February 4th is considered World Cancer Day and, taking advantage of the date, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), together with the World Health Organization (WHO), again highlighted the importance of fighting the disease .
The organizations are mobilizing to inform the population about the incidence of cervical cancer, which is a concern due to the rates – about 310 thousand women die victims of the disease every year.
In addition to cancer, the IARC also draws attention to cases of HPV (acronym in English for human papillomavirus). The sexually transmitted disease is able to infect the skin and mucous membranes with a virus and, in some cases, can cause cervical cancer.
However, this only happens if the infection is caused by one of the types of oncogenic viruses, that is, that have the potential to develop cancer in the patient – of the 150, at least 40 types can infect the genital region and 13 are considered oncogenic.
It should be noted that, in addition to cervical cancer, HPV can also cause other types, such as cancers in the anus, vulva, vagina and penis.
Some people with HPV do not arrive to receive the diagnosis, considering that it is not always that the infection manifests the symptoms.
However, in symptomatic patients, irregular vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods, pelvic pain, warts on the genital region and swelling in only one leg may manifest .
Although there is no cure, the HPV virus can be eliminated by the body spontaneously, however, it is necessary to worry in the same way, since 570,000 new cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed in the world in 2018.
For the prevention of infection, the vaccine has an important factor in containing the alarming numbers. This is because, when vaccinated, the organism is induced to produce antibodies that protect the body in case of possible contact. Thus, cervical cancer in women is also prevented.
Therefore, the guidance according to health entities is always to be attentive to the campaigns and the vaccination schedule.