Accumulation of mineral salts and kidney stones: what is the relationship?

Kidney stones or kidney stones are substances formed by the accumulation of elements such as uric acid, mineral salts and calcium oxalate in the kidneys. These are transformed into stones, of the most varied sizes and shapes that, when passing through the urinary channel, cause intense pain.

Bad habits and increasing age are some of the factors that lead to the disease. People who have had calculus have a 50% chance of suffering from this pathology again.

In some cases, surgical intervention is required to remove the stones or use endoscopic devices, which can fragment them with the use of the laser.



Some of the causes of the calculation are: excess amount of phosphates, calcium, cystine, metabolic dysfunctions of the parathyroid gland or uric acid, in addition to the absence of citrate and insufficient amount of urine or obstruction of the urinary channels.

How to prevent

Some very simple measures can be taken to prevent the disease:

  • Avoid industrialized and fatty foods, as well as sodium;
  • Keep weight at a healthy limit. The more obese, the greater the chances of having the disease;
  • Drink plenty of water. Two liters a day can help with the elimination of substances, in addition to preventing the formation of stones.


The diagnosis made by the doctor will indicate which treatment should be done, as it may vary depending on the case.

Tests such as radiography, tomography and ultrasonography are done to analyze the disease.


Anti-inflammatories or analgesics can help in relieving pain after expelling the stones. In the treatment of the disease, some medications such as Allopurinol ¹ and Ibuprofen² can be used, according to medical advice.

Allopurinol¹: used to prevent crises caused by excess uric acid in the body.

Ibuprofen²: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, helps to combat and relieve acute inflammation.
