Diseases do not always bring symptoms characteristic of the problem. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are some of them. Odor, discharge and other annoyances are some of these signs, which can appear and not appear to be something serious.
According to data from the Ministry of Health, about 10 million people across Brazil have already experienced some symptom of a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) and approximately 29% have not sought medical help.
STDs ( HIV , gonorrhea , herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis , viral hepatitis, syphilis , HPV , among others) are a series of diseases transmitted by sexual intercourse without care and can manifest themselves in different ways.
The symptoms of some of them can disappear spontaneously, however, the disease is still present in the body, as in the case of herpes. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the appearance of some problems that may signal the presence of an STD. Are they:
Feeling pain during intercourse should not be considered normal under any circumstances. In the case of women, this discomfort can be a sign of wounds located in the inner region of the intimate organ.
The appearance of discharge does not always indicate a problem. In women, when it occurs days before menstruation, it is considered normal, as long as it has no odor and has a clear appearance.
When intense, recurrent and yellowish, whitish or even greenish in color, it can be a symptom of gonorrhea.
The intimate area has a specific, natural smell from that region. However, if abnormal odors appear, they should be investigated, as the bad smell may be associated with infections and other problems in the genital region.
Warts on the genital area
HPV is one of the diseases that has the appearance of genital warts as one of its symptoms. In this case, warts appear mainly in the intimate region, both internally and externally.
Women may not even notice the problem, as there is a possibility that warts may appear only in the vaginal canal or on the cervix. This is the reason why having a pap smear every year is extremely important.
People with numerous sexual partners are the most susceptible to contracting STDs, especially when condoms are not used during sexual intercourse.
Going to the doctor right after the first changes you feel is essential to discover the cause of the symptom. For people with an active sex life and who have relationships with multiple partners, consultation becomes even more important.
However, to avoid concerns, using condoms during sex is still the best way to prevent STDs and, therefore, should not be left out.
If you have any doubts regarding condom use, take a look at the article How to put a male and female condom and the most common mistakes .