With pneumonia is not to joke. The widespread disease is mainly given to children and the elderly, as their immune system does not correspond to that of a healthy adult.
Pneumonia is an infection of the alveoli or or lung tissue.
As a rule, pneumonia is uncomplicated.
But if it is not treated, pneumonia can even lead to death.
Pneumonia Symptoms
The symptoms of pneumonia are diverse and can range from flu-like symptoms to abdominal pain and back pain when coughing.
In most cases, the following symptoms are recorded:
Shallow breathing with shortness of breath
Especially if the lower lung areas are affected, the patient often has no signs except abdominal pain in the first few days.
Because abdominal pain is usually not taken so seriously, it is extremely treacherous because the symptoms are often underestimated.
To be on the safe side, the patient should be closely observed, as the lack of oxygen causes the lips and fingernails to turn blue and the patient has a very pale complexion. In addition, the patient has shallow breathing and an increased heartbeat.
In this way, the body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen.
But already on the 2nd or 3rd day of pneumonia there is an irritable cough, which sounds very hollow and can be particularly painful.
The causes of pneumonia
Especially viruses and bacteria are responsible for pneumonia.
These can easily penetrate the body’s protective mechanisms in a weakened or immature immune system.
For this reason, especially small children, as well as seniors are very susceptible to this disease.
But flu or bronchitis can also be the cause of pneumonia.
Furthermore, allergies or circulatory disorders can also be the cause of pneumonia.
The course of pneumonia
In otherwise healthy individuals, pneumonia is healed in about two to three weeks.
The fever subsides after about a week and the cough also gets better after a few days.
In patients with weakened immune systems, however, secondary diseases such as pleurisy or pleurisy, pulmonary fibrosis or lung abscess can occur more frequently.
Therefore, doctor’s appointments should always be kept.
Especially in people whose immune system is weakened, pneumonia can be fatal if not treated.
Furthermore, it is possible that pneumonia can become chronic, especially with a severe course of the disease.
But diabetics, HIV-positive patients and alcoholics are also particularly susceptible to chronic pneumonia.
Pneumonia is underestimated
Actually, the symptoms after the second or third day can hardly be ignored.
The hollow and constant cough is often a sign of this disease.
Hardly any secretion is ejected.
Should it still happen, it is usually brownish, as it is mixed with blood.
So if a family member has such a cough, fever or perhaps just abdominal pain, this should definitely be clarified by a doctor and appropriate treatment should be given.
If not treated, the course can become chronic or any help may come too late.
Unfortunately, pneumonia is still underestimated, with up to 250,000 patients with this disease admitted to clinics every year. In total, about 680,000 people fall ill with pneumonia every year.
However, about 35,000 people die each year from pneumonia that has not been treated or had a particularly severe course.