Is glucose 150mg / dL normal? See value in fasting and after eating

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 16 million people have diabetes in Brazil. To diagnose this disease, a simple blood test is performed, that of fasting blood glucose.

Reference values ​​may vary under some conditions, for example, during pregnancy.

Therefore, it is always important that the doctor evaluates the results, indicating the correct interpretation.

Learn more about blood glucose values!


Is glucose 150mg / dL normal? Above how much is diabetes?

It depends on the time . In the fasting blood glucose test, if the result is 150mg / dL it may be an indication of diabetes. It is necessary that the exam is interpreted by the doctor, but a result considered normal is, in general, below this range.

Thus, the values ​​that indicate a healthy glucose index are between 70mg / dL and 99mg / dL .

When the test results in different values, you can order a new blood test or a glucose tolerance test.

Repeating the test is important to avoid misdiagnosis, as several conditions can temporarily affect blood glucose, without this signifying diabetes.

If the value of the second fasting blood glucose test is above 126mg / dL , the person may have diabetes .

If the test requested is for glucose tolerance, above 200mg / dL diabetes is found.

What do the other values ​​mean?

If the result is below 70mg / dL , the person has or is hypoglycemic , which is when blood glucose levels are very low. This can occur due to pathological conditions or even due to prolonged fasting.

The results of the second test, which are between 99mg / dL and 125mg / dL, may indicate pre-diabetes , which is still a reversible condition of the disease.

Even so, it is always advisable to take the test results for a doctor to evaluate. If the suspicion of diabetes is confirmed, the doctor will be able to prescribe the best treatment.

Read more: What are the causes and symptoms of Hypoglycemia?

Is glucose 150mg / dL in pregnancy normal?

It depends on the time . Fasting means that blood glucose is high and may indicate a condition of gestational diabetes . But, if it is after a meal, the value is normal.

During the months of pregnancy, the woman may have some hormonal variations typical of this phase, including gestational diabetes.

The condition usually has no symptoms. For this reason, it is recommended that mothers at 24 weeks (beginning of the 6th month) keep an eye on glucose.

The reference values ​​for glycemia in pregnant women are:

  • Fasting: up to 92mg / dL;
  • Meals taken up to 1 hour before the exam: up to 180mg / dL;
  • Meals taken up to 2 hours before the exam: up to 153mg / dL.

Results that are above these indications should be analyzed by a doctor.

What is the normal glucose value?

The normal value of blood glucose varies throughout the day. On an empty stomach, it is advisable to stay at up to 99mg / dL. If the person has eaten within two hours, blood glucose should be up to 140mg / dL.

People with diabetes may have these values ​​altered.

In fasting

Fasting is considered the period equal to or greater than 6 hours without eating any food. Normal glucose values ​​may vary:

  • People without diabetes: up to 99mg / dL;
  • People with hyperglycemia or diabetes: up to 130mg / dL.

In the breakfast

Glucose before breakfast should be between 70mg / dL and 99mg / dL. However, after breakfast, the test result should be up to 140mg / dL.

When the values ​​are higher, it is recommended to take a new exam on a different day. If the result of the second test is also superior, report this to a doctor.

Glucose should not be lower than 70mg / dL at any time of the day, as this result indicates hypoglycemia or “low sugar”.

After eating

Limit values ​​vary if the person has eaten in the past two hours:

  • People without diabetes: up to 140mg / dL;
  • People with diabetes: up to 180mg / dL.

High glucose (above 300): what to do?

When glucose is high, you need to look for ways to lower it. Follow the medical guidelines, taking the prescribed medications. Doses of these drugs can be increased or decreased over time.

But to prevent spikes from occurring, maintain a healthy routine.

Read more: Medical detection dogs: best friend for people with diabetes

Some suggestions are:

Move yourself

The practice of physical exercises is recommended because glucose is the first source burned when the person needs energy.

This means that regular physical activity allows the body to maintain lower blood glucose levels.

In addition, physical exercises help to reduce body weight. Factors such as obesity and physical inactivity are possible triggers of diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes do at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day, in addition to practicing resistance exercises at least twice a week.

This is because this sequence of movements can help to reduce blood glucose levels.

Follow a healthy diet

Fruits and vegetables (such as apples, papayas, eggplants , green beans and chayote) should be prioritized in the diet.

Oats, quinoa , barley, lentils, beans and sweet potatoes are examples of foods that have low glucose levels and can be added to the diet.

White cheeses and low-fat yoghurts can be eaten. Lean meats (like fish) can also be part of the diet as long as they are roasted or cooked.

Coffee, teas and juices are welcome as long as they are consumed in moderation and naturally, that is, without sweeteners.

Another suggestion for people with diabetes is to eat often, healthily and in small amounts.

People with hyperglycemia are advised to avoid refined carbohydrates , as well as alcoholic and sugary drinks (soft drinks, for example).

Fried foods and oils are also advised to stay out. Sweets should be eaten sparingly and with the least amount of sugar possible.

Drink water

Water consumption must be done daily. Taking between 1.5 and 2 L of this substance, every day, helps to prevent dehydration caused by frequent urination – which is common when blood glucose is high.

Follow medical guidelines

All of the above tips are not a substitute for medical follow-up. The use of medicines will be necessary in almost all cases.

A new diet, prescribed by a nutritionist, frequent tests and the correct use of medications should also be adopted.

There are specific values ​​for blood sugar levels. It is important to check glucose to control diabetes and ensure better quality of life.

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