Vegan: what does it mean? See products, recipes and diet

Stella Mccartney, Ariana Grande, Betty White, Jared Leto, Ellen Degeneres, Fernanda Paes Leme and Luisa Mell, what do these celebrities have in common? All are vegan, that is, they do not consume any product that has animal origin.

In 2018, Food Revolution released an article pointing out that the number of vegans in the United States has increased by about 600% in the last 3 years.

According to the Animal Rights News Agency (ANDA) it is estimated that, in Brazil, approximately 5 million people are practicing veganism.

But do you know what it means to be vegan and what is the impact on the environment by joining this culture? Check it all out in the article below:


What does it mean to be vegan?

Do not consume anything of animal origin, from food, clothes, products that have been tested on animals, such as cosmetics and cleaning products, characterized as being vegan.

The movement started in 1944, in England, and rejects any form of production or product that has animal raw material or, still, uses cruel processes with animals.

For this reason, being vegan is not condoning animal exploitation, be it for the food industry or entertainment, such as rodeos, zoos and exhibitions, among others.

The reasons for becoming vegan can include different aspects besides the concern for the environment, since the livestock industry uses a lot of water and deforests the forests, and also because of the ethical question that all life matters.

Thus, the practitioner may not eat products of animal origin for their own health or for religious reasons, for example.

Unlike veganism, vegetarianism can consume some products that have animal origin, such as eggs and cow’s milk, but do not consume meat. For this reason, veganism is a broader aspect and rejects all forms of animal suffering.

In general, adhering to the vegan diet is good for your health if it is well planned. This is because food now has many more natural products, such as vegetables, which are foods associated with lower risks of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes , some types of cancer , among others.

A common concern in terms of food is the lack of protein, obtained by eating meat, but it is possible to supply the nutrient from plant sources without great difficulties.

The only vitamin that needs to be replenished by supplements is vitamin B12, as this can only be obtained from the meat of the animals.

Anyone who is curious and willing to try to change their eating habits can go vegan with some tips.

Due to our eating habits, in general, we need to get used to the new diet little by little.

Therefore, many people start the vegg diet through vegetarianism and, little by little, migrate to veganism. Process called transition.

In general, meat consumption is reduced, milk and dairy products are switched to vegetable options and the egg is gradually replaced.

Learning to cook and attending food fairs can open up the palate to new fruits and vegetables. Thus, setting up a vegan menu turns out to be easy, without so much hassle and with different options.

With this movement, it has been possible to learn different types of delicious and healthy recipes without harming the animals’ lives.

Brands have positioned themselves and changed their conception, stopping tests on animals or using ingredients of animal origin, and veganism has been responsible for generating greater awareness in people.

What is a vegan food?

A vegan food is one that is not of animal origin and has no ingredient that, at some level, is the result of their exploitation. For example, in addition to being meat-free, it must be free of eggs, milk and honey.

Emergence of veganism

Veganism was created in 1944, in England, by carpenter Donald Watson. He and 5 other people created the Vegan Society, with the aim of generating a transformation in the relationship between man and animals.

For this, the idea was to disseminate a philosophy of life that did not exploit animals, both in terms of food and clothing, regardless of the purpose.

Over time, veganism became popular and gained many followers around the globe, due to their awareness of other lives and the problems related to meat consumption.

What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism?

The vegetarian does not eat animal protein, but consumes foods that are of animal origin, such as eggs, milk, etc. Vegan, on the other hand, do not eat animal protein or any product that has animal origin.

This means from foods such as honey, milk, cheese, eggs, to cosmetics that have been tested on animals, leather clothing, among others.

In comparison to vegetarianism, veganism is not restricted to food and therefore also covers consumption as a whole.

Within the vegetarian diet there are some differences:


He does not consume meat or meat products (sausage, bologna, ham), but uses eggs, milk and meat products in his diet.

They make up a significant percentage of those who adopt some type of vegg diet.


It does not consume meat or derivatives, nor does it use eggs, but makes use of milk and dairy products, such as yogurts and cheese.


It does not consume meat or meat products and does not use dairy products, but it does consume eggs.

Products that vegans cannot consume

There are products that, by far, seem suitable for vegans, but just take a look at the labels to see that they may contain traces of animal origin. Some of these products are:

Mixtures for puddings and cakes

These products may contain powdered milk and eggs in the composition.

Strawberry flavor products

To artificially reproduce the color of the strawberry, a crimson dye is used, produced by an insect (mealybug).

Wines and beers

Some of these drinks, when they undergo clarification, can use fish bladder or milk and egg protein to help in this process.

Gelatin, chewing gum and marshmallow

These 3 products use collagen, an ingredient that comes from the skin of the ox to give consistency to each of the foods.

Fabric softeners

The ammonia contained in the softener composition contains a derivative, called sebodi dimethyl ammonium, which is extracted from animals such as cows, horses and sheep.

Grocery bag or plastic bag

The famous supermarket bags, among other products made with plastic, take animal fat in the composition so that it does not deform in a short time.

Is raw meat vegan?

YEAH ! Not every vegan is raw, but everyone who adopts the raw food diet is a vegan.

The difference is that vegetables are always eaten raw. In addition to all animal life thinking, there are also benefits to nutrition.

This is because, during cooking, these foods lose part of their nutrients. So raw meat eaters choose to always eat them raw to get all possible benefits.

Meaning and reasons of the vegan diet

There are different reasons why people decide to change their eating habits and start a vegan diet, among them are:


Livestock production is largely responsible for the contamination of water sources and soil erosion, in addition to also being responsible for a large part of the emission of gases that cause the greenhouse effect, according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

About 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the activity.

Livestock also causes deforestation and uses a large volume of water and energy of the fossil type. Many people adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet to help the environment.


The vegan diet is based on the consumption of grains, vegetables, fruits, vegetables and legumes that are good for your health.

The University of Florence in Italy analyzed how veganism promotes health. The answer was that it can help prevent heart disease and even cancer.

The same study demonstrated that the vegan diet does not influence the mortality rate, but that it guarantees improvements to the organism. These benefits are part of the reason why many people change their eating habits to a vegan diet.


Animals are beings capable of feeling pain and happiness, therefore, many people do not agree with the ways of treatment and slaughter and say they are co-responsible for consuming the meat.

Annually, 70 billion terrestrial animals are killed for human consumption, Brazilian livestock kills about 193 animals per second.

For ethical reasons and against the exploitation of animals for food, beauty, among others, they choose to adopt a vegan diet.


There are religions that abhor and prohibit the consumption of meat, its practitioners adopt vegan and vegetarian diets. Examples of such religions are: Buddhism, Hinduism, Spiritism, Adventism, Jainism, etc.

Non-acceptance of taste

Some people simply do not like, nor do they enjoy eating meat because their taste buds do not accept it and consume foods present in vegetarian and vegan diets.

Benefits of the vegan diet

Adopting a vegan diet brings positive benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, among other diseases:

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

A study on the effects of vegetarian eating has shown that, because vegans consume many vitamins and natural components, their vasodilation is better than in omnivores (people who eat meat).

This is a positive point in relation to cardiovascular diseases, in which vasodilation (widening of the veins) helps to reduce the effort produced by the heart.


Vegetables and legumes contain large amounts of antioxidants. As vegans tend to consume more of these foods, they are able to acquire more tissue protection against premature aging caused by oxidants.

Adherents to veggies have a higher level of antioxidants than omnivores (people who eat meat).

Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

A survey by the American Diabetes Association showed that meat consumption increases the likelihood of developing diabetes by 26%. For frequent ingestion of ded foods, this number rises to 38% to 73%.

While in the vegetarian diet, it has been shown that the carbohydrates consumed help to provide elements for the control of metabolism in people who are likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.


The American Institute of Cancer Research conducted a study on red meat and colorectal cancer pointed out the relationship between food consumption and the incidence of cancer.

The study showed that vegetarians and vegans can also develop this type of cancer, but for people who eat meat, the rates are small and isolated.


According to a survey conducted at the University of Oxford, the body mass index ( BMI ) of vegans and vegetarians is lower compared to people who consume meat (omnivores).

Opting for a diet that involves vegetables improves quality of life and can facilitate weight loss, because meat fat is one of the villains related to obesity .

How to be vegan?

If you have a goal of becoming vegan, you need to take some precautions and precautions before fully adhering to this type of diet. Some of the initial tips are:

Learn to read labels

Some foods have ingredients of animal origin, so it is necessary that vegans pay attention to the products.

The practice of reading labels can help at the time of purchase and, among the ingredients that deserve attention are:

  • Lactic acid;
  • Albumin;
  • Carmine / carminic acid;
  • Casein;
  • Gelatine;
  • Glycerin;
  • Lecithin;
  • Omega 3;
  • Whey;
  • Vitamin A.

Go to the nutritionist

It is recommended that vegans attend a nutritionist due to the adaptations that need to be made in the diet, so that the exchange of food occurs without missing any important nutrient for the development of the organism.

When nutritional insufficiency occurs, the use of supplements may be recommended, which can be found in vegan versions.

Slowly reduce animal foods

Do not remove the meat and other foods too fast from the plate. This sudden change and in a short time will cause the organism to be strange and make adaptation difficult.

Most people go into a transition state, which goes from vegetarian to vegan gradually.

Learn to cook and open up new possibilities

When we discover the taste of cooking and preparing food, the possibilities open up to try new recipes and new habits.

Start, little by little, looking for vegan recipes and preparing at home. Thus, in addition to being able to eat healthily, you will have greater satisfaction to know that you were the one who prepared the food.

Meet new vegetables, fruits and legumes

We all have our favorite fruits, vegetables and legumes. If you intend to become vegan, it is recommended to start to know other types of these foods, other options.

Sometimes, the method of preparation and the union with another vegetable can be more pleasant to consume than just one of the foods alone.

Discover food alternatives

Did you want to eat a hamburger? How about tasting a chia burger or pulses? Or make a vegan barbecue, a broccoli pancake in a white sauce?

Research vegetable alternatives to traditional culinary dishes, such as lasagna, cakes, soups, pasta, salads, to be able to substitute in everyday life and to prepare the palate for new customs.

Consume Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron in our body, the ideal is to include this vitamin every day in the diet.

More like? Tempering to salty!

Use lemons, which are rich in vitamin C, to flavor salads or make fruit juice.

If you don’t like lemon, you can consume other foods that also have vitamin C, such as cabbage, cabbage, among others.

Replenish vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that can only be acquired by foods of animal origin, such as milk and meat (red or white).

In fact, the nutrient is synthesized by bacteria that are present in soils and pastures. Animals, when feeding, ingest these bacteria and, with this, start to house B12 in their bodies.

The nutrient is important for being responsible for the manufacture of new cells in our body. Therefore, vegans and vegetarians need to replace it so as not to suffer from diseases such as anemia .

The ideal is to be accompanied by a nutritionist, who can indicate the need for supplements and the amount of intake for each case. It is recommended to carry out blood tests with some frequency, to monitor vitamin levels.

Vegan food

Some foods are often present in the vegan diet, such as:


Soy is a grain considered a complete food. It is possible to find in soy: calcium, iron, fibers, phosphorus, good fats, magnesium, vitamin K , B vitamins like B6 and B1, potassium and zinc.


Through homemade or industrial soy processing, tofu appears, considered a vegan cheese.

In this food there is a good amount of iron, calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega 3 and 6. In addition, tofu can help to reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent clots, preventing cardiovascular diseases.


Produced based on wheat gluten , seitan is a food that has the appearance of meat and, like it, is rich in protein. It also has amino acids, B vitamins, vitamin C and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium.


It consists of a paste made with shelled sesame seeds, its appearance is similar to that of peanut butter. Rich in vitamins A, C and B6, calcium, potassium and iron, its origin is from the Middle East.

Vegan food and menu

According to the Vegan Society, setting up a vegan diet is simple and it doesn’t have to be that headache for anyone who has started following veganism.

An eating plan, for example, can include foods such as:


  • Vegetable drink (rice milk, oats, soy);
  • Whole toast;
  • Compote or sweets;
  • Apple, banana and oat vitamin made with vegetable milk;
  • Orange juice;
  • Peanut butter.


  • Tofu, soy, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas and mushrooms;
  • Brown rice, quinoa, yams, sweet potatoes, wholegrain pasta;
  • Broccoli, kale, spinach, asparagus, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, avocado, eggplant.

Afternoon snack

  • Yogurt of vegetable origin;
  • Whole grain veggies ;
  • Oilseeds (almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc.);
  • Fruits (avocado, papaya, orange, plum).


  • Grains in general, such as soybeans, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas and mushrooms.
  • Brown rice, quinoa, yams, sweet potatoes, wholegrain pasta;
  • Vegetables and vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, spinach, asparagus, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, avocados, eggplants.


  • Vegan yogurt;
  • Dried fruits, such as plums, cranberries, raisins, etc;
  • Fruit like papaya, orange, apple and banana.

Read more: Yam juice and its benefits

Vegan protein: how to include it in the diet?

Proteins have the function of helping in the production of antibodies, enzymes, neurotransmitters and make up muscle tissues, skin, among others.

Therefore, it is very important in our diet. Proteins can be found in meat, but not only. Some vegetables are also protein sources.

If the nutrient intake is low or difficult to maintain, it is possible to supplement it.

The industry started to create vegetable protein powder, using soy, peas and rice as raw material. But they can also be obtained from certain foods, such as: quinoa , beans , chia, oats, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds , chestnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.

For vegans and vegetarians, what is recommended, to reach the same level of protein obtained by meat, is to combine two of these various options of vegetable protein in order to obtain all the nutrients that the body needs.

Vegan like ovo?

No , the person practicing veganism does not consume any food of animal origin, from meat, eggs, milk and its derivatives, such as cheese and yogurt. The vegan also does not consume anything that may have exploited the animal, as in the manufacture of clothing, cosmetics, etc.

Veganism and Ayurveda

Ayurveda is characterized as a holistic medicine of Indian origin, which works with health and well-being.

The meaning of ayurveda is “science of life”, its basis is formed by the idea that the universe in which we live is formed by 5 basic elements: water, earth, space or ether, air and fire.

These elements influence our personality and temperament, as they become vital forces, which are called Doshas.

They are 3: vata, pitta and kapha. Our goal, for philosophy, is to achieve a balance between them through food and the way we live.

According to Ayurveda, when consuming meat, we obtain all the suffering and negative energy that was generated in the death of that animal, therefore, the consumption of meat is considered a poison.

Yet, there is a principle called Ahimsa, which represents compassion and non-violence with all beings. For this reason, many people who practice Ayurveda stop consuming foods of origin and derived from animals, in search of balance in life.

Veganism ended up becoming an option for these people, because their bases are similar and also because veganism offers other options for obtaining vitamins through their recipes and supplements.

Vegan recipes

Vegan food has several possibilities in creating nutritious and delicious recipes and dishes, some of which are:

Vegan burger


  • 1 cup of cooked chickpeas;
  • 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice;
  • 2 tablespoons of wholemeal bread bran;
  • 3 tablespoons of grated carrot;
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley;
  • 3 tablespoons chopped chives;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped coriander;
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon zest;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 egg white.

In a processor, put the chickpeas and process for 20 seconds, add the brown rice and process for another 10 seconds. Put the mixture in a bowl and add the wholegrain bread bran, carrot, parsley, chives, coriander, lemon zest, salt, black pepper and mix well.

Then add the egg white, mix and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, divide it into 4 parts and shape the hamburgers.

Heat a non-stick frying pan with oil spray and grill each hamburger over medium heat for approximately 6 to 8 minutes on each side. Then just consume.

Vegan chocolate cake


  • 1 and 1/4 cup of wheat flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/3 cup of cocoa;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon of cake yeast;
  • 1/2 spoon of salt;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1/3 cup of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or white wine.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, in a bowl mix the sifted flour, sugar, cocoa, yeast, baking soda and salt. Add the rest of the ingredients until you have a homogeneous mixture.

Grease a pan with oil and sprinkle with cocoa to avoid sticking to the cake.

Put the dough and bake for about 40 minutes or until the cake is well baked. Let cool, unmold and consume.

Vegan brigadeiro


  • 3 tablespoons of powdered cocoa (or 6 tablespoons of powdered chocolate);
  • 1 liter of traditional soy milk;
  • 1 cup (tea) of crystal sugar.

In a saucepan, place the soy milk and sugar, mix and leave on high heat until boiling. As soon as it boils, lower the heat and let it cook until the mixture turns a caramelized color.

Stir continuously, taking care that the mixture does not burn as you cook.

When it has a caramelized color and a denser consistency, add the cocoa powder and keep stirring.

As soon as you notice that the mixture is drying, do not stop stirring until it reaches the point of brigadeiro – that is, when it starts to loosen from the bottom of the pan.

At this point, just turn off the heat and pour the brigadeiro onto a plate.

You can serve it as a brigadeiro from a spoon or roll it with your hands greased with coconut oil, ending with cocoa powder or chocolate powder.

Vegan cheese


  • 1 cup of raw and unsalted oilseeds;
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of water + enough to cover the chestnuts;
  • 1 tablespoon of agar;
  • 1 tablespoon of sour flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • Lemon – optional;
  • Cheese essence – optional.

Soak the oilseeds for 8 hours, then drain the water and discard it. Beat the chestnuts in a blender with 1 and 1/2 cups of water, lemon juice and salt until very fine.

Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and mix the agar and sour powder. Stir constantly.

After boiling, continue stirring for another 1 to 2 minutes, if you have chosen the essences, put it at that moment.

Turn off and transfer the contents to a glass container or silicone molds with the shape you want for your cheese, refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Then unmold and serve.

Vegan barbecue


  • 2 cups of cremini mushrooms;
  • 1 cup of cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 red pepper cut into pieces;
  • 1 green pepper, cut into pieces;
  • 1 red onion, cut into pieces;
  • 1 zucchini, cut into thick slices;
  • 1 yellow zucchini, cut into thick slices.

For the marinade of vegetables:

  • 1/4 cup of olive oil;
  • 3 pressed garlic cloves;
  • 1 lemon juice;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil;
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Preheat the oven to 200º C or wait until the grill reaches that temperature.

In a small bowl mix olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, oregano and basil , and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Place the cremini mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, onions and zucchini on skewers. Place the skewers on a baking sheet. Brush the oil mixture and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes to get the taste.

There are people who like to leave it overnight, putting it on a platter and wrapping it with plastic wrap.

Make the preparation as you see fit. Put in the oven and bake until tender, for about 10 to 12 minutes or on the grill until the vegetables are just the way you like them. Serve immediately with your favorite vegan or vegetarian sauces.

Vegan pie

For the filling you will need:

  • 40g of pupunha heart of palm;
  • 150g of finely chopped green beans;
  • 1 can of select vegetables;
  • 50g of sliced ​​black olives;
  • 100g of onion;
  • 30mL of olive oil;
  • 2g oregano;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of corn starch;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Black pepper to taste.

For mass:

  • 1 box of chickpeas;
  • 20mL of olive oil;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 3g of turmeric;
  • 150g of rice flour;
  • 60mL of water.

Start with the filling, sauté the onion with oil and add the heart of palm, the green beans, the carrot and the oregano.

Cook with water until it comes to the tooth (neither spot nor raw) and season with salt and pepper.

Place the corn starch dissolved in a little water and stir until the filling is incorporated. Add the olives and turn off the heat.

In a processor, place the chickpeas, olive oil, salt, water and turmeric, then process to mix everything.

Take a bowl, add the rice flour, add the mixture and stir with the help of your hands until it forms a firm dough. Line the bottom with part of the dough and then add the filling.

Cover the filling with another part of the dough, place in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for approximately 30 minutes.

Vegan chocolate mousse


  • 1 ripe avocado;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon powder;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar cane molasses;
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence.

In a blender, add the avocado, cocoa, cinnamon, molasses and vanilla essence. Beat well, place in a container and refrigerate for 2 hours, then it is ready for consumption.

Vegan Estrogonofe


  • 1 cup of oats;
  • 2 cups of warm water;
  • 1 drizzle of olive oil;
  • 1/2 chopped onion;
  • 4 cloves of minced garlic;
  • 300 g of chopped pupunha heart of palm;
  • 100 g of sliced ​​champignon mushrooms;
  • 1 cup of tomato sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard;
  • 1/2 cup of parsley;
  • fresh thyme to taste;
  • fresh rosemary to taste;
  • 1/2 cup of water;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Black pepper to taste.

In a bowl, mix the oats with warm water and soak for 30 minutes. Then, beat in the blender and set aside. Take a frying pan, heat it with a drizzle of olive oil and sauté the onion and garlic.

Add the hearts of palm, mushrooms, tomato sauce, mustard and reserved oatmeal.

Stir well and add the parsley, thyme and fresh rosemary , add the water, season with salt and pepper to taste.

Vegan zucchini lasagna


  • 2 large zucchinis;
  • 2 col. (soup) of olives;
  • ½ teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 pinch of pepper;
  • 2 cup (tea) of tofupiry (vegan catupiry made from tofu);
  • 3 cup of sautéed fresh mushroom;
  • 2 cup (tea) of seasoned tomato sauce;
  • Fresh basil to taste;
  • Vegan parmesan for sprinkling – optional.

Cut the zucchinis into approximately ½ centimeter slices and set aside. Mix the oil with the salt and pepper, take this mixture and brush on the zucchinis.

Lightly grill the slices in a hot skillet.

In a refractory form, assemble a layer of zucchini: a layer of tofupiry and a bit of mushrooms.

Alternate the layers until the zucchini is finished, then add tofupiry and cover using the tomato sauce, basil and vegan parmesan cheese. Bake in a hot oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes

Common questions

When and where did veganism arise?

Veganism was created in 1944 in England by carpenter Donald Watson, he and five other vegetarians created the Vegan Society. In which the objective was to defend and also disseminate a philosophy of life that did not exploit animals, either in food, clothing or for any purpose.

If I raise chickens and cows without animal exploitation, can I consume their products?

No, because vegan philosophy is against any form of exploitation and consuming products stimulates their production indirectly.

The minimum required of vegans is respect for the dignity of animals, not using them as any type of resource. Characteristically, vegans do not eat animal products, even though, at first, there is no abuse.

What can a vegan eat?

Vegans can eat a variety of foods, including rice, beans, legumes, vegetables, nuts, fruits, cereals and grains.

Foods that are not consumed by vegans are those that have an animal origin, if there is no animal origin in the food it can then be adapted to the vegan diet.

Is vegan expensive?

No , it is possible to be vegan without spending a lot. For that, it is necessary to search for good places to buy, such as food fairs and natural products houses, which offer several product options, from food to cosmetics and clothes, at a good price.

What do vegans not eat?

Vegans do not eat anything of animal origin, from meat, to eggs, honey, milk and dairy products. In addition to the restriction on food, vegans do not consume any product that has been obtained through animal exploitation.

This includes clothes, shoes, cleaning products, cosmetics and also does not frequent places where animals are exploited, such as rodeos, zoos and circuses.

Vegans can only consume 100% vegan businesses?

No, it is acceptable for a vegan to buy vegan products from a company that also sells products that are not vegan. But vegan sites and groups share lists of establishments that are 100% vegan to facilitate conscious consumption, from markets, food, cosmetics, cleaning products, restaurants, pet products, etc.

What can replace meat?

Foods that can replace meat consumption are oilseeds, such as soybeans, legumes such as chickpeas, different types of beans such as peas and lentils. Tofu (vegan cheese) is also an excellent food for this, due to the nutrients.

Can vegans get vaccines and medicine?

They can, however much the vaccines are made with chicken eggs. The notion applies to drugs as well.

Even being tested on animals, the principle of veganism argues that, as far as possible, products of animal origin are excluded, but without harming human health.

Are vegans nutritionally deficient?

Yes, so it is recommended that the vegan perform routine checkups to see how your health is doing. The accompaniment of a nutritionist is also necessary, so that supplements are indicated in case of deficiency or prevention, and so that the diet is as nutritious as possible.

Do vegans consume fermented foods?

Yes, fermented foods basically contain bacteria, bacteria are living beings, which do not develop the power to feel or conscience. They don’t even have a nervous system, so they can be eaten by vegans.

Veganism is characterized as a way of life that rejects any product that has been produced through animal exploitation in its composition and the hallmark of vegans is their compassion for animals. Have you ever heard of veganism?

Share this article with your friends and family so that more people are aware of this philosophy of life.
