With little exercise, 53% of Brazilians are overweight

When we talk about eating habits in Brazil, a variety of typical dishes comes to mind.

In the South, for example, barbecues are more common, while the Northeast region consumes more fish and seafood.

However, one thing is a consensus from the north to the south of the country: the population has gained weight.

A new survey by the Ministry of Health (MS) revealed that 53% of Brazilians are overweight.

In addition, in the survey it was also possible to see that about 45.8% do not do regular physical activity.

The data is of concern because the accumulated fat is related to several pathologies and health risks.

Read more: Maintaining weight: exercise can be more efficient than diet

Overweight and disease

The results of the research show that it is necessary to prevent excess body weight in a more intense way.

A high number in the body mass index can be a risk factor for diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer , not to mention mental impairments.

According to the National Health Agency (ANS), the diseases mentioned in the paragraph above are responsible for 71% of all deaths in the world, including the death of 15 million people between 30 and 70 years of age.

According to the data, 1 in 5 adults does not exercise. Among adolescents the rate is even higher, with 4 out of 5.

The importance of maintaining an active lifestyle is that in addition to doing good for the body, it can also be important for the pocket.

That’s because, worldwide speaking, about $ 54 billion is spent to access some form of health care, and that number could be lower if people choose healthier lifestyle habits.

It is important to maintain a balance between food and physical exercise. The combination of these two habits in the routine is able to provide more health and quality of life.
