Abdominal cramps: home remedies and therapy

Abdominal cramps and abdominal pain occur when the muscles contract unintentionally and suddenly and a stabbing pain occurs.
Virtually any muscle can develop spasm or spasm, including the involuntary (smooth) muscles of internal organs.

Upper Abdominal cramps can be felt in the stomach area, lower abdominal cramps can occur in the intestine or in the reproductive organs (e.g. uterus).


Therapy for abdominal cramps

There are several effective methods to reduce or eliminate the pain caused by abdominal cramps.
If possible, avoid foods and drinks that cause discomfort in order to reduce the impact of digestive problems.

Natural remedies for abdominal cramps

  • A pain-relieving effect is often already achieved by lying down and sparing.
  • Applying heat (e.g. hot water bottle) increases blood circulation in the abdomen and relaxes tense muscles.
  • Decaffeinated tea, finger pressure massage, and other treatment measures can be very effective.

Diet and nutrition for abdominal cramps

A natural diet can cure almost all causes of abdominal cramps, except for medical emergencies such as appendicitis, which develops into peritonitis.
Many people believe that you need medication for recovery.
But in truth, drugs can also be toxic. On the one hand, they can relieve the symptoms, but at the same time, they can hinder the body’s self-healing systems on the other.

When the body spends little energy on digestion, it can focus on eliminating the toxins and harmful microorganisms (viruses and bacteria) that cause the diseases.

Fasting (maximum 3 days) is certainly the fastest therapy if there are no contraindications for it.
If you want to fast for more than 3 days, you should be monitored by a doctor.
There are two types of diet that brought good results to patients:

Blood type diet – it is based on proteins, there are acceptable foods and others that should be avoided depending on the blood type.

  • For example, people of blood type 0 can eat meat, fish and eggs, etc., but should avoid grain products, fruits and lentils.
  • A person of blood type A can become ill if he eats red meat, pistachios, etc.
  • Blood type B is subject to fewer restrictions, but tomatoes could cause significant symptoms.
    A person of blood type AB should not eat butter, crustaceans and corn, as this could cause disease to the immune system.

Vegan diet with at least 50% raw food. In this diet, you should primarily eat vegetables, juicy fruits or nuts and seeds. Potatoes and legumes are allowed, but one should not exaggerate. Grain products should be avoided because they promote many diseases: anemia, hemorrhoids, diabetes, etc.

  • Raw foods contain vitamins and digestive enzymes, but the cooking process destroys these substances.
  • Plant foods are digested quickly and do not cause rot and fermentation in the digestive tract.

Many people believe that whole grains (pasta, rice, bread, etc.) are helpful foods.
In reality, however, bran and other high-fiber foods prevent the absorption of minerals such as iron, calcium and zinc.

The fiber found in grain products pierces and cuts into the inner wall of the intestine, causing bleeding. Under the microscope you can see spines and thorns.
Cereal fibres reduce the absorption of minerals and are a mechanical obstacle, as they bind to iron with their insoluble salts, thus making the absorption of minerals impossible.
Fruit fibers are softer than the fibers of cereals and bran, swell in the intestinal tract and do not cause injuries, but promote peristalsis.

The right combination of foods allows rapid digestion, which prevents putrefaction and intestinal fermentation, which release harmful and toxic substances for the organism.
For example, the body produces very acidic intestinal juices to digest proteins. But these juices prevent the metabolism of carbohydrates, which require a less acidic environment.

Medication for abdominal cramps

The doctor may recommend Buscopan®, an antispasmodic that is safe and well tolerated for abdominal cramps, pain and discomfort.

Abdominal cramps that occur as a symptom of another disease (e.g., indigestion, bloating, or viral infection) will spontaneously disappear when the disease is cured.
Sometimes mild cramps subside on their own in a few hours or days.
If the abdominal cramps persist, a mild painkiller can help.
Those who suffer from abdominal cramps should avoid the following medications:

These agents can additionally irritate the stomach.

Paracetamol (Ben-u-ron) is a mild painkiller that has fewer long-term consequences.
Healthy people can take a maximum of 4,000 mg of acetaminophen per day.
Painkillers should only be taken after consultation with the doctor; he must also be informed about the frequency and duration of intake.

Stomach remedies
If the abdominal cramps are caused by esophageal reflux, the doctor may recommend antacids such as Maalox.

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