraterone / prednisone or enzalutamide has been shown to be a good option.
What is castration-resistant prostate cancer? Most diagnosed cases of prostate cancer are still at an early stage. Which means that the possibilities of treatment and cure are greater.
According to statistics from Oncoguia, patients diagnosed with localized or regional cancer (without dissemination or dissemination to structures close to the prostate) have approximately 100% 5-year survival.
In relation to distant prostate cancers, that is, already disseminated, this rate drops to 30%.
When the disease spreads, the most appropriate and possibly most effective treatment is hormone therapy (which may be in conjunction with radiation therapy). Called chemical castration, the treatment is based on the intake of drugs that suppress the production of hormones.
It has the objective of reducing or delaying the disseminated disease, but, little by little, it can lose its effectiveness. In such cases, you enter the state of castration-resistant prostate cancer. That is when the tumor is still growing, but the body still responds to hormone therapy, keeping testosterone levels low.
It is worth mentioning that chemical castration is done through medications, being different from surgical castration, which involves the removal of the testicles.
How to take? Matiz is a tablet, which must be taken orally. According to the package insert, the recommended dose is 4 tablets of 250mg per day, taken in a single dose. This is also the maximum dosage (1000mg), which should not be exceeded.
As there is a change in absorption when it is eaten with food, it is indicated that Matiz should be taken on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals or, at least, 2 hours after them.
It is also important to know that the treatment with Matiz is done in conjunction with prednisone or prednisolone. Generally, the dosage varies between 5mg and 10mg, and may change according to medical advice.
Side effects Matiz can cause a drop in potassium rates, causing symptoms such as muscle weakness, cramps and changes in heart rate. In addition, commonly occur:
Swelling in the hands, ankles or feet; Urinary infection; Elevated blood pressure. Among the less frequent symptoms, may occur: increased blood fat levels, indigestion, hematuria (blood in the urine), chest pain , heart failure and adrenal gland problems.
Rhabdomyolysis (rupture of muscle tissue), allergic alveolitis (irritation of the lungs) and acute liver failure (failure of liver functions) can also occur.
Price and where to find? The Matiz is part of the high-cost drugs group. Eurofarma produces abiraterone acetate in packs of 120 tablets, 250mg, with prices starting at R $ 5,650 *.
The drug can be found in physical pharmacies.
It is also possible to find the active ingredient distributed by other laboratories, such as:
Sun Pharma Abiraterone Acetate : R $ 5,250 *; Doctor Reddy’s Abiraterone Acetate : R $ 4,550 *; Rarija : R $ 5,175 *; Zostide : 14,299 *. * Prices consulted in October 2019. Prices may change.
As for the active substance Abiraterone acetate, in July 2019, the inclusion in the list of therapies offered by SUS was published in the Official Gazette.
People who need treatment with the drug can be instructed to legally request Matiz. To assist in this process, there is assistance in judicial quotations for obtaining high-cost medications. Just access the link and fill in the data.
Hue or Zytiga? Zytiga has the same active ingredient as Matiz. Therefore, the studies of efficacy and adverse reactions are the same, based on the acetate component of abiraterone.
The Matiz is produced by Eurofarma, while the Zytiga is by Janssen-Cilag, being then a variation of manufacturers and distributors.
The difference, in addition to the laboratory, is the average price, which for Zytiga can vary between approximately R $ 11,526.88 and R $ 13,594.47.
The choice of medication and guidelines for use must always be provided by the doctor who accompanies the treatment.