What makes weight loss difficult? 7 tips that will help you

For some years now we have been bombarded with magic weight loss formulas, countless diets of this or that, in addition to miracle pills that will make you lose those extra pounds that you want so much.

But do not be fooled by these false promises of the market and keep in mind that who will help you, in the first place, to lose weight is yourself.

We know that there are several people who are unable to achieve the goal they set, even strictly following the instructions given to them.

But have you ever stopped to think about why this happens not just once, but twice, three, four times?

It was in view of this issue that we decided to clarify some things once and for all – 7 more precisely.

So, ready?


1. Have attitude and willpower

It is not enough just to want to lose weight, it takes attitude and a lot of will power. For that, you need a plan, with goals that you want to achieve, and a professional to guide you step by step.

After all, it is essential to know if you are in good health and if there is nothing to stop you from performing any physical activity or ingesting something that will harm you throughout the walk.

So, first of all, go to a professional you trust – you can be a physical trainer or nutritionist – and see how the plans you will follow will be, both diet and exercise.

2. See if you don’t have a disease that can make weight loss difficult

Sometimes, even if you follow everything that has been passed on to you correctly, that localized fat will not go away. That’s because you may have a disease that makes it difficult for you to lose weight.

Did you see how good it is to go to a doctor in the first place? Check below the main diseases that affect your body and prevent you from getting thin in the proper way.

Thyroid problems

The hypothyroidism is a disorder that affects the thyroid gland, located in the neck and reduces the production of two hormones: T3 and T4.

When these two hormones are reduced, our body’s metabolism becomes slower than usual, that is, you can continue to eat in the same way as always, but the body will not use this energy in the same way as before.

Polycystic ovary

Women who have polycystic ovaries normally produce two hormones in excess: insulin and testosterone. Unfortunately, the two end up causing the person to gain weight.

The first, by increasing appetite and the desire to eat sweets, and the second, by favoring the accumulation of fats in the abdomen.

Genetic problems

If you do not have any of the two diseases mentioned above and you still have extreme difficulty in losing weight, consider the fact that the problem may be genetic.

To prove whether this is true or not, it is necessary to do some genomic tests, such as the Genomic Panel for Nutrition and Exercise Response, an exam based on molecular biology and which is done to find out how the person metabolizes sugars, fats, nutrients and vitamins .

Food intolerance

Considered as one of the most common reasons that make the patient not lose weight the way he wanted – and should -, food intolerance is characterized by the fact that the person’s body is unable to digest certain foods, causing chemical reactions and inflammation in the body, which make it difficult metabolism.

Intolerances affect about 25% to 30% of the population and dairy products are the vast majority of this group.

Emotional control

According to experts, a person’s psychological state can greatly influence their metabolism. Below, we have selected 2 main feelings that make you feel more like eating.


When a person thinks that life is not giving them pleasure, endorphins are produced in lesser quantities and, lacking them, causes a desire for carbohydrates and foods rich in fats.


When someone experiences high levels of stress , cortisol is produced in greater quantities, inducing the accumulation of abdominal fat, loss of muscle mass and decreased caloric expenditure.

All this because with the increase in the hormone causes the need to compensate for the change with food.

3. If you use certain medications, they can make you fat

Some medications have components in their formulas that provide weight gain to the person who consumes them. The most frequent examples are cortisone, found in certain medications that treat allergies and bronchitis , and hormones used in some pills or contraceptive injections.

4. Make use of the formula Diet + Physical Exercise

It is a fact that starting a diet or practicing physical exercise is difficult, but once the thing is over, no one else can stop. But it is necessary to understand that it is not enough to do one or the other, these practices need to be done together.

Pay attention to the fact that you do not exaggerate when making a diet and do not set goals that are impossible to be achieved, such as losing 5 kg in a week.

So, no skipping meals or eating just twice a day , right? Ideally, more meals should be eaten throughout the day, in addition to drinking the amount of water indicated by doctors – 2 liters daily.

With regard to physical exercise, you need to make sure that you do not have any restrictive health conditions, such as heart disease, in order not to exercise the wrong way. Do a check-up before starting at the gym and then check which exercises are right for you.

5. Prizes for a good quality of life

As we already mentioned, a person’s emotional state influences a lot when thinking about losing weight. Therefore, to improve bad feelings, such as stress and tiredness , just follow a very simple tip: sleep properly.

With poor quality sleep, GH, one of the growth hormones, lowers and causes fatigue and increased cortisol in the body. Cortisol, as already explained, is the hormone that causes stress.

And then, that cycle is repeated: due to lack of sleep, the body wants to compensate for stress with high doses of blood glucose, which makes you eat sweets and fatty foods.

6. Don’t bet on wrong foods

As good as the intention to lose weight is good, some people end up substituting some foods for even worse ones. Worse in the sense that they do not help the weight loss process at all. Check out 5 of them below.

Chocolate diet

Diet chocolate is only suitable for people who cannot ingest sugar at all. But, if you do not have this restriction, make no mistake: what chocolate doesn’t bring sugar, it brings in fat.

Give preference to dark chocolate, as it contains less calories and may contain more cocoa.

Zero coolant

If you look at the composition of soft drinks that are zero calories, you will notice that they have a much higher amount of sodium than normal ones. And sodium, when consumed in large quantities, retains fluids and impairs weight loss.


It is not because the food is healthy that you can eat it in large quantities and an example of this maxim is granola. It is indicated as part of a healthy diet, but its consumption should be done in moderation.


If you are one of those who are addicted to coffee, take it easy – especially if it is sweetened with sugar. Try to reduce the consumption of the drink and avoid sweetening it with sugar.

Ready soup

As much as these soups guarantee few calories in their composition, they can have a large amount of sodium – just like zero sodas.

The consequences you already know, right? So, prefer soups prepared at home. In addition to being tastier, they have nutrients from the ingredients used in it.

7. Don’t give up

Everyone knows that there are good and bad days and with you it will be no different. Some days it will be more difficult to refuse that tempting pizza, but on others you will even be willing to exercise more than usual – but in moderation, of course.

So, don’t give up all the effort you’ve had so far. Think that, even if the result is small, you are getting closer to your final goal.
