Massages have been around for several years, being used for different therapeutic purposes. Currently, diverse modalities have emerged, each time more specialized in medicinal or aesthetic objectives.
With the accelerated routine, the procedure has become an option to reduce accumulated stress and even help to shape the body in the short term.
This is the case of the modeling massage, much sought after because of its potential to refine the curves of the body.
Learn more about the technique and its results:
What is modeling massage and what is it for?
Modeling massage is an aesthetic treatment to shape the curves of the body. This occurs through rapid and intense movements, aiming to reach the deeper layers of the skin.
It serves to reduce measures, decrease swelling and help with weight loss.
During the procedure, the technique increases body temperature, which also serves to improve metabolism and circulation.
With this, it improves the appearance of cellulite – accumulation of water, fat and toxins in the cells – when at light and moderate levels, since the movements act on both the lymphatic system and on fats.
Each massage session lasts between 30 and 50 minutes and can be done 1 to 2 times a week.
The frequency of obtaining significant results varies from person to person, requiring an average of 15 sessions.
What is the difference between shaping, reducing and lymphatic massage?
Although each massage has its own characteristics and objectives, they are often confused and even generalized as one.
There are different varieties of massage. Three very confused, but which are distinct, are:
Modeling massage, as the name says, has the function of shaping the body. It is done through fast and intense movements, aiming to reach the deepest layers of the skin. In this mode, only the hands are used for massage.
Although many people consider that massage is made for weight loss, it does not aim at weight loss, but at modeling the curves of the body.
It is done, in general, in the areas of the thigh, abdomen and flanks.
The reducing massage is performed with sliding and kneading techniques in a deeper way, quickly and using accessories such as rollers.
She has the same principles as the modeler, in order to model the silhouette and reduce measurements.
One difference is that it is not done on the whole body, but on specific points of localized fat, such as the abdomen.
The lymphatic drainage is intended to eliminate toxins and fluids retained in the lymphatic system – the network of vessels that carry fluid through the body – stimulating the metabolism.
It occurs through light movements and with little pressure, and provides reduction in the swelling of the body.
It is also indicated for periods after surgery, as it helps in recovery and healing, avoiding fluid retention and improving the immune system.
Benefits of shaping massage
Massages in general have several health benefits. It is no different with the modeler.
Some of the main ones are:
- Improvement in the appearance of cellulite;
- Assists in reducing measures;
- Remodels the body;
- Strengthens muscle tone;
- Improves circulation;
- Improves tissue oxygenation.
For the client to feel all the benefits provided by the massage, it is important that it is performed by a qualified professional.
In general, the massage should not leave marks and bruises on the skin. If this occurs, the procedure was not performed correctly.
Shaping massage helps you lose weight and lose belly?
It depends . Massage alone does not directly cause weight loss, it only helps.
The technique is applied to the body’s adipose tissue, which results in a decrease in the swelling of the fat cells.
During the procedure, these cells that were accumulated in only one region are spread throughout the body, which causes the reduction of measures in some areas.
In this way, the procedure does not eliminate fat, it just reorganizes it, shaping the body.
Weight loss and loss of the so-called “belly” only occurs, in fact, when there is, in combination with massage, a balanced diet and the practice of physical exercises guided by professionals.
How to make?
The modeling massage is done manually and occurs through kneading, sliding and pressure movements.
The movements are made quickly and repetitively, applying pressure during the techniques.
During the process, specific creams are used that can vary according to the purpose of the massage: those that help to burn fat, anti-cellulite, detox or others that enhance the results of the procedure.
It is important to emphasize that there should be no bruising after the massage. If this occurs, the movements were not done correctly.
In general, the steps of the modeling massage are:
- It starts with sliding movements, spreading the cream applied on the client’s skin;
- Then, the kneading technique is done, brushing, compressing and twisting the place;
- Ends with the slide again.
Understand more about the movements:
The kneading is formed by brushing movements, compression and twisting of the body tissues, being similar to the movement of kneading bread.
Sliding is usually done at the beginning and end of the massage. It consists of sliding the palm of the hands over the individual’s body, applying pressure.
It can be superficial, medium or deep, depending on the level of pressure exerted.
Contraindications: who should not do the modeling massage?
Although it is beneficial for health, there are some contraindications for shaping massage.
The procedure is not indicated in cases of:
- Hypertension;
- Pregnant women;
- People with osteoporosis;
- People with varicose veins.
Always consult a doctor before performing the procedure. He / she will indicate the best type of massage for each person.
Price and where to do it?
The modeling massage sessions have prices that can vary between R $ 50 and R $ 150, and can change according to the session time – they can last between 30 to 60 minutes.
They can be done in aesthetic centers and massage therapy houses.
Massage is a technique that has its origins more than 1000 years ago. Over time, it has been improving and dividing into different aspects.
One is the modeler, which is based on the movements of classical massage.
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