There is usually a decrease in hearing and changes in vision. The limbs may be slightly numb and dark spots may invade the field of view. Dizziness, tingling of the feet and muscle weakness may be a precursor to fainting.
This means that, with great chances, the brain is not receiving enough oxygen and the person will pass out.
In movies or in soap operas, the character raises the forearm to the head and announces the malaise. Despite being widely reproduced on the screens, fainting almost never happens in such a dramatic and delicate way.
It is estimated that up to 30% of the population suffers at least 1 faint during their lifetime.
Loss of consciousness can be associated with several situations, of a pathological, situational or high emotional impact, for example.
There are people who are more susceptible to loss of consciousness, even with some frequency, while others may never pass out.
It is important to observe the occurrence and check the possible events that trigger the situation to avoid or minimize the risks. But most cases do not have serious causes or severe consequences from syncope.
What is fainting?
In medical terms, fainting is called syncope . The situation is configured as a momentary loss of consciousness and muscle tone.
This means that to configure a faint, the patient must lose consciousness, as well as his ability to maintain body control.
In most cases, syncope is a signal that the brain sends to the body warning of a lack of oxygen. Without receiving adequate amounts of the gas, there is an inability to maintain neurological functions.
You don’t have to be on your feet to pass out. Although it is more common in cases of low blood pressure, it is possible to pass out when sitting or lying down.
In addition, the condition is a passing condition, in which consciousness is recovered briefly and completely in a few minutes.
If the cause is low blood pressure, for example, there is usually no further damage. The greatest risk is that, when falling, the person will be injured, hit his head or suffer accidents (if he is driving, operating machines or tools).
In general, the most frequent causes are related to the drop in blood pressure, emotional conditions ( anxiety , rapid breathing, exaggerated fear), fasting and hypoglycemia, and the performance of intense physical activities.
It is not always possible to predict the loss of consciousness, as it can occur suddenly. However, for the most part, it is accompanied by weakness, dizziness , blurred vision, nausea and difficulty in movement.
These symptoms result from the causes of fainting, for example, low blood pressure or hypoglycemia, and may vary for each person or occasion.
In cases of strong emotions or emotional impacts, fainting can occur immediately due to the high emotional load. This means that you do not always have time to notice the signs of fainting.
When loss of consciousness occurs, the patient must be accompanied, ensuring his well-being and recovery.
Although fainting is generally not a serious sign, if frequent and with no known cause, fainting needs to be investigated.
The causes are quite varied. While some people are more prone to fainting, others can withstand changes in blood glucose and pressure, which are the most common causes of syncope.
In general, the origin is not due to serious factors, which represent health risks. Although more rare, there are other cases that can be associated with cardiac dysfunction and even brain tumors.
Pressure drop
Closed places with little air circulation, high temperatures, intense exercise and prolonged periods without eating can cause pressure drops.
In addition, patients with hypotension or who use blood pressure medications may be more sensitive to fainting.
Syncope occurs because blood pumping is not being effective in getting blood to the brain. The result is that less oxygen is transported and neurological functions are compromised.
In general, the condition is momentary and improves rapidly. Most people, before passing out, still have very recognizable symptoms, such as pallor, cold sweat, dizziness and blurred vision.
When identifying the first signs of malaise, it is indicated that the patient is lying down, with the feet higher than the head, as this favors the blood return to the brain region, preventing the loss of consciousness.
The procedure for the patient who passed out must be the same.
Alcohol and other drugs
Drinking too much or too fast can cause you to faint. This is because excess alcohol in the body alters the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) and the respiratory system, causing the body to collapse.
Sometimes, the amount of drink is not so great, but the speed with which it was ingested is very high. Imagine that someone can take 3 drinks of a drink all night, but for some reason decided to drink all 3 in less than 1 hour: the body can even handle the amount of alcohol, but is not ready to process everything together.
In general, abuse of alcohol and other drugs (including tranquilizers) is concentrated in the body and does not allow for proper metabolism. The result is that the high amounts of the substances affect brain regions, causing it to shut down temporarily.
Emotional factors
Passing out from fear, anxiety or after strong emotions is a relatively common reaction to the body.
In general, fainting caused by emotional factors is a protective action of the body in the face of exaggerated physical or emotional pressure. In that case, the brain may temporarily shut down.
The measurement can be compared with a switch that, when overloaded, turns off or interrupts the operation in order to avoid short circuits.
The mechanism of the organism is the same in cases of extreme pain: there is a vasoconstriction – where the blood vessels retract and decrease the flow of blood. With the flow decreased, oxygen reaches the brain more scarce, causing fainting.
In addition, situations of high emotional impact can cause feelings of suffocation, agitation and anxiety. An acceleration in breathing can occur, causing what is called hyperventilation.
Thus, oxygen and carbon dioxide are in inadequate concentrations in the blood. Even though blood flow is relatively stable, dizziness and fainting occur due to poor cerebral oxygenation.
Hypoglycemia is more common in patients with diabetes , however, although more rarely, they can affect anyone.
The condition is characterized by a sharp drop in glucose rates. The appearance of symptoms depends on each person, but there are usually tremors, irritability, hunger, cold sweat and weaknesses.
In more severe cases, fainting and seizures can result from a severe drop in blood glucose.
The condition is usually triggered by long periods without eating, intense and prolonged physical activity, recent dietary changes or by the use of drugs that interact with blood glucose.
Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine, USA, indicate that below 50mg / dL the patient already feels bad, with motor and reasoning difficulties. Between 50mg / dL and 30mg / dL, there are risks of fainting and seizures, with blood glucose levels below 30mg / dL representing risks to life.
With the sharp drop, the brain receives little glucose and is unable to perform its functions correctly. Thus, if blood glucose remains low, neurological activity is compromised, increasing the risk of fainting and seizures.
Symptoms such as tremors, cold sweat, irritability, difficulty thinking, breathing changes, pallor are emergency signs that energy is lacking for the body’s functions.
Cardiac changes
If there is an obstruction of a heart valve, blood flow can be affected, with circulation reduced.
With impaired circulation, the brain receives less oxygen, which causes momentary loss of consciousness.
Some patients with cardiac disorders may pass out just because they have been standing for a long time. This is because the blood is concentrated in the lower limbs and the cardiac contraction does not have the strength to pump the blood up to the head region.
Síncope vasovagal
Also known as vasovagal syndrome, the condition is one of the most common causes of fainting, usually affecting young adults. Although benign, the condition is seen in 3% of men and 3.5% of women.
The diagnosis presents an imbalance in the automaton nervous system, that is, one that works independently of our wills (heartbeat, breathing, for example).
In healthy people, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems act interdependently to keep the body’s functions stable. For example, while the first speeds up and stimulates heart contractions, the second reduces heart rate.
Thus, when any condition stimulates the dilation of blood vessels or promotes an increase in heart rate, the body tries to reverse the condition by spontaneously contracting the vessels so that there is no damage to functions.
This leads to a decrease in blood flow. However, when there are changes in the vasovagal, the retraction of the vessels is exaggerated and causes a severe decrease in beats, resulting in a drop in blood pressure.
Head trauma
When there are bumps, injuries or strong impacts on the head region, brain structures can be damaged, even if there is no visible damage.
In most cases, the fainting occurs due to the shock or the hit, occurring immediately to the injury.
However, some moderate or intense strokes that cause immediate loss of consciousness or do not cause symptoms later, may cause fainting, headaches and vomiting hours after the hit.
Maintaining adequate hydration is essential to avoid various signs and symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue .
When the body feels thirsty it is already a sign of mild dehydration. After a few hours, other symptoms may appear, such as dizziness, changes in vision and fainting.
The ideal is to consume about 2 liters of water throughout the day, fractioning the intake so that the body is continuously hydrated.
It is a condition usually associated with emotional changes. In episodes of high anxiety, panic or nervousness, the patient tends to breathe more quickly.
The change in respiratory rate may be linked to the feeling of suffocation or not.
With rapid breathing, there is a greater elimination of carbon dioxide from the blood, causing a temporary change in the blood pH, leaving it more basic.
The condition can cause a narrowing of the blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to circulate. The result is that there is oxygen supply to the brain and therefore syncopes can occur.
Get up quickly
Clinically, it is called the condition of orthostatic hypotension . It usually occurs when the person remains lying or sitting for some time and gets up suddenly.
Generally, it tends to be associated with other factors that cause pressure drop, such as heat or fasting, but it can occur without other precedents.
This is due to the fact that the blood was not pumped with enough force to reach the brain region, causing little cerebral oxygenation.
The anemia is configured by a reduction in red blood cell concentration, usually caused by a lack of nutrients such as iron or vitamin B12.
As red blood cells or red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body, when anemia occurs, there are usually symptoms related to the body’s low oxygenation.
Among the most recurring signs and symptoms are weakness, dizziness and extreme tiredness .
Fainting prevails in more severe conditions of anemia, as it means that there is a severe impairment of cerebral oxygenation.
But with the start of treatments and a good body response to nutritional supplementation, symptoms are usually quickly minimized.
Hemorrhages are serious conditions that can trigger fainting. There are 2 types of hemorrhage: external bleeding, related to deep fractures or cuts, or internal, due to intense knocks or blows.
When the hemorrhage is external, it is easily perceived and must be stopped quickly. However, in internal cases, bleeding may not be noticed immediately and cause damage to the organism and risk to life.
With the constant loss of blood, tissue oxygenation is compromised and, as a consequence, fainting happens. The evolution of the condition is usually rapid, depending on the type of injury and the flow of blood leakage.
Changes in blood pressure or circulation
There are medications that can reduce blood flow, lower pressure, or inhibit oxygen transport through red blood cells.
High doses of medication for the treatment of hypertension, use of diuretics, vasodilators, weight loss, antiallergic and even psychiatric medications can interfere with pressure stability.
It is still possible that problems related to blood circulation can trigger fainting, as soon as the blood is not pumped or transported with enough force to reach the brain region.
Brain tumors
Tumors in the brain region are uncommon conditions, but when they occur they can trigger routine fainting.
The formation of an undue mass in the brain can cause internal pressure in the region and reduce the blood supply. With the absence of blood supply, and consequently oxygenation, there is a temporary loss of consciousness that can be recurrent.
Dysfunction in the autonomic nervous system
Disautonomy is the term that refers to the improper functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
As the majority of fainting is due to dysautonomy, to understand the causes and how loss of consciousness occurs, it is necessary to understand the functioning of the organism and its regulations.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is responsible for the control and maintenance of several vital functions of the organism automatically. That is, involuntary stimuli are produced to perform the functions without having to reflect on them.
Some of the automatic activities regulated by the SNA are:
- Blood pressure;
- Heart rate;
- Respiratory function;
- Body temperature;
- Digestion;
- Metabolism;
- Balance of water and electrolytes;
- Production of secretions, such as saliva and sweat.
Dividing into 2 parts, the autonomous system has a region called the sympathetic nervous system and another called the parasympathetic nervous system .
In healthy conditions, both regions act in an antagonistic and interdependent manner.
That is, while the sympathetic region stimulates the functions, secreting mainly a hormone called noradrenaline, the parasympathetic region inhibits, brakes or slows down the actions, secreting mainly acetylcholine.
Therefore, there is a synchronous and ideal control for maintaining functions or for restoring balance when something out of the ordinary happens (for example, strong emotions, scares or even the practice of physical activities).
In dysautonomia, the organism is not able to maintain the balance of autonomous functions, one of the signs that can manifest itself is syncope arising from the lack of cerebral oxygenation.
The condition is transient (quickly restored), because when you pass out, the tendency is for the body to stay in a horizontal position. This means that the blood does not need to be pumped as intensely and therefore reaches the brain more easily.
Fainting in pregnancy
Fainting during pregnancy is relatively normal.
In general, they are caused because there is a tendency for blood pressure to get lower, especially in the first months of pregnancy.
There are a number of hormonal changes and adaptations that the pregnant woman’s body is undergoing, this causes some decompensations to occur.
Combining the predisposition of some women to low pressure or external factors, such as heat, prolonged fasting and poor hydration, fainting and weakness can occur relatively frequently in pregnant women.
The greatest risks related to syncope in pregnancy related to pressure drop refer to the possible injuries that the mother may suffer when falling.
Therefore, the ideal is that, when feeling uneasy, dizzy or anxious, the woman remains calm and finds a suitable place to sit or lie down.
Symptoms can still involve cold sweat, nausea and headaches, usually due to low blood pressure or hypoglycemia . In this case, it is important to check the body’s nutrition and hydration.
For mothers with frequent fainting spells, it is necessary to include some routine care, among them:
- Eat in a fractional way, without keeping long intervals between each meal;
- Drink plenty of water;
- Avoid crowded places, with little air circulation or very hot;
- Get up slowly, leaning on handrails or supports;
- Wear fresh and comfortable clothes;
- When you feel bad, tell someone to take care.
Although dizziness and fainting are relatively recurrent in pregnancy, usually with no more serious causes, it is always important to notify the obstetrician about the events.
Differential diagnosis
In 40% of cases, fainting has no known cause. However, it is necessary to differentiate some situations that tend to be confused with syncopes.
The epilepsy can be the cause of frequent unconsciousness, however, it is usually accompanied by severe muscle contractions and is easily differentiated from the common faint.
Epilepsy is a severe condition, requiring treatments and intensive monitoring.
People suffering from labyrinthitis can be constantly affected by vertigo, which is usually associated with nausea, vomiting and sweating.
Some patients associate fainting with the condition, however, syncope is usually caused by other factors, such as low blood pressure or the anxiety crisis that a person may develop when having a typical labyrinthine crisis.
In other words, labyrinthitis itself does not cause you to faint, just a strong feeling of vertigo and imbalance.
In order for the condition to be diagnosed, there must be changes in the structures present in the inner ear.
The most common causes for labyrinthitis to develop are inflammations, infections or injuries in the region, which cause the membrane to transmit impulses to the nervous system in an altered way.
This causes feelings of dizziness and dizziness, in addition to affecting hearing.
Due to the feeling of nausea and dizziness, those who suffer from labyrinthine crises can sometimes attribute faintness to the disease. But, normally, the conditions are not directly associated.
Seizure and fainting
It is necessary to differentiate between convulsive crises and fainting. While syncopes have different causes and, in most cases, are not caused by serious conditions, seizures need treatment and medical monitoring, as they are involuntary muscle contractions, usually quite intense and severe.
Although the condition usually presents with a loss of consciousness, the condition is not necessarily present.
The causes are diverse and can be caused by severe hypoglycemia, epilepsy and head trauma, for example.
Risk factors
Fainting is generally not associated with more serious situations, except for those involving heart or neurological problems.
In such cases, syncopes tend to be more frequent and must be monitored by a health professional in order to control or treat the primary disease.
In general, loss of consciousness shows greater risks if it occurs while driving, crossing streets, using some motor equipment (such as forklifts or power tools).
In addition, when falling, the patient may be injured, aggravating the condition, for example, by hitting his head hard.
Medical care resulting from fainting represents, on average, 5% of urgent and emergency consultations.
Most are because there was some injury, severe edema or fracture during the fall.
In children, adolescents and adults, the main cause is related to neuromedical conditions (neurological factors), that is, generally associated with a drop in pressure or hypoglycemia.
After the age of 65, fainting cases increase and have a higher prevalence of cardiac factors.
Syncopes can affect the patient suddenly, without the perception or manifestation of other symptoms.
But, especially when it is related to low blood pressure or hypoglycemia, there are tendencies to involve signs such as:
- Dizziness;
- Vertigo;
- Blurry vision;
- Sickness;
- Headaches;
- Weakness;
- Cold sweat;
- Numbness in the limbs or the whole body;
- Agitation due to emotional factors;
- Cardiac arrhythmia;
- Rapid breathing;
- Heat or sudden change in body temperature;
- Pallor;
- Weak pulse.
How is the diagnosis made?
Generally, when performing medical care, the patient reports loss of consciousness and the professional will investigate the causes of fainting.
Through a survey of the patient’s clinical condition, observing the possible causes and contexts (exaggerated heat, intense food or exercise), it is a procedure to measure (measure) the pressure and, in some cases, request exams.
As the causes can be diverse, if the doctor is unable to identify the event that causes syncope, it is still possible to resort to blood, cardiological, neurological and imaging tests, such as blood count , ferritin and electroencephalogram .
The procedure is also called the tilt test, being a complementary resource to investigate the causes of dizziness and fainting.
The method proves to be quite effective in determining the presence of vasovagal syncope. In general, the test makes it possible to identify:
- Heart rate variation;
- Blood pressure variation;
- Heart rate variations;
- Efficiency of the autonomic nervous system.
To perform the exam, the patient is usually asked to fast for 4 hours. Cardiac meters are placed through patches placed on the chest, and blood pressure meters are placed through a device placed on the fingers.
In summary, the patient is monitored while lying down, at rest. After a period, there are inclinations of the bed, causing the patient’s body to be slightly angled vertically.
The idea is to cause changes in body position and see how blood flow behaves. Thus, when the position is changed, the autonomous system must be able to stimulate or contract blood flow for adequate oxygen transport.
Are frequent fainting curable?
Fainting is usually an isolated situation, caused by different factors.
It is estimated that up to 40% of syncopes are of unknown causes and that up to 30% of the population will pass out at least once in their lifetime.
If the condition is caused by an identifiable disease or situation, it is possible to carry out treatments or prevent the cause. As soon as some situations are treatable and can eliminate fainting, such as anemia or heart problems.
Other conditions are controllable and can reduce syncope, such as pressure drops and hypoglycemia.
For example, if fainting is caused by pressure or low blood glucose, you need to be aware of triggering factors, such as poor diet, prolonged fasting and excessive heat.
In this case, when performing proper medical monitoring, blood pressure and blood glucose are monitored in order to reduce reactions, but there is not always an impediment to hypotension or hypoglycemia.
If fainting comes from stress or nervousness, psychological counseling and minimizing stressful moments should be sought.
In other cases, syncope occurs at very sporadic frequencies, making it difficult to determine the causes.
What to do during fainting?
When you see someone pass out, the ideal is to move the person away from dangerous places or objects, such as windows, stairs, automobiles or tools.
It is necessary to lay down the person’s body and keep the head turned to the side, preferably with the feet higher than the rest of the trunk, as the position favors the blood flow to reach the brain without difficulty.
In addition, it is necessary to ventilate and ventilate the environment, allowing the person to have a good supply of oxygen and to be able to breathe properly.
You should also check for tight clothing or accessories that hinder blood circulation.
Generally, if fainting is caused by low blood pressure or poor brain oxygenation, these measures are sufficient to stabilize the body.
Hydration is indicated, but it is necessary to check the person’s ability to drink fluids, so that there is no choking.
What to do in fainting due to hypoglycemia?
Patients with diabetes or severe hypoglycemia may lose consciousness due to low blood sugar. In such cases, it is necessary to take measures different from those related to low blood pressure.
If fainting is followed by recovery of consciousness, products with sugar can be offered to the person, preferably liquids as they have faster absorption.
However, if the person remains passed out, no liquid or solid food should be placed in their mouth, as the chances of causing drowning are high. In this case, the most appropriate procedure is to request emergency assistance.
What not to do when someone passes out?
- Do not offer food or drink until there is a complete recovery of consciousness;
- Do not shake or shake the person;
- Do not agglomerate around the person, as this can decrease air circulation, in addition to increasing heat;
- Do not force the person to stand or stand upright;
- Do not pour water on the person.
How to prevent fainting?
In general, it is difficult to estimate when a faint will occur. For people who have frequent syncopes without a known cause, some measures can be taken to reduce the incidence. For example:
- Support yourself to stand, avoiding abrupt or too fast movements, especially after a long period of sitting or lying down;
- Keep the body hydrated;
- Fractionate the food, avoiding long periods of fasting;
- Avoid the practice of physical activities under the sun, in places that are muggy or poorly ventilated;
- Avoid tight clothing, especially around the waist, hips, legs and neck;
- Do not skip meals;
- Avoid stressful situations or strong emotions (such as amusement parks and movies, for example);
- Warn the doctor about the predisposition to fainting, as some medications can facilitate a drop in pressure.
- Avoid standing for long periods, especially without moving your feet and legs.
Fainting and human evolution
Studies carried out by the Manchester Hospital, in Great Britain, point out that fainting may be related to aspects of human evolution.
When they are not linked to physiological causes, such as hemorrhages, the loss of consciousness would be a means of defense of the organism.
That’s because, in the past, humans shared space with wild animals and therefore were at risk of being attacked frequently. If there was no chance of fighting or fleeing, passing out was an alternative to deceive the predator.
If the wild animal only intended to attack the victim on the move, upon realizing that he was dead or immobile, there was a greater chance that he would give up the attack. In other words, fainting acted as a means of survival.
This characteristic may have been maintained in some humans, pointing out why some people lose consciousness more and others do not.
In other words, the survival mechanism remains more active in some human beings, the result of the evolution process.
Why do some people pass out when they see blood?
When a person passes out on seeing blood, many people still attribute the situation to fear or nervousness caused by the situation.
Taking blood tests, witnessing accidents, cutting your finger or just watching a slightly bloody movie scene can be quite complex and difficult activities for some people.
Blood is usually associated with accidents or injuries, which can be an understandable cause for increased stress. However, there are still those who suffer from syncope just by seeing blood – and it doesn’t even have to be the person himself.
In 2001, Ian Roberts of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine published studies that give another reason for fainting when he witnessed the red fluid.
When a person becomes aware of an injury (even if it is in others, in films or images), there is a suspicion that the organism tends to minimize blood flow so that it is easier to clot. But for what?
This would be an automatic response by the body because it thinks there is some injury to the body and therefore needs to avoid further damage to the body.
Upon seeing the blood, the brain interprets it as an opportunity to start clotting while the alleged wound is still small and is more likely to survive.
Thus, signals are sent to the blood vessels to decrease the constriction, causing the blood flow to be reduced. For, if there is a bruise with blood loss, less liquid would leak through the injury.
In other words, fainting would be a strategic survival response, in which the organism precedes immunological action to prevent severe risks.
Fainting game and other dangerous challenges
The game consists in purposefully interrupting the breath until the practitioner loses consciousness.
Even though there were reports and content about the practice circulating on the internet for some years, it was in 2016 that the fainting game became popular.
Until 2010, blogs and YouTube channels had less than 500 videos related to the subject. In 2016 there were already more than 16 thousand content posted, according to a survey by the Federal University of São Paulo and Paris Ouest, in France.
The cases gained repercussions and triggered an alert regarding the use of the internet by children and adolescents, as they are the majority of those involved in these challenges.
Whoever participates is encouraged to film the performance or report it in detail, narrating how he did it to hold his breath and how long he remained unconscious.
In addition to the risks to the body, such as internal bleeding, headaches, disorientation, blindness, paraplegia, the challenge can cause death.
Research shows that 40% of respondents have already accepted the asphyxiation challenge and 10% have passed out. Of these, 135 participants had sequelae and more than 1100 died from the game.
Common questions
Is it normal for children to pass out?
Fainting is an organism’s response to malfunction. But in general, infantile fainting does not have serious causes.
At first, the child’s loss of consciousness can frighten the parents, who must always be aware of the causes.
But generally they are the same prevalent in adults, such as excessive heat, long time without eating, medications that can affect blood pressure, in addition to nervousness or stress.
Low blood pressure is a very recurrent cause of infantile syncope, especially in hot periods. This is because generally children are more active, are more exposed to heat and sun, and do not always maintain adequate hydration.
Combining intense physical activities, long periods without food and, sometimes, high temperatures, the result is a drop in pressure.
How long does a faint last?
Fainting is a rapid condition that usually lasts only a few seconds. After losing consciousness, the body falls and is usually in a horizontal position.
This favors the blood flow to reach the brain more easily, restoring oxygenation in the region.
Therefore, the functions are resumed. In other words, fainting should not last more than a few seconds and, in a few minutes, the person must have regained consciousness and well-being.
Can I give alcohol to the passed out person inhale?
No . The proper procedure is to lie down or sit the patient down, allowing him to breathe properly.
Generally, alcohol is used due to the ability to irritate the nostrils and to awaken the person. However, the method may have no effect or aggravate the condition.
Why do we see black spots before passing out?
In cases where there is a perception of malaise before fainting, a series of symptoms can be triggered.
Between dizziness, cold sweat and weakness, black spots may still appear in the vision. This is because there is a decrease in oxygen to the tissues, especially those located in the head region.
The retina, which is responsible for vision, also receives less oxygen and is unable to perform its functions properly, resulting in changes in vision.
Why do we faint when scared?
When we get scared, our brain reacts by releasing adrenaline into the bloodstream. This hormonal discharge is a response to danger, as the brain feels threatened by the situation and needs to keep the signals alert in the event of a fight or flight.
But adrenaline stimulates the contraction of blood vessels, making it more difficult for blood to reach tissues, especially the brain.
Then there is little oxygenation and, consequently, fainting.
Fainting is a relatively common condition. If you’ve never lost consciousness for a few seconds, you’ve certainly seen someone – or at least some scene on television.
In general, the condition does not pose major risks, once the most common causes stem from low blood pressure or emotional factors.
You must be aware of bodily manifestations and consult a doctor to check the causes of fainting.
People prone to pressure drops or hypoglycemia need to take care of habits and routines in order to prevent the body from damage or injury from the fall.
And for more tips and information on wellness and health, read on our blog.