Eggplant: what are the nutrients and benefits of consuming?

Eggplant is a popular fruit, used in cooking and in the cosmetic industry. It has 4 colors: black, purple, white and striped.

In biology, its main function is to protect the seeds and that is why it is considered a fruit.

Its origin is uncertain. Some believe that the first crops started in India and southern China. The Arab people, on the other hand, defend that they were the pioneers to plant this fruit.

Its scientific name is Solanum melongena and the only part of this plant that can be used is the fruit. The leaves and stem are toxic for consumption or application to human skin.


What nutrients do eggplant have?

Eggplants have polyphenols and alkaloids (which have an anesthetic function). Approximately 100g of the fruit contains 3g of fiber, the same amount of sugar, 6g of carbohydrates and 1g of protein.

Other nutrients of this fruit are:

Total fat0,1g
Vitamin A23IU
C vitamin2,2mg

What are the benefits of eating eggplant?

The consumption of eggplant can bring numerous benefits, including the prevention of diabetes and bad cholesterol (LDL), combating constipation , increasing antibodies in the body and improving the circulatory system, in addition to preventing cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and Strokes).

Learn a little more about each of these advantages:

Improves immunity

Eggplant has vitamin C and polyphenols, which stimulate the production of natural antibodies.

The latter help the body to strengthen and react more quickly when attacked by external agents (such as bacteria, viruses and fungi).

Regulates or cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of fat present in the veins.

In excess, they can cause the veins to clog, that is, when there is so much accumulated fat that the blood is no longer able to circulate normally.

But eggplant, rich in fiber, can help control cholesterol because it eliminates fat along with feces.

It is clear that this effect is enhanced with the regular practice of physical exercises and the intake of low-fat foods.

Control or diabetes

Consuming the fruit regularly helps to decrease the amount of sugar present in the blood.

This is because it contains chemical compounds like polyphenols and glycoalkaloids that stimulate slow glucose absorption.

Help in the circulatory system

The antioxidants present in eggplant help to improve blood circulation. Thus, the risk of developing cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack, stroke and heart attack) is also avoided.

Aids bowel function

The fibers present in the eggplant stimulate bowel movements and help in the formation of feces, preventing them from becoming dry.

How should I consume eggplant?

Eggplant offers many options for consumption: roasted, boiled, braised, fried, in juices, pies, cakes, pates, sauces, pasta and even as flour. The only recommendation is to avoid eating the raw shell, which can cause food poisoning.

Roasted in the oven

Roasted eggplant is healthier if it is not made with cheese or fatty sauces.

When making this dish, give preference to eggplant and other vegetables that can be roasted together like zucchinis, carrots and peppers.


The antipasto is a set of delicacies that are eaten before the meal.

Eggplant, served like this, can be healthy or not. It all depends on the form of preparation and the accompaniments.

If it is seasoned with too much salt, it is no longer indicated for those who have hypertension, for example.


Eggplant can be sautéed, as long as the least amount of oil or fat is used.


This option is not so ideal because it involves fat (like oil, lard, etc.).

Fried eggplants can be eaten in moderation and infrequently, more for the taste than for health, since, with frying, many of the fruit’s properties are lost.

What is eggplant juice for?

Eggplant juice is indicated to help those who want to reduce body fat and consequently lose weight.

This is because its composition contains 96% water, in addition to being rich in fibers that facilitate digestion and cause a feeling of satiety.

But this benefit will only be achieved if the consumption of the drink is combined with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and the frequent practice of physical exercises that burn calories.

That is, there is little point in having eggplant juice every morning if the person has a sedentary lifestyle and a diet rich in fats and sugars.

Does eggplant flour lose weight?

Yes, frequent consumption of eggplant flour can help you lose weight because it has a good concentration of fibers, helping with bowel function and satiety.

In addition, the product is easy to consume and can be used in several recipes, without adding too many calories to meals.

With its antioxidant properties, regular consumption of eggplant flour can be a good addition to diets for weight reduction.

Harm: does eggplant hurt?

Excessive consumption of eggplant (like all other foods) is bad, causing diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal pain and excessive gas . For some people, the consumption of this fruit can be toxic (causing abdominal discomfort) if eaten in the wrong way (with the raw peel).


Who has anemia or problems related to this disease should not consume eggplant in excess. 

This is because it has a substance known as solanine, which can interfere with the absorption of iron by the body.

In such cases, the most common symptoms are headaches, a feeling of weakness and feeling sick.

This food is also contraindicated for people who have kidney problems (such as stones or insufficiency of these organs), since the excessive consumption of eggplant can aggravate the condition.

How to plant?

Eggplant is a plant that needs high temperatures (above 20º C) for cultivation. Therefore, it can be planted in most Brazilian regions. In the coldest states (in the south of the country), it can be cultivated between the months of October and March, when temperatures are high.

Irrigation should be frequent (between 2 and 4 times a week), but taking care that the soil is not soaked.

Another need for eggplant is light: this plant needs at least 2 hours of sunlight daily.

The space between the seedlings should be between 50cm and 1m. A healthy foot can reach up to 2m in height with fruits that vary between 15cm and 40cm.

Although it is recommended to cultivate eggplant in soil, it can be planted in large pots that allow the correct growth of the root.

During development, there may be a need to support the foot and fruit on stakes or supports in order to prevent them from breaking.

Harvesting is done between 3 and 6 months after planting, depending on the species.

An eggplant plant, if well taken care of, can produce fruit for 4 or 5 years, although the greatest production is in the 1st and 2nd harvest.

Eggplant is a popular fruit that can be used in many ways. It has many health benefits, provided it is consumed correctly.

This is because the raw bark, stem and leaves of this plant can be toxic to the human organism.

Another thing to pay attention to is the contraindications: people with kidney problems or blood related diseases (such as anemia) should not eat this food.

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