White bean flour: what is it? What is it for?

The bean is one of the most enjoyed food on the plates of Brazilians. Together with rice, they are the perfect pair for any lunch. In addition to its pure, grained form, beans can also be consumed in the form of flour. White bean flour is a great example of a supplement for those who want to lose weight.

So in this article we are going to talk about the benefits and how to use bean flour in your diet. Follow us


What is white bean flour?

White bean flour is produced using white colored legumes. This food contains a type of protein called phase olamine, which decreases the absorption of carbohydrates . Therefore, consumption reduces the amount of calories ingested and helps with weight control.

It is worth mentioning that the flour must be produced from raw beans, without heating, so as not to lose its nutrients. Another positive point of this flour is that it does not have gluten and can be consumed by those who have celiac disease, that is, an immunological reaction to the ingestion of this protein.

Among the nutrient white bean flour, are: carbohydrates, proteins , fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, vitamins of the B complex , E and K, and folic acid .

It can be found in powder and capsule versions. See details below:

In powder

White bean flour can be easily found in powder form in natural food stores or on the internet. It is also possible to produce food at home. For this, it is first important to wash and dry the white beans. Then, beat in a blender, sift and store in the refrigerator. It must be kept in a dry and ventilated place, and can be valid for about three months.

In capsules

White bean flour can also be found in the capsule version at compounding pharmacies or health food stores. Generally, each capsule contains 500 mg. The ideal is to take one capsule before lunch and another before dinner.

What is it for?

Regular consumption of white bean flour offers several benefits for the body. The following are details of the health benefits of the food.

1. Helps you lose weight

The main benefit of white bean flour is weight control. This is because it contains enough fibers in its composition, which helps to improve the functioning of the intestine and increases the feeling of satiety.

That way, the person consumes less and loses weight by eliminating more feces. It is worth mentioning that in order to enjoy this benefit, it is important to maintain healthy habits such as practicing physical activity regularly and eating well. There is no miracle food.

2. Reduces cholesterol

The fibers in white bean flour also help to raise good cholesterol (HDL) while decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL). This benefit happens because the fibers increase the excretion of bile acids and this causes the liver to remove cholesterol from the blood.

When “bad” cholesterol is in excess, people are more likely to have health problems like strokes and cardiovascular problems like heart attacks. So, indirectly, white bean flour is beneficial for heart health.

3. Controls blood sugar

Good news for those who have diabetes ! The consumption of white bean flour helps to reduce blood sugar levels. The responsible for this benefit is the phaseolamine protein, which inhibits the absorption of glucose (starch) by the body. Thus, people with diabetes are able to control blood glucose more and have a more stable condition, responding better to treatment.

4. Prevents constipation

High fiber diets are associated with improved digestive health and can help promote intestinal regularity, increasing the volume of stools and decreasing the time between bowel movements. It is important to drink enough water for this to occur.

5. Decreases carbohydrate absorption

The protein present in white bean flour partially inhibits the action of alpha-amylase, an enzyme that is responsible for converting food starch into glucose. It also helps with weight control, as it lowers the carbohydrates in foods like pasta and bread.

6. Is a protein source

White bean flour is a good source of protein. When combined with an exercise routine and a nutritious diet, it promotes an increase in muscle mass. So it is good for those who are working out and want to gain muscle.

7. Improves the immune system

By improving the functioning of the intestine and promoting beneficial bacteria in the organ, the consumption of white bean flour contributes to the body’s defenses. Therefore, the body gets stronger to fight infections, for example.

8. Reduces the fat deposit

Because of the presence of phaseolamine, the flour reduces the conversion of starch into glucose and the fibers reduce the absorption of sugar. That way, there will be less insulin in the body, which is responsible for the deposit of fat in adipose tissues. And so, the body is left with less accumulated fat.

How to use?

White bean flour can be diluted with water or juices and consumed before meals.

In addition, it can be used in other culinary preparations such as:

– Thicken soups, shakes and broths;

– Sprinkled in fruit salad, cereal and yogurt;

– Along with white wheat flour in various sweet and savory recipes;

– Juices and smoothies;

– Pancakes and crepes;

– To dust chicken and meat;

– Hamburger;

– Pizzas;

– Pasta in general;

– Brigadiers, brownies and muffins;

– Breads.

Has it harm or side effects?

The consumption of white bean flour is considered safe for most people. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the prolonged use for more than a month, since raw beans have substances that hinder the absorption of some nutrients, such as iron, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.

Therefore, the recommendation is to consume a maximum of one teaspoon of white bean flour per day. And also take turns with other functional flours such as green banana or passion fruit.

In addition, children and pregnant women should avoid the consumption of white bean flour, as there is a risk of falling blood sugar. And that makes the person feel unwell and even runs the risk of passing out.

In excess, it can also cause diarrhea, since raw beans have some toxins. Some people may experience excess gas and flatulence after consuming white bean flour.

When in doubt about the quantity and the best form of consumption, the ideal is to seek guidance from a nutritionist.
