Some women suffer a lot from hair removal. Hair can appear in unwanted places, cause problems with self – esteem and even bother.
It is natural for hair to be born on the body and in many women it is common for them to appear in the breast region. When the amount of hair is large it can cause discomfort to them.
There are different ways to remove hair. Tweezers, hot or cold hair removal, blades and lasers. For each case, however, as it is a sensitive region, it is important to choose the method that least hurts the skin, so that allergies, skin irritations or even burns do not occur.
They should not be used on the nipples, as the chance of infections happening is greater due to the sensitivity. Another reason why they should be avoided is the fact that they do not remove the hair completely, leaving the root.
Bleach or pinch hair
With these methods, the result is usually satisfactory. This type of removal should be done after the bath when the pores are open and facilitate the exit of the hair.
It is a good way to remove hair, but not all cases bring the desired results. This is because some women have very fine and light hair making it difficult to remove.
Electric epilator
It should not be used in this case, as it attacks the skin due to its rotating tweezers that can hurt the breasts. Among all methods, this is the least recommended by experts.
Dermophotonic hair removal
Because it does not cause discomfort and pain to patients, it is widely used. Some sessions are necessary for the hair to be permanently eliminated.